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× Nomi Bolzano <Provincia autonoma>
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× Data 2021
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Trovati 521 documenti.

Slumdog millionaire Vikas Swarup ; retold by Helen Holwill

Swarup, Vikas

Slumdog millionaire / Vikas Swarup ; retold by Helen Holwill

New ed.

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2021

Penguin readers. Level 6

Abstract: Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of a poor, eighteen-year-old waiter in Mumbai called Ram Mohammad Thomas. Ram goes on a television quiz show, and he answers all the questions correctly. But the people who work on the programme think that he has cheated, so Ram must explain how he knew the answers.

Pip and the umbrella room M. G. Leonard ; illustrated by Tatjana Beimler

Leonard, M. G.

Pip and the umbrella room / M. G. Leonard ; illustrated by Tatjana Beimler

London : Delta Publishing ; Stuttgart : Klett, 2021

Delta Team Readers

Head, shoulders, knees and toes illustrated by Annie Kubler & Sarah Dellow

Kubler, Annie

Head, shoulders, knees and toes / illustrated by Annie Kubler & Sarah Dellow

Swindon : Childs Play (International), 2021

Buried treasure on Indian Island Paul Davenport

Davenport, Paul

Buried treasure on Indian Island / Paul Davenport

London : Delta Publishing ; Stuttgart : Klett, 2021

Delta Readers. Crime and thriller

Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery Don Haupt

Haupt, Don

Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery / Don Haupt

London : Delta Publishing ; Stuttgart : Klett, 2021

Delta Team Readers

A most clever girl Jasmine A. Stirling ; illustrated by Vesper Stamper

Stirling, Jasmine A.

A most clever girl : how Jane Austen discovered her voice / Jasmine A. Stirling ; illustrated by Vesper Stamper

New York : Bloomsbury children's books, 2021

Abstract: A most clever girl follows Jane Austen's journey to hone her craft, finding her place in the world amid joys and sorrows, and writing her famous novels..

Un debito di sangue Brenda Novak ; traduzione di Alessandra De Angelis

Novak, Brenda

Un debito di sangue / Brenda Novak ; traduzione di Alessandra De Angelis

Milano : Harper Collins, 2021

Tascabili [HarperCollins]

Abstract: Per più di un anno, Sebastian Costas ha cercato di scoprire la verità dietro l'omicidio della sua ex moglie e di suo figlio. Nonostante le prove dicano il contrario, infatti, è convinto che il secondo marito della donna, un poliziotto, abbia commesso entrambi i delitti e che poi abbia inscenato la sua stessa morte, così segue le sue tracce fino a Sacramento. Ed è qui che conosce Jane Burke, un'investigatrice privata. Jane è stata sposata con un serial killer e da cinqueLeggi tutto

Farm lullaby by Karen Jameson ; illustrated by Wednesday Kirwan

Jameson, Karen

Farm lullaby / by Karen Jameson ; illustrated by Wednesday Kirwan

San Francisco : Chronicle books, 2021

Abstract: From the largest horse to the smallest mouse, every animal on the farm has a sweet, sleepy bedtime ritual.

An american tragedy Theodore Dreiser

Dreiser, Theodor

An american tragedy / Theodore Dreiser

New York : Vintage books, 2021

Vintage classics

Abstract: Clyde Griffiths was born poor and is poorly educated, but his prospects begin to improve when he is offered a job by a wealthy uncle who owns a shirt factory. Soon he achieves a managerial position, and despite being warned to stay away from the women he manages, he becomes involved with Roberta, a poor factory worker who falls in love with him. At the same time, he catches the eye of Sondra, the glamorous socialite daughter of another factory owner, and begins neglectingLeggi tutto

Wolfboy Andy Harkness

Harkness, Andy

Wolfboy / Andy Harkness

London : Bloomsbury children's books, 2021

Abstract: Join Wolfboy in a hilarious, high-energy adventure that shows how feeling hungry can turn us all into little monsters. Wolfboy is hungry! He's drooly and growly and fussy! As he stomps through the forest looking for rabbits, he grows hungrier and growlier by the minute. What will happen if Wolfboy can't find those rabbits? And what will happen if he does?

Ace of spades Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Àbíké-Íyímídé, Faridah

Ace of spades / Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

London : Usborne, 2021

Abstract: An incendiary and utterly compelling thriller with a shocking twist that delves deep into the heart of institutionalized racism, from an exceptional new YA voice. Welcome to Niveus Private Academy, where money paves the hallways, and the students are never less than perfect. Until now. Because anonymous texter, Aces, is bringing two students' dark secrets to light. Talented musician Devon buries himself in rehearsals, but he can't escape the spotlight when his privateLeggi tutto

Hamlet William Shakespeare ; herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert von Holger Klein

Shakespeare, William

Hamlet / William Shakespeare ; herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert von Holger Klein

Stuttgart : Reclam, 2021

Reclams Universal-Bibliothek ; 18700

Ghosts of Harvard Francesca Serritella

Serritella, Francesca

Ghosts of Harvard : a novel / Francesca Serritella

New York : Random House, 2021

Abstract: Cadence Archer arrives on Harvard’s campus desperate to understand why her brother, Eric, a genius who developed paranoid schizophrenia took his own life there the year before. Losing Eric has left a black hole in Cady’s life, and while her decision to follow in her brother’s footsteps threatens to break her family apart, she is haunted by questions of what she might have missed. And there’s only one place to find answers. As Cady struggles under the enormous pressure atLeggi tutto

Alice fleck's recipes for disaster Rachelle Delaney

Delaney, Rachelle

Alice fleck's recipes for disaster / Rachelle Delaney

S.l. : Penguin Random House, 2021

Abstract: When Alice agreed to appear in a reality cooking show with her father, she had no idea she'd find herself in the middle of a mystery! Will Alice and her new friends be able to save the show? A light-hearted and funny middle grade novel for fans of Rebecca Stead and Linda Mulally Hunt.

Twelfth Night William Shakespeare ; edited and activities by Deborah J. Ellis

Ellis, Deborah

Twelfth Night : or What you will / William Shakespeare ; edited and activities by Deborah J. Ellis

Rum : Helbling languages, 2021

Helbling Shakespeare

An introduction to the study of English and American Literature Vera und Ansgar Nünning ; translated from the German by Jane Dewhurst

Nünning, Vera

An introduction to the study of English and American Literature / Vera und Ansgar Nünning ; translated from the German by Jane Dewhurst

6. Aufl

Stuttgart : Klett, 2021

Uni-Wissen. Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Complete first Guy Brook-Hart

Complete first / Guy Brook-Hart

3rd ed

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press, 2021

Shiva Baby produced by Kieran Altmann, Katie Schiller and Lizzie Shapiro ; written and directed by Emma Seligman
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Shiva Baby [Videoregistrazione] / produced by Kieran Altmann, Katie Schiller and Lizzie Shapiro ; written and directed by Emma Seligman

Great Britain : MUBI UK, 2021

Abstract: A near college graduate, Danielle, gets paid by her sugar daddy and rushes to meet her neurotic parents at a family shiva. Upon arrival, she is accosted by various estranged relatives about her appearance and lack of post-grad plans, while her confident ex-girlfriend, Maya, is applauded by everyone for getting into law school. Danielle's day takes an unexpected turn when her sugar daddy, Max, arrives at the shiva with his accomplished wife, Kim, and crying baby. As theLeggi tutto

Yellow Emma-Jean Thackray ; composed, arranged & produced by Emma-Jean Thackray

Thackray, Emma-Jean

Yellow [Audioregistrazione] / Emma-Jean Thackray ; composed, arranged & produced by Emma-Jean Thackray

Great Britain : Movementt, 2021

The Decca years 1974-1977 Michael Chapman

Chapman, Michael

The Decca years 1974-1977 [Audioregistrazione] / Michael Chapman

Great Britain : Mooncrest Records : Secret Records, 2021