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× Nomi Baricco, Alessandro
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× Livello lingua B1
× Data 2009

Trovati 135 documenti.

Travailler en français en entreprise 2 Soade Cheirifi coordinatrice ; Bruno Girardeu, Marion Mistichelli ; exercicies du CD audio-rom réalisés par Dominique Amsellem et Geneviève Vassaux

Cheirifi, Soade

Travailler en français en entreprise 2 : méthode de français sur objectifs spécifiques : niveaux A2/B1 du CECR / Soade Cheirifi coordinatrice ; Bruno Girardeu, Marion Mistichelli ; exercicies du CD audio-rom réalisés par Dominique Amsellem et Geneviève Vassaux

Paris : Didier, c2009

Buddy vocab
PC / Videogioco

Buddy vocab [Videogioco]

Wiesbaden : Braingame, c2009

Henry William Shakespeare ; script by John McDonald ; adapted for ELT by Brigit Viney

McDonald, John

Henry : the graphic novel / William Shakespeare ; script by John McDonald ; adapted for ELT by Brigit Viney

Australia [etc.] : Heinle Cengage Learning, c2009

Classical comics [Heinle Cengage Learning]

Little lord Fauntleroy Frances Hodgson Burnett ; retold by Jennifer Bassett ; illustred by Roberto Tomei

Bassett, Jennifer

Little lord Fauntleroy / Frances Hodgson Burnett ; retold by Jennifer Bassett ; illustred by Roberto Tomei

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford university press, 2009

Oxford bookworms library. Human interest, Stage 1

The call of the wild Jack London ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Hill, David A.

The call of the wild / Jack London ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2009

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Blue series, Classics, level 4

The mind map David Morrison

Morrison, David

The mind map / David Morrison

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009

Cambridge experience readers. Level 3

Abstract: Lucho and Eva are paired together for a History project. The first stage is to draw a 'Mind Map' of all their ideas. But Lucho's mind map has a mind of its own and starts to grow. The map leads Lucho and Eva on an adventure involving the ancient theft of gold in a lost city in the Colombian jungle.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso Susana Orozco González

Orozco González, Susana

Pablo Ruiz Picasso / Susana Orozco González

Milano : Hoepli, c2009

Biografías [Hoepli]. Nivel B1

Abstract: Picasso, nato a Màlaga in Andalusia nel 1881, è considerato uno dei maestri della pittura del XX secolo. La vita del grande pittore spagnolo è raccontata in questa biografia con un linguaggio semplice e appassionante che trasporta il lettore attraverso le varie fasi pittoriche dell’artista e il contesto storico in cui trascorse la propria vita. Un ricco apparato didattico accompagna la storia. Oltre a esercizi di comprensione, grammatica e lessico, sono presenti attivitàLeggi tutto

Telc language tests

Telc language tests : Übungstest 1 : Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer, A2-B1

Frankfurt am Main : Telc, 2009

Dialogues pour tous les jours

Dialogues pour tous les jours [Audioregistrazione]

Lyon : Entrefilet, c2009

Bien-dire essentials ; 121

The price of peace retold by Christine Lindop

Lindop, Christine

The price of peace : stories from Africa / retold by Christine Lindop

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2009

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. World stories, Stage 4

Abstract: Careful, Connie, please. Your little sister's eyes are looking angry. Look at the sudden lines around her mouth. Connie, a sister is a good thing. Even a younger sister. 'Mercy, who are you going out with?' Connie gets an answer to her question, but it is not the answer she wants to hear. And what is the price of peace between sisters? (

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Giovanni Da Re

Borsbey, Janet

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Giovanni Da Re

Recanati : ELI, c2009

Young adult Eli readers. stage 3

The beautiful game Steve Flinders

Flinders, Steve

The beautiful game / Steve Flinders

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2009

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Factfiles, Stage 2

Abstract: Some call it football, some call it soccer, and to others it's 'the beautiful game'. By any name, it's a sport with some fascinating stories. There is murder in Colombia, and a game that lasts for two days where many players never see the ball. There's the French writer who learnt lessons about life from playing football, and the women players who had to leave the club grounds because 'Women's football isn't nice'. The cups, the leagues, the World Cup finals, the stars,Leggi tutto

Stories of ghosts and mystery Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Rudyard Kipling, Nathaniel Hawthorne ; retold by Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Janet Cameron ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Stories of ghosts and mystery / Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Rudyard Kipling, Nathaniel Hawthorne ; retold by Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Janet Cameron ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2009

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

Abstract: Three authors, masters of mystery and supsense, reveal the obscure corners of the supernatural.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Zoo dentists Rob Waring, series editor

Zoo dentists / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: Two dentists in California treat some very special patients, animals. Animals can develop tooth problems just like humans. These dentists help them, but sometimes it can be dangerous. How do they treat these animal? Have they ever been hurt by one? (dalla 4. di cop.)

Blue cows? Rob Waring, series editor

Blue cows? / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: Farmers in Idia have a serious problem. A local animal is eating their food. However, the farmers cannot hurt the animal because it has a special name. How can a name protect an animal? What will the farmers do? (dalla 4. di cop.)

Zoo dentists Rob Waring, series editor

Zoo dentists / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: Two dentists in California treat some very special patients, animals. Animals can develop tooth problems just like humans. These dentists help them, but sometimes it can be dangerous. How do they treat these animal? Have they ever been hurt by one? (dalla 4. di cop.)

Shake hands forever Ruth Rendell ; retold by John Escott

Rendell, Ruth

Shake hands forever / Ruth Rendell ; retold by John Escott

1st ed

Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann ELT, 2009

Macmillan readers. Pre-intermediate

Abstract: The murder of Angela Hathall was extremely well planned. The only clue left was a single fingerprint with an L-shaped scar. The detective in charge, Reg Wexford, suspects that Angela's husband Robert Hathall killed his wife. But one question troubles Wexford most of all. Who is the mysterious woman Wexford is sure Hathall is seeing? Does she have an L-shaped scar on her finger?

Bewerbungstraining von Nadja Fügert, Ulrike A. Richter

Fügert, Nadja

Bewerbungstraining : Kursmaterial Deutsch als Zweitsprache / von Nadja Fügert, Ulrike A. Richter

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, c2009

El matadero Esteban Echeverría ; adaptación didáctica y actividades por Rosana Ariolfo ; ilustraciones de Duilio Lopez

Ariolfo, Rosana

El matadero / Esteban Echeverría ; adaptación didáctica y actividades por Rosana Ariolfo ; ilustraciones de Duilio Lopez

Genova : Cideb, 2009

Leer y aprender [Cideb]. Nivel tercero B1

En la selva oscura Horacio Quiroga ; explotación didáctica y notas de Dimma Molinari

Quiroga, Horacio

En la selva oscura : cinco cuentos / Horacio Quiroga ; explotación didáctica y notas de Dimma Molinari

Milano : Hoepli, c2009

Clásicos [Hoepli]. Nivel A2/B1

Abstract: Nei racconti di Quiroga il mondo reale, con le difficoltà e l’inclemenza della vita nella foresta, si fonde con un mondo che si situa tra l’onirico e il fatato, evidente soprattutto nella raccolta scritta per i figli, Cuentos de la selva. [..] I racconti sono affiancati da esercizi e note che ne facilitano la comprensione, mentre attività grammaticali ed esercizi propedeutici alla produzione scritta e orale trovano ampio spazio nelle pause di lettura e nella sezioneLeggi tutto