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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento

Trovati 332 documenti.

Student book Jo McEntire ; series consultant Lawrence J. Zwier

McEntire, Jo

Student book / Jo McEntire ; series consultant Lawrence J. Zwier

Boston : National Geographic learning ; Summertown : Cengage learning, c2014

Fa parte di: Reading and vocabulary Focus 11

Elementary language practice Michael Vince

Vince, Michael

Elementary language practice : english grammar and vocabulary : [with key] / Michael Vince

3rd ed

Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann, 2010

Complete first for schools Guy Brook-Hart, Susan Hutchison ..(et a.)

Brook-Hart, Guy

Complete first for schools : student's book and workbook, with eBook and digital pack / Guy Brook-Hart, Susan Hutchison ..(et a.)

2. ed

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press : UCLES, 2022

Youth Joseph Conrad

Conrad, Joseph

Youth / Joseph Conrad

Milano : La spiga ; Vimercate , c1991

Improve your English [La Spiga]

Work on your grammar

Work on your grammar : intermediate B1

London : Harper Collins Publishers, 2013

The oval portrait and other stories Edgar Alla Poe ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Annabel Pope

Pope, Annabel

The oval portrait and other stories / Edgar Alla Poe ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Annabel Pope

Torino : Edisco, 2016

Rainbows [Edisco]. Intermediate

Teacher's book Guy Brook-Hart

Brook-Hart, Guy

Teacher's book / Guy Brook-Hart

2nd ed

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press, 2014

Cambridge English [Cambridge University Press]

Fa parte di: Complete First

Interactive English
eBook / testo digitale

Interactive English [Risorsa elettronica]

Novara : De Agostini professionale, c2003

Corsi [De Agostini]

A2 Key 1

A2 Key 1 : with answers : authentic practice tests

Cambridge : Cambridge University press : UCLES, 2019

Amazing explorers text by Anne Collins ; series edited by Fiona MacKenzie

Collins, Anne

Amazing explorers / text by Anne Collins ; series edited by Fiona MacKenzie

London : HarperCollins, c2014

Collins English readers. Level 3

Abstract: The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Marco Polo who taught the world about China; Ibn Battuta who travelled to 44 countries; Christopher Columbus who discovered new worlds; James Cook, first to sail around the world in both directions; David Livingstone who explored Africa; Yuri Gagarin, the first man to go into space. (

Check in Paola Gherardelli, Elisa Wiley Harrison

Gherardelli, Paola

Check in : English for tourism / Paola Gherardelli, Elisa Wiley Harrison

Milano : Hoepli, c2004

Writing sentences Dorothy E. Zemach

Zemach, Dorothy E.

Writing sentences : the basics of writing : student book / Dorothy E. Zemach

Oxford : Macmillan Education, c2011

Macmillan writing series

Inglese 4

Inglese 4 [Audioregistrazione]

Italia : Edizioni Musicali Dinocroc : Dinocroc : RAI fiction : Dinocroc International Training Insitute, 2005

Sing along

Fa parte di: Hocus & Lotus [inglese 1-5]4

Inglese 5

Inglese 5 [Audioregistrazione]

Italia : Edizioni Musicali Dinocroc : Dinocroc : RAI fiction : Dinocroc International Training Insitute, 2005

Sing along

Fa parte di: Hocus & Lotus [inglese 1-5]5

On Track Stage 1 Victoria Ellis, Sarah Lawrey and Doug Dickinson

Ellis, Victoria

On Track Stage 1 / Victoria Ellis, Sarah Lawrey and Doug Dickinson

4. ed

Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2019

Fa parte di: ICT Starters

Jospeh Andrews Henry Fielding ; [adaptation, notes and exercises Rachel J. Roberts ; language consultant Theresa Arago ; cover Rachel J. Roberts ; editing Paul Keating]

Roberts, Rachel J.

Jospeh Andrews / Henry Fielding ; [adaptation, notes and exercises Rachel J. Roberts ; language consultant Theresa Arago ; cover Rachel J. Roberts ; editing Paul Keating]

Milano : La spiga languages, c2004

Improve your English [La spiga languages]. Intermediate readers

Ernest Hemingway Scott Wheeldon

Wheeldon Scott

Ernest Hemingway / Scott Wheeldon

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Biographies [Hoepli]. Level B1

Abstract: Hemingway, romanziere e giornalista, raggiunse in vita popolarità e fama. Con il romanzo Il vecchio e il mare vinse il premio Pulitzer nel 1953 e l’anno successivo fu insignito del Premio Nobel per la letteratura. Dopo una turbolenta e intensa vita, morì suicida nel luglio 1961.. (

Hocus and Lotus characters: Beatrix ; text: Traute Taeschner ; music by Lisa Francese [et al.] ; voices: Robert Steiner, Flaminia Fegarotti

Hocus and Lotus [Audioregistrazione] : Inglese 4 / characters: Beatrix ; text: Traute Taeschner ; music by Lisa Francese [et al.] ; voices: Robert Steiner, Flaminia Fegarotti

Italia : Dinocroc DITI, c2005 : Rai fiction

Sing along

Abstract: Episodi, da 1 a 6, della serie di cartoni animati Hocus & Lotus, un'iniziativa diretta a facilitare l'apprendimento delle lingue in età precoce

Disney's magic english
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Disney's magic english [Videoregistrazione]

S.l. : Disney ; Italia : La Repubblica, 2006

Disney DVD

The diaries of Adam and Eve Mark Twain ; notes and activities by Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Clarke

Twain, Mark <1835-1910>

The diaries of Adam and Eve / Mark Twain ; notes and activities by Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Clarke

Milano : Hoepli, c2015

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1

Abstract: This is the story of the first man and woman exploring an unknown and incomprehensible world. Twain leads us through the garden home of the first couple in the biblical creation story allowing us to rediscover the world in a new and refreshing light. We are taken on a timeless journey from the very beginnings of their separate lives on earth up to their innocent courtship, their suffering during the Fall and the triumph of their love. As they write down their thoughts andLeggi tutto