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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento -- Libri per ragazzi

Trovati 507 documenti.

Student's book Tim Falla

Falla, Tim

Student's book / Tim Falla

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c1999

Oxford English video [Oxford University Press]

Fa parte di: Watch this! 2 / Tim Falla1

Student's book Richard MacAndrews

MacAndrew, Richard

Student's book / Richard MacAndrews

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c1999

Oxford English video [Oxford University Press]

Fa parte di: Watch this! 3 / Richard MacAndrew1

ELI picture dictionary English junior devised by Joy Olivier ; illustrated by Elena Staiano

ELI picture dictionary English junior / devised by Joy Olivier ; illustrated by Elena Staiano

Recanati : ELI, 2000-2001

My house Geronimo Stilton

Stilton, Geronimo

My house / Geronimo Stilton

Ed. spec

Milano : RCS quotidiani, stampa 2007

Fa parte di: English!7

Abstract: Corriere della Sera presenta Geronimo Stilton English!, il primo, nuovo e facile corso d'inglese di Geronimo Stilton dedicato ai più piccoli per imparare l'inglese.. divertendosi! In ogni uscita un libro illustrato con le storie in inglese di Geronimo, Benjamin e Tea Stilton e dei loro compagni di classe e di avventura, con i test, le canzoni e i vocaboli da imparare. Inoltre ogni fascicolo comprende il CD audio per parlare subito inglese e l'Exercise book per mettereLeggi tutto

Numbers and colours Geronimo Stilton

Stilton, Geronimo

Numbers and colours / Geronimo Stilton

Ed. spec

Milano : RCS quotidiani, stampa 2007

Fa parte di: English!1

Abstract: Corriere della Sera presenta Geronimo Stilton English!, il primo, nuovo e facile corso d'inglese di Geronimo Stilton dedicato ai più piccoli per imparare l'inglese.. divertendosi! In ogni uscita un libro illustrato con le storie in inglese di Geronimo, Benjamin e Tea Stilton e dei loro compagni di classe e di avventura, con i test, le canzoni e i vocaboli da imparare. Inoltre ogni fascicolo comprende il CD audio per parlare subito inglese e l'Exercise book per mettereLeggi tutto

Let's go to the moutains! Geronimo Stilton

Stilton, Geronimo

Let's go to the moutains! / Geronimo Stilton

Milano : Corriere della Sera, c2008 (stampa 2007)

Fa parte di: English!16

Months and seasons Geronimo Stilton

Stilton, Geronimo

Months and seasons / Geronimo Stilton

Milano : Corriere della Sera, 2007

Fa parte di: English!11

Who's who? illustrated by Laura Penone

Who's who? / illustrated by Laura Penone

Recanati : ELI, c2007

Come to my house! Stéphane Husar, Loïc Méhée

Husar, Stéphane

Come to my house! / Stéphane Husar, Loïc Méhée

Milano : Curci young, stampa 2013

Imparo l'inglese con cat and mouse [Curci young]

Abstract: Un gatto americano e un topo inglese.. Che confusione, vero? E invece no! Cat and Mouse s’intendono a meraviglia e sono entrambi molto curiosi. Cat and Mouse parlano inglese e insieme a loro puoi farlo anche tu! Guarda le illustrazioni, ascolta i loro dialoghi sul cd, impara vocaboli e pronunce, ripeti le frasi. Con Cat and Mouse imparare l’inglese è facile e divertente! Con Cat and Mouse, Come to my house!, sei invitato a casa di Cat per conoscere il suo nuovo animaleLeggi tutto

Katherine Mansfield short stories Katherine Mansfield ; adaptation by Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Fabio Visintin

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Katherine Mansfield short stories / Katherine Mansfield ; adaptation by Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Fabio Visintin

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2014

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: The Garden Party talks about class consciousness, sensitivity and the co-existence of life and death. In The Singing Lesson there is the struggle of love and fear. Feminism and materialism are the themes of A Cup of Tea.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Canzoncine in inglese illustrazioni: Silvia Raga

Canzoncine in inglese / illustrazioni: Silvia Raga

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti, 2011

English for kids [Giunti]

The incredible journey Sheila Burnford ; retold by Joanna Strange

Strange, Joanna

The incredible journey / Sheila Burnford ; retold by Joanna Strange

London : Penguin books, 2004

Penguin readers. Level 3

Abstract: The country is wild and dangerous. Mountains are high, rivers run fast, and there are strange animals in the woods. But three family pets, two dogs and a cat, begin a long, long walk through western Canada. They miss their family and they are trying to get home. But will anyone see them again? (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The Canterbury tales Geoffrey Chaucer ; text adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; additional activities by Rebecca Raynes and Robert Hill ; illustred by Giovanni Manna

Sellen, Derek

The Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer ; text adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; additional activities by Rebecca Raynes and Robert Hill ; illustred by Giovanni Manna

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2007

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Paul learns to plan Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Vaness Lovegrove

Puchta, Herbert

Paul learns to plan / Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Vaness Lovegrove

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

The thinking train. Level D

Janey's giants Nick Warburton ; illustrated by Toni Goffe

Warburton, Nick

Janey's giants / Nick Warburton ; illustrated by Toni Goffe

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2005

TreeTops [Oxford University press]. Stage 11

The terrible power of house Rabbit Susan Gates ; illustrated by Martin Remphry

Gates, Susan

The terrible power of house Rabbit / Susan Gates ; illustrated by Martin Remphry

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2005

TreeTops [Oxford University press]. Stage 14

Purple buttons Angela Bull ; illustrated by Sue Porter

Bull, Angela

Purple buttons / Angela Bull ; illustrated by Sue Porter

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2005

TreeTops [Oxford University press]. Stage 10

The revenge of captain blood Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Judy Brown

Shipton, Paul

The revenge of captain blood / Paul Shipton ; illustrated by Judy Brown

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2005

TreeTops [Oxford University press]. Stage 13

Blackbones saves the school Alan MacDonald ; illustrated by Doffy Weir

MacDonald, Alan

Blackbones saves the school / Alan MacDonald ; illustrated by Doffy Weir

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2005

TreeTops [Oxford University press]. Stage 11

The toy soldier retold by Georgina Swinburne

Swinburne, Georgina

The toy soldier / retold by Georgina Swinburne

London : Penguin books, 2000

Penguin young readers [Pearson education]. Level 4