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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento -- Manuali per stranieri

Trovati 564 documenti.

Effective international business communication Bob Dignen with Ian McMaster

Dignen, Bob

Effective international business communication / Bob Dignen with Ian McMaster

London : Collins, 2013

English for business [Collins]

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
S.EN 65 DIG 1
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Fifteen units cover listening and speaking skills, non-verbal communication, and key interpersonal skills such as influencing and developing trust. Includes the challenges of global communication by e-mail, teleconferences and in virtual teams. Each unit features tip boxes on best practice for communication, model conversations and case studies. (

The swan on the Avon Annabel Pope

Pope, Annabel

The swan on the Avon : the life and times of William Shakespeare / Annabel Pope

Torino : Edisco, 2011

Rainbows [Edisco]. Pre-intermediate

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Mediateca multilingueScaffale aperto
EN 753 POP
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
A training course for TEFL. [et al.] Peter Hubbard .

A training course for TEFL. [et al.] / Peter Hubbard .

8. ed.

Oxford : Oxford university press, 1990

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Civica C. BattistiMagazzino
120 C 922
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Round the world in eighty days Jules Verne ; simplified by D. K. Swan ; illustrated by Robert Geary

Swan, D. K.

Round the world in eighty days / Jules Verne ; simplified by D. K. Swan ; illustrated by Robert Geary

London : Longman, 1991

Longman classics. Stage 2

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Istituto IS II grado GandhiLiceo Scientifico Pascal
428. SWA
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Istituto pluricomprensivo paritario MarcellineScaffale aperto
428.64 SWA
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Student's book John Hughes, Helen Stephenson, Paul Dummett

Hughes, John

Student's book / John Hughes, Helen Stephenson, Paul Dummett

Andover : National Geographic learning : Cengage learning, c2013

Fa parte di: Life : pre-intermediate1

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 322 LIF
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Drawing on National Geographic content, this title transforms the learning experience into a journey with images, articles and videos

Business English Robert Dennis

Dennis, Robert

Business English : il corso facile e veloce per un inglese commerciale chiaro ed efficace / Robert Dennis

Colognola ai Colli : Gribaudo, 2020

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca specialistica Formazione professionale italianaScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
The Amazing Human Body Rob Waring, series editor

The Amazing Human Body / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2010

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 755 WAR 1 con DVD
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: The human body is an amazing "machine" made up of diferent systems that allow us to do things like run, eat and breathe. These systems work together to keep the body functioning normally and healthily. How does the human body actually work? Wahat jobs do the systems perform?.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The complete guide to learning a language Gill James

James, Gill

The complete guide to learning a language : how to learn a language with the least amount of difficulty and the most amount of fun / Gill James

Oxford : How to books, c2003

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
D05 428 JAM
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Student's book

Student's book : Vaughan Jones .. [et al.]

Milano [etc.] : Pearson : Longman, 2016

Always learning [Pearson]

Fa parte di: Focus ahead : pre-intermediate

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 321 FOC
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Student's book, Workbook and eBook with CLIL Liz and John Soars, Paul Hancock

Soars, Liz

Student's book, Workbook and eBook with CLIL / Liz and John Soars, Paul Hancock

5th ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2018

Fa parte di: Headway digital gold B1+

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 322 HEA
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Rebecca Daphne Du Maurier ; retold by Margaret Tarner

Tarner, Margaret

Rebecca / Daphne Du Maurier ; retold by Margaret Tarner

Oxford : Macmillan, 2005

Macmillan readers. Upper

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Salorno - BibliotecaSezione adulti saggistica
428 TAR
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Reading Anna Osborn

Osborn, Anna

Reading : B1+ intermediate / Anna Osborn

London : Collins, 2012

English for life [Collins]

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Global advanced

Global advanced

Oxford : Macmillan, 2012

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
selezionare il volume
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as an international language. Global offers a comprehensive range of interactive digital components for use in class, out of class and even on the move. These include extra listening, video material and online practice (

Improve your english Clive Malcolm Griffiths

Griffiths, Clive Malcolm

Improve your english : livello A1 / Clive Malcolm Griffiths

Firenze [etc.] : Demetra, 2017

Quaderni di lingue [Demetra]

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Salorno - BibliotecaSezione adulti saggistica
428 GRI - 1
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Egna - Biblioteca EndidaeScaffale aperto
428.2 GRI - 1
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Workbook with answers Mark Harrison

Harrison, Mark

Workbook with answers / Mark Harrison

Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2012

Cambridge English [Cambridge University Press]

Fa parte di: Complete IELTS : Bands 5-6.5

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 44 IELTS 22
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Merano - Mediateca multilingueScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Cambridge English First for schools 3

Cambridge English First for schools 3 : with answers : authentic examination papers

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2018

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 44 FB2 25
Prestabile 30 gg.Non a scaffale
Merano - Mediateca multilingueScaffale aperto
EN 44 FB2 5
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Grammar finder John Eastwood

Eastwood, John

Grammar finder / John Eastwood

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2005

Fa parte di: Oxford learner's grammar

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: A fresh approach to grammar through a set of interlinked grammar resources-reference book, practice book, interactive CD-ROM

The phantom of the opera Gaston Leroux ; translated from the French and retold by Stephen Colbourn

Colbourn, Stephen

The phantom of the opera / Gaston Leroux ; translated from the French and retold by Stephen Colbourn

Oxford : Macmillan, 2005

Macmillan readers. Beginner

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Appiano - Scuola secondaria I grado G. PascoliScaffale aperto
R 428.64 COL
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Appiano - Scuola secondaria I grado G. PascoliScaffale aperto
R 428.64 COL
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Merano - Istituto comprensivo Merano 2Sc. secondaria L.Negrelli_Merano
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Grandad's magic gadgets Helen Everett-Camplin

Everett-Camplin, Helen

Grandad's magic gadgets / Helen Everett-Camplin

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2010

Cambridge discovery readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 2

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 752 EVE
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Chuckwagon racing Rob Waring, series editor

Chuckwagon racing / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Leonardo da VinciScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Every year, over 500 cowboys and cowgirls gather in western Canada. They want to test their rodeo skills at the famous Calgary Stampede. This year, two cowboys intend to win one of the most exciting, and dangerous, events: chuckwagon racing.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)