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eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Tejinder


Tektime, 21/01/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Akne-Behandlung

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 21/01/2021


  • Lingua: tedesco
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Akne ist die Plage von Hunderten von Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, und die meisten dieser Menschen sind jung und emotional schlecht gerüstet, um mit der Peinlichkeit, sogar Schuld und Scham und oft auch Mobbing umzugehen, die nur allzu oft einen Ausbruch von Akne begleiten. Das in dieser Broschüre enthaltene Wissen wird Ihnen helfen, mit Akne umzugehen,PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Tratamiento del acné

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Sevilla, Arturo Juan Rodríguez

Tratamiento del acné

Tektime, 21/01/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Tratamiento del acné

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 21/01/2021


  • Lingua: spagnolo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: El acné es la plaga de cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo, y la mayoría de esas personas son jóvenes y están mal preparadas emocionalmente para hacer frente a la vergüenza, incluso a la culpa y la vergüenza, y a menudo también a la intimidación, que con demasiada frecuencia acompañan a un brote de acné. El conocimiento contenido en este folleto le ayudará a enfrentar el acné,PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Aggressionsbewältigung. Wut und Frustration kontrollieren

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Tejinder

Aggressionsbewältigung. Wut und Frustration kontrollieren

Tektime, 21/01/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Aggressionsbewältigung. Wut und Frustration kontrollieren

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 21/01/2021


  • Lingua: tedesco
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Viele Menschen glauben, dass die Wut in der Weltbevölkerung insgesamt in alarmierendem Maße zunimmt. Es werden verschiedene Gründe vorgeschlagen, von denen einige sind: Gewalt im Fernsehen und in Filmen; Chemikalien und E-Nummern in verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln; das Besprühen von Pflanzen; Chemtrails von Flugzeugen; Alkohol- und Drogenmissbrauch; eine Abnahme der Selbstkontrolle; reduzierter Glaube an Gott; mangelnder Respekt vor traditionellen Autoritätspersonen und viele andere.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Klopotliwy dar. Duchowy przewodnik, duch tygrysa i przerazaj?ca matka!

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Cierniak, Michał

Klopotliwy dar. Duchowy przewodnik, duch tygrysa i przerazaj?ca matka!

Tektime, 23/01/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Klopotliwy dar. Duchowy przewodnik, duch tygrysa i przerazaj?ca matka!

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 23/01/2021


  • Lingua: polacco
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Megan jest nastoletnią medium. Chciałaby zrozumieć swoje moce, lecz nikt nie potrafi jej w tym pomóc... a przynajmniej nikt ze świata żywych.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

??????o? ?a ?e?z?. ?y?o?, ??????a ? ?o?ze??e?o ?a ?o??a ?e? ?o?

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Skopje, Deixis Dooel

??????o? ?a ?e?z?. ?y?o?, ??????a ? ?o?ze??e?o ?a ?o??a ?e? ?o?

Tektime, 28/01/2021

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Titolo e contributi: ??????o? ?a ?e?z?. ?y?o?, ??????a ? ?o?ze??e?o ?a ?o??a ?e? ?o?

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 28/01/2021


  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Синџирот на Дејзи Љубов, интрига и подземјето на Коста дел Сол Дејзи, гордата ќерка на богатиот бивш гангстер од Лондон, Џон, и неговата жена од Шпанија, Тереза, израснала во Марбеља на Коста дел Сол, односно Коста дел Криминал. Нејзините родители ѝ се идоли, а својот стар татко сака да го импресионира така што ќе му помогне во водењето на семејните бизниси по факултет. Меѓутоа, катастрофалното погрешно расудување ќе доведе до семејна трагедија, па мајката на Дејзи ќе ја префрли на побезбеден пат, да помага на локалната заедница за покор. Синџирот на Дејзи е трагична приказна со пријатен среќен крај.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

La gestione della rabbia. Controllare la rabbia e la frustrazione

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Favaro, Alberto

La gestione della rabbia. Controllare la rabbia e la frustrazione

Tektime, 08/02/2021

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Titolo e contributi: La gestione della rabbia. Controllare la rabbia e la frustrazione

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 08/02/2021


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Molte persone credono che la rabbia nella popolazione mondiale stia crescendo con un ritmo allarmante. Ci sono vari motivi proposti per spiegarlo, tra i quali: la violenza in televisione e nei film; additivi chimici nei cibi processati; uso dei pesticidi; scie chimiche degli aerei; abuso di alcool e di altre sostanza; un calo dell'autocontrollo; diminuzione della credenza in Dio; mancanza di rispetto per le tradizionali figure autoritarie, e molte altre.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Traitement contre l'acné

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Clauzon, Sylvie

Traitement contre l'acné

Tektime, 12/02/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Traitement contre l'acné

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 12/02/2021


  • Lingua: francese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: L'acné est le fléau de centaines de millions de personnes dans le monde, et la plupart sont jeunes et pas assez sûres d'elles pour faire face à la gêne, et même à la culpabilité et à la honte, et souvent à l'intimidation, qui accompagnent trop souvent une poussée d'acné. Les connaissances contenues dans ce livre vous aideront à faire face à l'acné,PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

La maîtrise de la colère. Maîtriser la colère et la frustration

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen

La maîtrise de la colère. Maîtriser la colère et la frustration

Tektime, 15/02/2021

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: La maîtrise de la colère. Maîtriser la colère et la frustration

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 15/02/2021


  • Lingua: francese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Beaucoup de gens pensent que la colère de la population mondiale dans son ensemble augmente à un rythme alarmant. Diverses raisons sont avancées, dont les suivantes : la violence à la télévision et dans les films ; les produits chimiques et numéros en E dans les aliments transformés ; la pulvérisation des récoltes ; les traces de produits chimiques provenant des avions ; l'alcoolisme et la toxicomanie ; la diminution de la maîtrise de soi ; la diminution de la croyance en Dieu ; le manque de respect pour les figures traditionnelles de l'autorité, et bien d'autres encore.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Trattare l'acne

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Staffa, Virginia

Trattare l'acne

Tektime, 16/02/2021

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Trattare l'acne

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 16/02/2021


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: L'acne è un flagello per centinaia di milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. La maggior parte di esse sono giovani e non emotivamente preparate ad affrontare l'imbarazzo, addirittura il senso colpa e la vergogna, e spesso anche il bullismo, che troppo spesso seguono la comparsa dell'acne.Le informazioni contenute in questo manuale ti aiuteranno a gestire l'acne.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Come allevare le carpe koi

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Canini, Eleonora

Come allevare le carpe koi

Tektime, 17/02/2021

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Come allevare le carpe koi

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 17/02/2021


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Il contenuto di questo ebook sui laghetti da giardino per carpe Koi e i temi correlati è suddiviso in diciotto capitoli che vi aiuteranno a scegliere un posto per il vostro laghetto, ad allestirlo e a mantenerlo tutto l'anno, nonché a prendervi cura dei vostri preziosi pesci durante le varie stagioni, persino in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse. Potrebbe inoltre aiutarvi a intraprendere una nuova carriera.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

?? A??????o?. ? ??o??o??????? ???o??a ??a? ?????o??? ???o?????a? ????o?????

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Goula, Eleni

?? A??????o?. ? ??o??o??????? ???o??a ??a? ?????o??? ???o?????a? ????o?????

Tektime, 20/02/2021

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Titolo e contributi: ?? A??????o?. ? ??o??o??????? ???o??a ??a? ?????o??? ???o?????a? ????o?????

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 20/02/2021


  • Lingua: greco
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Ο Χενγκ Λι άρχισε να νιώθει περίεργα ξαφνικά, οπότε πάει στην τοπική σαμάνο, που τυχαίνει να είναι θεία τους. Του κάνει μερικές εξετάσεις κι αποφασίζει ότι ο Χενγκ δεν έχει αίμα, αλλά πώς θα το πει στην οικογένειά του και τι θα κάνουν γι' αυτό;PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Die Wanbegrip. 'n Spirituele Gids, 'n Spook Tier, En Een Vreesaanjaende Ma! Ediz. afrikaans

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Riekie

Die Wanbegrip. 'n Spirituele Gids, 'n Spook Tier, En Een Vreesaanjaende Ma! Ediz. afrikaans

Tektime, 20/02/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Die Wanbegrip. 'n Spirituele Gids, 'n Spook Tier, En Een Vreesaanjaende Ma! Ediz. afrikaans

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 20/02/2021


  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Misconception is the first story in a series of twenty-three novelettes about the spiritual development of a young girl called Megan. She has latent supernatural powers that make her curious about them, but no-one else she knows seems to have any idea what she is talking about.Or do they? Because both her grandmother and her mother do everything that they possibly can to stop Megan from finding out any more. The story shows Megan's frustration with the living, so when help comes from Beyond, she grasps it with open arms and slowly develops her supernatural powers.It is about Megan's Awakening.'The Misconception' is about the paranormal powers which lie within all of us, which would make them not so much paranormal as quite normal, if people were not so frightened of the supernatural, which is quite natural too.This is a book for everyone who has ever wondered about the supernatural, paranormal or metaphysical – it is about the normal, spiritual development that all higher life have to go through in order to reach their ultimate, unavoidable destiny, however long that may take. These stories are based on fact in more ways than one.This series may look as if it is only for children, but it is for all ages.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Umur Ketiga Belas Megan. Roh Pemandu, Roh Harimau, dan Seorang Ibu yang Menakutkan!

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Hennay

Umur Ketiga Belas Megan. Roh Pemandu, Roh Harimau, dan Seorang Ibu yang Menakutkan!

Tektime, 22/02/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Umur Ketiga Belas Megan. Roh Pemandu, Roh Harimau, dan Seorang Ibu yang Menakutkan!

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 22/02/2021


  • Lingua: indonesiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Ulang Tahun Ketiga Belas Megan adalah volume kedua dari dua puluh tiga Seri Megan. Orang tua Megan mengadakan pesta besar untuk merayakan ulang tahun Megan, seorang anak indigo yang telah tumbuh menjadi seorang remaja. Keluarga dan teman-temannya diundang ke acara besar itu. Ada pula Jack Hammer, seorang DJ lokal idolanya yang memainkan musik. Dia bertanya-tanya apakah akan ada yang bisa melihat temannya, roh harimau Siberia yang besar sekali bernama Grrr. Akan tetapi, dia pun tak menyangka akan bertemu dengan orang asing yang tampan. Seri Megan diperuntukkan bagi orang-orang di segala usia yang tertarik dengan hal-hal spiritual.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Megan On Üç Yasinda. Rehber Ruh, Hayalet Kaplan ve Korkunç Bir Anne!

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Anon

Megan On Üç Yasinda. Rehber Ruh, Hayalet Kaplan ve Korkunç Bir Anne!

Tektime, 23/02/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Megan On Üç Yasinda. Rehber Ruh, Hayalet Kaplan ve Korkunç Bir Anne!

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 23/02/2021


  • Lingua: turco
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: "Megan On Üç Yaşında" adlı bu kitap, yirmi üç kitaptan oluşan Megan serisinin ikinci sayısı. Bu hafta psişik kız Megan'ın doğum günü, bu yüzden ailesi onun artık genç kız oluşunu kutlamak için büyük bir parti planlamakta. Bu partiye tüm ailesi ve arkadaşları davetli ve kahramanı DJ Jack Hammer patisinde davetlileri müziğiyle coşturacak. Partisinde acaba hayalet Sibirya kaplanı Grrr'ı kimse fark eder mi diye merak ediyor, ancak bu esnada yakışıklı bir çocuğa rastlayabileceği ihtimalinden tamamen habersiz. Megan Serisi, psişik güçlere ilgi duyan herkesin okuyabileceği bir kitap serisi.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Controle da Raiva. Controlando a Raiva e a Frustração

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Smith, Jonas

Controle da Raiva. Controlando a Raiva e a Frustração

Tektime, 01/03/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Controle da Raiva. Controlando a Raiva e a Frustração

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 01/03/2021


  • Lingua: portoghese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Muitas pessoas acreditam que a raiva, como característica, esta crescendo em um ritmo alarmante na população global. Muitas são as razões propostas para isto, e algumas são: Violência na televisão e nos filmes, químicos e derivados nos alimentos processados; pulverização de safras, rastros químicos provenientes de aeronaves; abuso de álcool e outras substancias; queda no auto domínio; crença em Deus em declínio; falta de respeito por figuras de autoridade, e muitos outros.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Tratamento contra a acne

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Dias, Lauro

Tratamento contra a acne

Tektime, 01/03/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Tratamento contra a acne

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 01/03/2021


  • Lingua: portoghese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A acne é uma praga que afeta milhões de pessoas em todo mundo, e a maioria dessas pessoas são jovens e emocionalmente despreparadas para lidar com o embaraço, e até mesmo culpa e vergonha, sendo com frequência vítimas de bullying também - tudo isso com frequência acompanhado de surtos de acne. O conhecimento contido nesse livro o ajudará a lidar com a acne.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Gli esclusi. Ediz. russa

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Hebs, Orest

Gli esclusi. Ediz. russa

Tektime, 05/03/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Gli esclusi. Ediz. russa

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 05/03/2021


  • Lingua: russo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Хэнг Ли внезапно начинает чувствовать себя очень странно, поэтому он звонит, чтобы увидеть местного шамана, который оказывается его тетей. Она проводит несколько анализов и решает, что у Хэнга нет крови, но как он расскажет своей семье и что они будут с этим делать?PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Behandeling van acne

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Verschelde, Lien

Behandeling van acne

Tektime, 05/03/2021

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Behandeling van acne

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 05/03/2021


  • Lingua: olandese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld worden door acne geplaagd. De meesten onder hen zijn jong en emotioneel nog niet sterk genoeg om zich te wapenen tegen de schaamte en soms zelfs het schuldgevoel of de afkeer, tot aan pesten toe, die maar al te vaak met een uitbraak van acne gepaard gaan. De informatie in dit boek zal je helpen om met acne om te gaan.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Megan's school trip. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. araba

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Aldewan, Mushtaq

Megan's school trip. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. araba

Tektime, 06/03/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Megan's school trip. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. araba

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 06/03/2021


  • Lingua: arabo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: (ميغان)هي فتاة مراهقة روحانية ، لم تجد أحد يساعدها على فهم قواها... ولا أحد يعيش على تلك الحياة.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Megan's school trip. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. araba

eBook / testo digitale

Jones, Owen - Aldewan, Mushtaq

Megan's school trip. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. araba

Tektime, 13/03/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Megan's school trip. A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and one scary mother! Ediz. araba

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 13/03/2021


  • Lingua: arabo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: عمر الثالث عشرلميغان هو المجلد الثاني الذي يحتوي على ثلاثة وعشرين من سلسلة ميغان. إنه عيد ميلاد ميغان الروحية ولكي تحتفل بأن تصبح مراهقة ، يقوم والديها بإقامة حفلة كبيرة لها. يدعون العائلة والأصدقاء إلى المناسبة الكبيرة ، حيث بطلها عازف القرص المدمج المحلي ، جاك هامر ، العزف على الموسيقى. وتتساءل عما إذا كان أي شخص سيكتشف لها شبح النمر السيبيري الضخم ، جرير ، لكنها لا تعتمد على لقاء اي شخص غريبا وسيما. تستهدف سلسلة ميغان جميع الناس وجميع الأعمار الذين يهتمون بالأمور الروحانية.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME