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Frankenstein o il moderno Prometeo


Mary Shelley - Narratori vari

Frankenstein o il moderno Prometeo

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Frankenstein o il moderno Prometeo

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Il mito eterno del mostro, della creatura che viene strappata alla morte dalla scienza, torna a vivere: in questa nuova versione del capolavoro di Mary Shelley riscoprirete il fascino di un libro senza tempo, un'opera che ha saputo esplorare i lati oscuri della mente umana. Una narrazione cupa, a tratti dura e senza scampo, che affonda le sue radici nella violenza di sentimenti assoluti, nell'orrore per tutto ciò che è diverso e nella lotta interiore dell'uomo che vuole superare i limiti imposti dalla natura. Benché scritto fra il 1816 e il 1817 Frankenstein si rivela attualissimo: quali sono i limiti della scienza? Può l'uomo sostituirsi a Dio? E ancora il tema del diverso, dell'esiliato, del ghettizzato costretto a vivere nell'ombra: Frankenstein non smette di emozionarci e continua, come tutti i capolavori, a raccontarci qualcosa di noi stessi.Contenuto: Frankenstein o il moderno Prometeo(13 tracce) 

Il Dottor Faust


Christopher Marlowe - Narratori vari

Il Dottor Faust

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Il Dottor Faust

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Il dottor Faust è la drammatica vicenda di un giovane uomo con brame di onnipotenza, che arriva a stipulare un patto di sangue con il demonio, al quale vende la sua anima in cambio di ventiquattro anni di potere illimitato. In questo famosissimo dramma di Christopher Marlowe, per la prima volta in versione audiolibro, si alternano autentici momenti di terrore ad altri goliardici, fino al punto di essere comici. La vicenda tuttavia si conclude tragicamente, con la morte e la dannazione eterna di Faust. L'interpretazione magistrale degli attori e le atmosfere ricreate perfettamente con ambientazioni e sound design degni di un film fanno di questo audiolibro il compagno ideale per una tranquilla serata ad altissima tensione. Le voci narranti sono: Mino Manni, Giancarlo De Angeli, Silvano Piccardi, Orsola Boran, Marco Troiano.

I racconti di


Franz Kafka - Narratori vari

I racconti di

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: I racconti di

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Ne I racconti di Franz Kafka l'assurdo, la beffa, l'inganno, l'imponderabile della condizione umana affiorano senza contaminare e appesantire questo ineguagliabile capolavoro della letteratura di tutti i tempi. L'autore descrive uomini condannati a vivere in un mondo spesso estraneo e ostile, con una sorta di discrezione, con un genio e una capacità di coinvolgere ed emozionare, che in questa versione sono esaltati dall'eccellente interpretazione degli attori e dall'ambientazione arricchita da un sound design che fa vivere un'esperienza sonora esaltante. Le voci narranti sono: Giancarlo De Angeli, Mino Manni, Ruggero Andreozzi, Lucia Angella, Tina Venturi.Contenuto: I racconti di Franz Kafka Indice: La Sentenza La Metamorfosi Il nuovo avvocato Un medico di campagna Nella colonia penale In galleria

Uova fatali


Michail Bulgakov - Narratori vari

Uova fatali

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Uova fatali

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Uova fatali di Michail Bulgakov racconta la vicenda umana, comica, stupefacente, fantascientifica, irrisoria, e infine tragica, del professor Vladimir Persikov, un titolato scienziato russo, scopritore di un raggio straordinario, capace di far crescere a dismisura gli organismi da lui irradiati. Il caso e la lenta, mastodontica e ottusa macchina burocratica del regime, contribuiranno a trasformare la scoperta scientifica in un'enorme catastrofe, che genererà un'invasione di mostri sterminatori. Una sorta di Alien, scritto e ambientato nella Russia degli anni Venti, che anticipa e ammonisce. Le voci narranti sono: Silvano Piccardi, Giancarlo De Angeli, Marco Zanni, Lucia Angella.Contenuto: Uova fatali 7 tracce

Sherlock Holmes e il diadema di Berilli


Arthur Conan Doyle - Narratori vari

Sherlock Holmes e il diadema di Berilli

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Sherlock Holmes e il diadema di Berilli

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Un diadema d'oro con splendidi Berilli incastonati, dal valore inestimabile, dato in pegno al banchiere Holden da un suo facoltoso cliente, scompare nella sua villa. Un disastro per la professione del banchiere, ma anche per la sua vita familiare, data la sua convinzione che il ladro sia niente di meno che suo figlio Arthur. Nella sua villa però vivono anche l'amata nipote Mary, i domestici, e l'avvenente cameriera Lucy Perr, ultima arrivata tra la servitù. Un gioiello del genere avrebbe potuto far gola a ognuna di queste persone, compreso Sir George, l'amico non troppo affidabile di Arthur. Il caso è affidato a Sherlock Holmes e al fido Watson e le indagini hanno subito inizio. Riusciranno i due investigatori più famosi di tutti i tempi a districare questo ennesimo mistero?

German Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

German Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: German Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: I tre porcellini – German edition

Fiabe in Spagnolo


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Fiabe in Spagnolo

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Fiabe in Spagnolo

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Esercita il tuo spagnolo ascoltando le nostre fiabe sonore! Un modo nuovo, utile e divertente per tenere in allenamento la tua conoscenza di una lingua straniera. Tutte le nostre fiabe sono tradotte e interpretate da traduttori e speaker madrelingua e come sempre sono arrangiate con musiche e sound design dei nostri musicisti e tecnici del suono! 'Cenerentola'; 'I tre porcellini'; 'Il gatto con gli stivali'; 'Il fagiolo magico'; 'Il tesoro della piratessa Morgana'; 'Un orsetto per amico' sono le fiabe contenute in questa raccolta in lingua spagnola. Contenuto: Fiabe in spagnolo Indice delle tracce: 01 Cenerentola Edición española - La Cenicienta 02 I tre porcellini Edición española - Los tres cerditos 03 Il fagiolo magico Edición española - Juanito y la habichuela magica 04 Il gatto con gli stivali Edición española - El gato con botas 05 Il tesoro della piratessa Morgana Edición española - El tesoro de la pirata Morgana 06 Un orsetto per amico Edición española - Un osito por amigo

Fiabe in Tedesco


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Fiabe in Tedesco

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Fiabe in Tedesco

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Esercita il tuo tedesco ascoltando le nostre fiabe sonore! Un modo nuovo, utile e divertente per tenere in allenamento la tua conoscenza di una lingua straniera. Tutte le nostre fiabe sono tradotte e interpretate da traduttori e speaker madrelingua e come sempre sono arrangiate con musiche e sound design dei nostri musicisti e tecnici del suono! 'Cenerentola'; 'I tre porcellini'; 'Il gatto con gli stivali'; 'Il fagiolo magico'; 'Il tesoro della piratessa Morgana'; 'Un orsetto per amico' sono le fiabe contenute in questa raccolta in lingua tedesca. Contenuto: Fiabe in tedesco Indice delle tracce: 01 I tre porcellini - Deutsche Abendzeitung - Die drei kleinen schweinchen 02 Il gatto con gli stivali - Deutsche Abendzeitung - Der gestiefelte kater

Portuguese Edition


Fratelli Grimm - Narratori vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Portuguese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the brothers Grimm; the standard modern version, though, should be probably identified with the one narrated by the 1958 Walt Disney animation film. The story, that many of us already know, is about a beautiful girl who…Contenuto: Cinderela - Portuguese Edition

English edition


Fratelli Grimm - Narratori vari

English edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: English edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the brothers Grimm; the standard modern version, though, should be probably identified with the one narrated by the 1958 Walt Disney animation film. The story, that many of us already know, is about a beautiful girl who…Contenuto: Cinderella– English Edition

Spanish Edition


Fratelli Grimm - Narratori vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Spanish Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the brothers Grimm; the standard modern version, though, should be probably identified with the one narrated by the 1958 Walt Disney animation film. The story, that many of us already know, is about a beautiful girl who…Contenuto: La Cenicienta - Spanish Edition

Chinese Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Chinese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Jack and the beanstalk  (chinese edition)

English Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: English Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Jack and the beanstalk (english edition)

Portuguese Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Portuguese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Joao e o feijao magico

Spanish Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Spanish Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Juanito y la abicuela magica

Spanish Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Spanish Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Los tres cerditos – Spanish edition

Portuguese Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Portuguese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Os tres porquinhos - Portuguese Edition

Chinese Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Chinese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Three Little Pigs - Chinese Edition

English Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: English Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Three Little Pigs - English Edition

Il gatto con gli stivali


Charles Perrault - Narratori vari

Il gatto con gli stivali

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Il gatto con gli stivali

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Grazie all'aiuto del suo geniale gatto con gli stivali un giovane riesce a conquistare il cuore di una bellissima principessa.Contenuto: Il gatto con gli stivali