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Trovati 52 documenti.

ʻAʼilati hiya al-dunya Rama Qanawati

Qanawati, Rama

ʻAʼilati hiya al-dunya / Rama Qanawati

Sharjah : Kalimat lil-nashr wa-al-tawziʻ, 2023

al-Hirbaʼ al-haʼirah Eric Carle ; Muhammad ʻInani

Carle, Eric

al-Hirbaʼ al-haʼirah / Eric Carle ; Muhammad ʻInani

Giza : al-Balsam, 2018

Al- Ahruf al-haga'iya

Al- Ahruf al-haga'iya

Suriyaitra : Dar al-Qalam al-'arabi, 2010

Ta'lumIktub wa-imsah

Ana adrus ta'lif: Nasir Mustafa 'Abd al-'Aziz ; rusum: Mahir 'Abd al-Qadir

'Abd al-'Aziz, Nasir Mustafa

Ana adrus : al-rawda KG2 lil-atfal min 5-6 sanwat / ta'lif: Nasir Mustafa 'Abd al-'Aziz ; rusum: Mahir 'Abd al-Qadir

al-Dar al-Bayda' : al-Nasirum al-mutaahidun, 2007

Awwal Hutwa [al-Nasirum al-mutaahidun]

Al-hatt wa-l-kitaba li-talamid al-rawd wa-l-ta'alim al-ibtida'i min i'dad: 'Abd al-Rahman ; isbuki: Nasir Mustafa 'Abd al-'Aziz ; rusum: Mahir 'Abd al-Qadir

'Abd al-'Aziz, Nasir Mustafa

Al-hatt wa-l-kitaba li-talamid al-rawd wa-l-ta'alim al-ibtida'i / min i'dad: 'Abd al-Rahman ; isbuki: Nasir Mustafa 'Abd al-'Aziz ; rusum: Mahir 'Abd al-Qadir

Tb. 2

al-Dar al-Bayda' : al-Nasirum al-mutaahidun, 2009

Silsilat al-Kawtar lil-ta'alim [al-Nasirum al-mutaahidun] ; 1

'Utla fil-qarya Firunik Abt

Abt, Firunik

'Utla fil-qarya / Firunik Abt

Al-Ribat : Yumad, 2005

Silsilat Nustigya [Yumad]

Hurufi authors: Mahmoud Gaafar and Jane Wightwick ; illustrator: Simona Meisser

Gaafar, Mahmoud

Hurufi / authors: Mahmoud Gaafar and Jane Wightwick ; illustrator: Simona Meisser

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 1

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 1 books introduce children to the letters of the Arabic alphabet using bright and engaging illustrations. Two letters on each page, with a familiarLeggi tutto

Ahy yahtalif Nagla Nasir Basur ; russum: Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Basur, Nagla Nasir

Ahy yahtalif / Nagla Nasir Basur ; russum: Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Beirut : mu'assasa tala, 1999?

kitab ana

Sayyarat author: Monica Hughes

Hughes, Monica

Sayyarat / author: Monica Hughes

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 5

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 5 books are for children who are ready to read stories with more challenging word patterns or non-verbal sentences with 2 or 3 words, and with totalLeggi tutto

Kuwala al-sagir fi al-hadiqa

Kuwala al-sagir fi al-hadiqa

Bayrut : Akadimya, 2008

Al-Di'b wa-l-gida' al-sabi'a Ya'qub Garim Wuylhim ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

Wuylhim Ya'qub Garim

Al-Di'b wa-l-gida' al-sabi'a / Ya'qub Garim Wuylhim ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

Al-Qinitra : Dar al- Harf, 2000?

Hikayat Halida

Sadiquaty Nagla Nasir Basur ; russum Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Basur, Nagla Nasir

Sadiquaty / Nagla Nasir Basur ; russum Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Beirut : mu'assasa tala, 1999?

kitab ana

Ana wa-sadiqy Nagla Nasir Basur ; russum: Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Basur, Nagla Nasir

Ana wa-sadiqy / Nagla Nasir Basur ; russum: Yasmin Nasabah Ta'an

Beirut : mu'assasa tala, 1999?

kitab ana

’Ahāzyǧ al- ṭufwlaẗ al-mubakiraẗ 2 [autore] Taghreed Najjar ; [illustrazioni di] Hiba Farran

Najjar, Taghreed

’Ahāzyǧ al- ṭufwlaẗ al-mubakiraẗ 2 / [autore] Taghreed Najjar ; [illustrazioni di] Hiba Farran

Amman : Al-Salwa, 2013

Abstract: Questo cofanetto contiene 34 rime provenienti dal patrimonio tradizionale e non, raccolte per tema in tre cartonati. Il primo libro è dedicato ai numeri; il secondo gioca sulla costruzione del vocabolario attraverso le sonorità che i bambini amano inventare e ripetere; il terzo esplora i mestieri. Sul cofanetto c’è un QR code che permette attraverso le più note piattaforme di aver accesso alle musiche in ogni momento.

Kawkabuna al-hash

Kawkabuna al-hash

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 16

Abstract: Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 16 books offer more complex, underlying themes that give opportunities for children to understand causes and points of view. A wide range of languageLeggi tutto

Let's go to Mars author] Janice Marriot ; illustrator: Mark Ruffle

Marriot, Janice

Let's go to Mars / author] Janice Marriot ; illustrator: Mark Ruffle

London : Collins, c2015

Collins big cat. Level 10

Abstract: This unique persuasive text takes the form of a fictional holiday to Mars, presenting factual information about the red planet. The text draws comparisons between Earth and Mars, and considers aspects of space travel such as weightlessness and the lack of oxygen. (

Iktasif al-mutadaddat Mawahib Balqruy ; rusum: Ahmad Barkiyya

Balqruy, Mawahib

Iktasif al-mutadaddat / Mawahib Balqruy ; rusum: Ahmad Barkiyya

Tunis : Kitaby, 2003

Hal anta sa'īd? Rania Hussein Amin ; Hani Saleh

Amin, Rania Hussein

Hal anta sa'īd? / Rania Hussein Amin ; Hani Saleh

2. ed

Cairo : Dar Elshorouk, 2022

al-Fata al dakiya Ya'qub Garim Wuylhilm ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

Garim Wuylhilm, Ya'qub

al-Fata al dakiya / Ya'qub Garim Wuylhilm ; targama: 'Abd al-Fatah Daybun

al-Qinitra : Dar al-Harf, 2010?

Kikayat Halida [Dar al-Harf]

Ana al-alif si'r: Hasan 'Abd Allah ; rasm: Hilm al-Tuni

Abdallah, Hassan

Ana al-alif : hikayat wa-agani al huruf / si'r: Hasan 'Abd Allah ; rasm: Hilm al-Tuni

Bayrut : Dar al-Hadaeq, 2018

Silsilat al-anasid al-mumti'a