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× Livello lingua B2

Trovati 1604 documenti.

Langenscheidt Grammatik Deutsch Bild für Bild von Petra Bartoli y Eckert

Bartoli y Eckert, Petra

Langenscheidt Grammatik Deutsch Bild für Bild : die visuelle Grammatik für den leichten Einstieg / von Petra Bartoli y Eckert

2. Aufl

München [etc.] : Langenscheidt, 2018

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale NovacellaScaffale aperto
400 D 4
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Wie ich den Sex erfand Peter Probst

Probst, Peter

Wie ich den Sex erfand : Roman / Peter Probst

München : Kunstmann, 2020

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale FirmianScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale OltrisarcoScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Liceo E. TorricelliScaffale aperto
JL 833.92 PRO
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Seit einigen Wochen sammelt der zwölfjährige Peter in einem Heft geheimnisvolle Worte. Unbefleckt und Hingabe, Empfängnis und feien, Unfehlbarkeit. Er ist Ministrant und fromm, so katholisch wie seine Eltern, die er, das weiß er, nicht fragen kann, was diese Worte bedeuten. Und schon gar nicht solche wie Unzucht, Beischlaf, Porno, die er in den Gesprächen der Erwachsenen aufschnappt oder bei seinen Schulkameraden, die anscheinend alle über ein Wissen verfügen, das ihmLeggi tutto

Dubliners James Joyce ; notes and activities: Rosi Dossena ; introduction: Liam McGrory

Joyce, James

Dubliners : a selection / James Joyce ; notes and activities: Rosi Dossena ; introduction: Liam McGrory

Milano : Hoepli, c2013

Reading the masters [Hoepli]. Level B2/C1 ; 1

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Liceo G. CarducciScaffale aperto
LFE 178
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Liceo G. CarducciScaffale aperto
LFE 250
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Dubliners was James Joyce's first endeavour to put his native city and its inhabitants onto the literary map of the world. A century after its first publication, the stories still conjure up the Dublin of Joyce's youth, recounting critical moments in the lives of his fellow citizens in an Ireland held captive by British Rule and Irish Catholicism.. (

Idioms and phrasal verbs Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman

Gairns, Ruth

Idioms and phrasal verbs / Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman

New York [etc.] : Oxford university press, 2011

Oxford word skills. Advanced

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Liceo G. PascoliScaffale aperto
425 GAR
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Over 1000 new idioms and phrasal verbs organized into 60 units Units are presented in thematic modules such as 'Thinking, learning, knowledge' and 'Communicating with people' 'About you' or 'About your country' gives students the opportunity to personalize new vocabulary. Covers all the phrasal verbs students need to know for major exams Ideal for self-study or in the classroom Online activities and information on the history of idioms .. (