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Il pigro viaggio di due apprendisti oziosi

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Collins, Wilkie - Dickens, Charles - La Ferla, Manuela - Premoli, Marina

Il pigro viaggio di due apprendisti oziosi

Sellerio Editore, 14/07/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Il pigro viaggio di due apprendisti oziosi

Pubblicazione: Sellerio Editore, 14/07/2018

EAN: 9788838918896


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Pubblicato a puntate nel 1857 su una delle tante riviste a cui Charles Dickens e Wilkie Collins consegnavano il frutto della loro collaborazione di scrittori, e del loro sodalizio di amici, il 'Pigro viaggio di due apprendisti oziosi' offre il resoconto divertito delle avventure di due passeggeri spensierati tra campagna e piccole città lungo le tappe dell'appena nata rete ferroviaria inglese, inframmezzato da intermezzi di short story, del fantastico del mistero e del soprannaturale, narrate durante le soste del viaggio.

Una storia tra due città

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles - Domenichelli, Mario

Una storia tra due città

Mondadori, 24/07/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Una storia tra due città

Pubblicazione: Mondadori, 24/07/2018

EAN: 9788804615286


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Romanzo di enorme e duraturo successo, Una storia tra due città uscì dapprima a puntate, quindi in volume, nel 1859. Si tratta di un romanzo storico ambientato tra Parigi e Londra nei burrascosi anni che precedettero e seguirono la Rivoluzione francese. Tra le molteplici vicende umane che si intrecciano in queste pagine spiccano quelle di Lucie Manette, donna insieme dolce e coraggiosa, figlia di un uomo ingiustamente detenuto nella Bastiglia e da lei inizialmente creduto morto; di Charles Darnay, aristocratico francese espatriato in Inghilterra, indiscriminatamente accusato durante il Terrore; e infine dell'avvocato Sydney Carton, dall'ambiguo passato, cui viene offerto un inconsueto destino. Racconto avvincente e ricco di colpi di scena, Una storia tra due città vive anche di un raffinato impianto allegorico nel quale i luoghi e i personaggi rappresentano diverse istanze politiche e sociali, in una indimenticabile raffigurazione delle forze che muovono la Storia dell'uomo.

Il canto di Natale

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles - Amato, Bruno

Il canto di Natale

Feltrinelli Editore, 24/11/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Il canto di Natale

Pubblicazione: Feltrinelli Editore, 24/11/2018

EAN: 9788807902505


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: È il più famoso tra i racconti natalizi scritti da Dickens. Una storia che ha avuto la capacità di attingere all'immaginario popolare e a sua volta plasmarlo con forza. Per esempio, il disneiano Paperon de' Paperoni in inglese si chiama Scrooge McDuck, come l'"avaro cattivo e senza cuore" di questo racconto. Scrooge è talmente arido da rifiutare anche il calore del Natale, per lui solo una perdita di tempo e di soldi. Sarà il fantasma del suo ex socio Jacob Marley a visitarlo per primo. Poi sarà la volta di altri tre spiriti, che gli restituiranno in rapida sequenza la visione del suo Natale passato (di quando cioè lui era un bambino solo e triste), di quello presente (quello del suo contabile Cratchit e del figlio in predicato di morte per la mancanza di cure adeguate) e infine del Natale futuro, quello della sua morte, che verrà accolta con derisione e freddezza da tutti i suoi conoscenti. È in questo momento che il vecchio avaraccio si pente dei propri comportamenti e cambia registro, ravvedendosi e finalmente celebrando in modo adeguato lo spirito del Natale, con generosità e trasporto per gli affetti familiari. Il celeberrimo racconto dickensiano, tante volte riadattato dal cinema, dalla televisione e persino dal fumetto, in una nuova, puntuale traduzione.

Bleak house

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Bleak house

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Bleak house

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Bleak House is one of Charles Dickens's major novels.The novel has many characters and several sub-plots, and the story is told partly by the novel's heroine, Esther Summerson, and partly by an omniscient narrator. At the centre of Bleak House is the long-running legal case, Jarndyce and Jarndyce, which came about because someone wrote several conflicting wills. This legal case is used by Dickens to satirise the English judicial system, and he makes use of his earlier experiences as a law clerk, and as a litigant seeking to enforce copyright on his earlier books.Though the legal profession criticised Dickens's satire as exaggerated, this novel helped support a judicial reform movement, which culminated in the enactment of legal reform in the 1870s.There is some debate among scholars as to when Bleak House is set. The English legal historian Sir William Holdsworth sets the action in 1827; however, reference to preparation for the building of a railway in Chapter LV suggests the 1830s.Sir Leicester Dedlock and his wife Lady Honoria live on his estate at Chesney Wold. Unknown to Sir Leicester, Lady Dedlock had a lover, Captain Hawdon, before she married – and had a daughter by him. Lady Dedlock believes her daughter is dead.The daughter, Esther, is in fact alive, and being raised by Miss Barbary, Lady Dedlock's sister. Esther does not know Miss Barbary is her aunt. After Miss Barbary dies, John Jarndyce becomes Esther's guardian and assigns the Chancery lawyer "Conversation" Kenge to take charge of her future. After attending school for six years, Esther moves in with him at Bleak House.

Dombey and son

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Dombey and son

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Dombey and son

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Dombey and Son is a novel by Charles Dickens, published in monthly parts from 1 October 1846 to 1 April 1848 and in one volume in 1848. Its full title is Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son: Wholesale, Retail and for Exportation. Dickens started writing the book in Lausanne, Switzerland, before returning to England, via Paris, to complete it. Illustrations were provided by Hablot Knight Browne ('Phiz').There is some concern with the railways and the novel's conception, and writing, belong to the years of the railway boom, 1844–47. The sea, meanwhile, becomes the image of things of 'an older fashion yet', 'the dark and unknown ... that rolls round all the world.'The story concerns Paul Dombey, the wealthy owner of the shipping company of the book's title, whose dream is to have a son to continue his business. The book begins when his son is born, and Dombey's wife dies shortly after giving birth. Following the advice of Mrs Louisa Chick, his sister, Dombey employs a wet nurse named Mrs Richards (Toodle). Dombey already has a six-year-old daughter Florence but, bitter at her not having been the desired boy, he neglects her continually. One day, Mrs Richards, Florence, and her maid, Susan Nipper, secretly pay a visit to Mrs Richard's house in Staggs's Gardens so that Mrs Richards can see her children. During this trip, Florence becomes separated from them and is kidnapped for a short time by Good Mrs Brown, before being returned to the streets. She makes her way to Dombey and Son's offices in the City and there is found and brought home by Walter Gay, an employee of Mr Dombey, who first introduces her to his uncle, the navigation instrument maker Solomon Gills, at his shop the Wooden Midshipman.

David Copperfield

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

David Copperfield

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: David Copperfield

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: David Copperfield is the eighth novel by Charles Dickens. The novel's full title is, The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery (Which He Never Meant to Publish on Any Account). It was first published as a serial in 1849–50, and as a book in 1850. Many elements of the novel follow events in Dickens' own life, and it is often considered as his veiled autobiography. It was Dickens' favorite among his own novels. In the preface to the 1867 edition, Dickens wrote, "like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts a favourite child. And his name is David Copperfield."The story follows the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David was born in Blunderstone, Suffolk, England, six months after the death of his father. David spends his early years in relative happiness with his loving, childish mother and their kindly housekeeper, Peggotty. When he is seven years old his mother marries Edward Murdstone. During the marriage, partly to get him out of the way and partly because he strongly objects to the whole proceeding, David is sent to lodge with Peggotty's family in Yarmouth. Her brother, fisherman Mr Peggotty, lives in a house built in an upturned boat on the beach, with his adopted relatives Emily and Ham, and an elderly widow, Mrs Gummidge. "Little Em'ly" is somewhat spoilt by her fond foster father, and David is in love with her. On his return, David is given good reason to dislike his stepfather and has similar feelings for Murdstone's sister Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards. Between them they tyrannise his poor mother, making her and David's lives miserable, and when, in consequence, David falls behind in his studies, Murdstone attempts to thrash him – partly to further pain his mother. David bites him and soon afterwards is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, under a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. There he befriends an older boy, James Steerforth, and Tommy Traddles. He develops an impassioned admiration for Steerforth, perceiving him as something noble, who could do great things if he would.

Great expectations

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Great expectations

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Great expectations

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Great Expectations is the thirteenth novel by Charles Dickens and his penultimate completed novel; a bildungsroman that depicts the personal growth and personal development of an orphan nicknamed Pip. It is Dickens' second novel, after David Copperfield, to be fully narrated in the first person. The novel was first published as a serial in Dickens' weekly periodical All the Year Round, from 1 December 1860 to August 1861. In October 1861, Chapman and Hall published the novel in three volumes.The novel is set in Kent and London in the early to mid-19th century and contains some of Dickens' most memorable scenes, including the opening in a graveyard, where the young Pip is accosted by the escaped convict, Abel Magwitch. Great Expectations is full of extreme imagery--poverty, prison ships and chains, and fights to the death--and has a colourful cast of characters who have entered popular culture. These include the eccentric Miss Havisham, the beautiful but cold Estella, and Joe, the unsophisticated and kind blacksmith. Dickens's themes include wealth and poverty, love and rejection, and the eventual triumph of good over evil. Great Expectations, which is popular both with readers and literary critics, has been translated into many languages and adapted numerous times into various media.Upon its release, the novel received near universal acclaim. Although Dickens' contemporary Thomas Carlyle referred to it disparagingly as that "Pip nonsense," he nevertheless reacted to each fresh instalment with "roars of laughter." Later, George Bernard Shaw praised the novel, as "All of one piece and consistently truthful." During the serial publication, Dickens was pleased with public response to Great Expectations and its sales; when the plot first formed in his mind, he called it "a very fine, new and grotesque idea."

Hard times

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Hard times

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Hard times

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Hard Times is the tenth novel by Charles Dickens. The book appraises English society and highlights the social and economic pressures of the era.The novel follows a classical tripartite structure, and the titles of each book are related to Galatians 6:7, "For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Book I is entitled "Sowing", Book II is entitled "Reaping", and the third is "Garnering."Hard Times is unusual in several respects. It is by far the shortest of Dickens' novels, barely a quarter of the length of those written immediately before and after it. Also, unlike all but one of his other novels, Hard Times has neither a preface nor illustrations. Moreover, it is his only novel not to have scenes set in London. Instead the story is set in the fictitious Victorian industrial Coketown, a generic Northern English mill-town, in some ways similar to Manchester, though smaller. Coketown may be partially based on 19th-century Preston.One of Dickens's reasons for writing Hard Times was that sales of his weekly periodical, Household Words, were low, and it was hoped the novel's publication in instalments would boost circulation – as indeed proved to be the case. Since publication it has received a mixed response from critics. Critics such as George Bernard Shaw and Thomas Macaulay have mainly focused on Dickens's treatment of trade unions and his post–Industrial Revolution pessimism regarding the divide between capitalist mill owners and undervalued workers during the Victorian era. F. R. Leavis, a great admirer of the book, included it -- but not Dickens' work as a whole -- as part of his Great Tradition of English novels.

Little Dorrit

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Little Dorrit

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Little Dorrit

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Little Dorrit is a novel by Charles Dickens, originally published in serial form between 1855 and 1857. It satirises the shortcomings of both government and society, including the institution of debtors' prisons, where debtors were imprisoned, unable to work, until they repaid their debts. The prison in this case is the Marshalsea, where Dickens's own father had been imprisoned. Dickens is also critical of the lack of a social safety net, the treatment and safety of industrial workers, as well the bureaucracy of the British Treasury, in the form of his fictional "Circumlocution Office". In addition he satirises the stratification of society that results from the British class system.The novel begins in Marseilles "thirty years ago" (i.e., c. 1826), with the notorious murderer Rigaud telling his cell mate how he killed his wife. Arthur Clennam is returning to London to see his mother after the death of his father, with whom he had lived for twenty years in China. On his deathbed, his father had given him a mysterious watch murmuring "Your mother," which Arthur naturally assumed was intended for Mrs. Clennam, whom he and everyone else believed to be his mother.Like many of Dickens's novels, Little Dorrit contains numerous subplots. One subplot concerns Arthur Clennam's friends, the kind-hearted Meagles. They are upset when their daughter Pet marries an artist called Gowan, and when their servant and foster daughter Tattycoram is lured away from them to the sinister Miss Wade, an acquaintance of the criminal Rigaud. Miss Wade hates men, and it turns out she is the jilted sweetheart of Gowan.The character Little Dorrit (Amy) was inspired by Mary Ann Cooper (née Mitton), whom Dickens sometimes visited along with her family, and called by that name. They lived in The Cedars, a house on Hatton Road west of London; its site is now under the east end of London Heathrow Airport.

Martin Chuzzlewit

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Martin Chuzzlewit

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Martin Chuzzlewit

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Martin Chuzzlewit is a novel by Charles Dickens, considered the last of his picaresque novels. Dickens thought it to be his best work, but it was one of his least popular novels. Like nearly all of Dickens' novels, Martin Chuzzlewit was released to the public in monthly instalments. Early sales of the monthly parts were disappointing, compared to previous works, so Dickens changed the plot to send the title character to America. This allowed the author to portray the United States (which he had visited in 1842) satirically as a near wilderness with pockets of civilisation filled with deceptive and self-promoting hucksters.The main theme of the novel, according to a preface by Dickens, is selfishness, portrayed in a satirical fashion using all the members of the Chuzzlewit family. The novel is also notable for two of Dickens' great villains, Seth Pecksniff and Jonas Chuzzlewit. It is dedicated to Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, a friend of Dickens.Martin Chuzzlewit has been raised by his grandfather and namesake. Years before, Martin senior took the precaution of raising an orphaned girl, Mary Graham. She is to be his nursemaid, with the understanding that she will be well cared for only as long as Martin senior lives. She thus has strong motivation to promote his well-being, in contrast to his relatives, who only want to inherit his money. However, his grandson Martin falls in love with Mary and wishes to marry her, ruining Martin senior's plans. When Martin refuses to give up the engagement, his grandfather disinherits him.Martin becomes an apprentice to Seth Pecksniff, a greedy architect. Instead of teaching his students, he lives off their tuition fees and has them do draughting work that he passes off as his own. He has two spoiled daughters, nicknamed Cherry and Merry, having been christened as Charity and Mercy. Unbeknown to Martin, Pecksniff has actually taken him on to establish closer ties with the wealthy grandfather, thinking that this will gain Pecksniff a prominent place in the will.

Nicholas Nickleby

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Nicholas Nickleby

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Nicholas Nickleby

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Nicholas Nickleby is a novel by Charles Dickens. Originally published as a serial from 1838 to 1839, it was Dickens' third novel.The novel centres on the life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, a young man who must support his mother and sister after his father dies.Nicholas Nickleby is Charles Dickens' third published novel. He returned to his favourite publishers and to the format that was considered so successful with The Pickwick Papers. The story first appeared in monthly parts, after which it was issued in one volume. The style is considered to be episodic and humorous, though the second half of the novel becomes more serious and tightly plotted. Dickens began writing 'Nickleby' while still working on Oliver Twist and while the mood is considerably lighter, his depiction of the Yorkshire school run by Wackford Squeers is as moving and influential as those of the workhouse and criminal underclass in Twist.'Nickleby' marks a new development in a further sense as it is the first of Dickens' romances. When it was published the book was an immediate and complete success and established Dickens's lasting reputation.The cruelty of a real Yorkshire schoolmaster named William Shaw became the basis for Dickens's brutal character of Wackford Squeers. Dickens visited his school and based the school section of Nicholas Nickleby on his visit.Like most of Dickens' early works, the novel has a contemporary setting. Much of the action takes place in London, with several chapters taking place in Dickens' birthplace of Portsmouth, as well as settings in Yorkshire and Devon.The tone of the work is that of ironic social satire, with Dickens taking aim at what he perceives to be social injustices. Many memorable characters are introduced, including Nicholas' malevolent Uncle Ralph, and the villainous Wackford Squeers, who operates an abusive all-boys boarding school at which Nicholas temporarily serves as a tutor.

Oliver Twist

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Dickens, Charles

Oliver Twist

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Oliver Twist

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Oliver Twist is the second novel by English author Charles Dickens. The story is of the orphan Oliver Twist, who starts his life in a workhouse and is then sold into apprenticeship with an undertaker. He escapes from there and travels to London, where he meets the Artful Dodger, a member of a gang of juvenile pickpockets led by the elderly criminal, Fagin.Oliver Twist is notable for its unromantic portrayal by Dickens of criminals and their sordid lives, as well as for exposing the cruel treatment of the many orphans in London in the mid-19th century. The alternate title, The Parish Boy's Progress, alludes to Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, as well as the 18th-century caricature series by William Hogarth, A Rake's Progress and A Harlot's Progress.In this early example of the social novel, Dickens satirizes the hypocrisies of his time, including child labour, the recruitment of children as criminals, and the presence of street children. The novel may have been inspired by the story of Robert Blincoe, an orphan whose account of working as a child labourer in a cotton mill was widely read in the 1830s. It is likely that Dickens's own youthful experiences contributed as well.Oliver Twist has been the subject of numerous adaptations for various media, including a highly successful musical play, Oliver!, and the multiple Academy Award-winning 1968 motion picture. Disney also put its spin on the novel with the movie called Oliver & Company in 1988.

Our mutual friend

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Our mutual friend

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Our mutual friend

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Our Mutual Friend is the last novel completed by Charles Dickens and is one of his most sophisticated works, combining savage satire with social analysis. It centres on, in the words of critic J. Hillis Miller (quoting from the character Bella Wilfer in the book), "money, money, money, and what money can make of life." In the opening chapters a body is found in the Thames and identified as that of John Harmon, a young man recently returned to London to receive his inheritance. Were he alive, his father's will would require him to marry Bella Wilfer, a beautiful, mercenary girl whom he had never met. Instead, the money passes to the working-class Boffins, and the effects spread into various corners of London society.Having made his fortune from London's rubbish, a rich misanthropic miser dies, estranged from all except his faithful employees Mr and Mrs Boffin. By his will, his fortune goes to his estranged son John Harmon, who is to return from where he has settled abroad (possibly in South Africa) to claim it, on condition that he marries a woman he has never met, Miss Bella Wilfer. The implementation of the will is in the charge of the solicitor, Mortimer Lightwood, who has no other practice.Before the son and heir can claim his inheritance, he goes missing, presumed drowned, at the end of his journey back to London. A body is found in the Thames by Gaffer Hexam, a waterman who makes his living by retrieving corpses and robbing them of valuables, before handing them over to the authorities. Papers in the pockets of the drowned man identify him as the heir, John Harmon. Present at the identification is a mysterious young man, who gives his name as Julius Handford and then disappears.By the terms of the miser's will, the whole estate then devolves upon Mr and Mrs Boffin, naïve and good-hearted people who wish to enjoy it for themselves and to share it with others. They take the disappointed bride of the drowned heir, Miss Wilfer, into their household, and treat her as their pampered child and heiress. They also accept an offer from Julius Handford, now going under the name of John Rokesmith, to serve as their confidential secretary and man of business, at no salary. Rokesmith uses this position to watch and learn everything about the Boffins, Miss Wilfer, and the aftershock of the drowning of the heir John Harmon. Mr Boffin engages a one-legged ballad-seller, Silas Wegg, to read aloud to him in the evenings, and Wegg tries to take advantage of his position and of Mr Boffin's good heart to obtain other advantages from the wealthy dustman. Having persuaded Mr Boffin to move to a larger house, he himself takes possession of their former home, in the yard of which stand several mounds of "dust" remaining from Mr Harmon's business. Wegg hopes to find hidden treasure there.

Hunted down

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Dickens, Charles

Hunted down

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Hunted down

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Hunted Down is a fascinating selection of Charles Dicken's detective stories.The bibliography of Charles Dickens (1812–70) includes more than a dozen major novels, a large number of short stories (including Christmas-themed stories and ghost stories), several plays, several non-fiction books, and individual essays and articles. Dickens's novels were serialised initially in weekly or monthly magazines, then reprinted in standard book formats.

David Copperfield

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Dickens, Charles

David Copperfield

Sinapsi Editore, 02/11/2018

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Titolo e contributi: David Copperfield

Pubblicazione: Sinapsi Editore, 02/11/2018


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: David resta orfano prima di padre e poi di madre. La sua è un'infanzia infelice, tra le privazioni quotidiane e la severa scuola del maestro Creakle. Il patrigno gli impone un lavoro alienante, ma David, disperato, fugge  a Dover, dove una sua zia, Betsey, accetta di occuparsi di lui. Lo manda a Canterbury, in casa del suo avvocato, padre di Agnes, una bella fanciulla. Divenuto cronista di una certa fama letteraria, David sposa Dora, che pochi anni dopo viene a mancare. Solo allora il giovane si accorge di Agnes che sposa, dopo aver salvato il futuro suocero dalle trame di un infido amministratore.David Copperfield viene considerato uno dei più grandi capolavori di Charles Dickens.​​​​​​​Edizione integrale dotata di indice navigabile.

Canto di Natale. Testo inglese a fronte

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Dickens, Charles - Verdinois, Federigo

Canto di Natale. Testo inglese a fronte

Sinapsi Editore, 02/11/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Canto di Natale. Testo inglese a fronte

Pubblicazione: Sinapsi Editore, 02/11/2018


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Nella fredda notte che annuncia il Natale, il vecchio Scrooge, visitato dal fantasma del suo vecchio socio in affari, si trova a compiere un doloroso viaggio nel passato, nel presente e nel futuro della sua miserevole vita.Una grande storia sulla possibilità di cambiare il proprio destino. Una riflessione sull'equilibrio difficile fra il presente, il passato e il futuro. Una denuncia dello sfruttamento minorile e dell'analfabetismo. Ma soprattutto una favola, una delle più commoventi che siano mai state scritte. 

Le avventure di Nicola Nickleby

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Le avventure di Nicola Nickleby

Bauer Books, 16/11/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Le avventure di Nicola Nickleby

Pubblicazione: Bauer Books, 16/11/2018


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: La storia di Nicola Nickleby è degna degli intrecci e delle complicazioni umane tipici della letteratura di Charles Dickens. Il giovane Nicholas Nickleby si trova, in giovane età, a dover sostenere la sua famiglia dopo la perdita del padre. La famiglia, trasferitasi nella caotica Londra del 1800, cerca appoggio nella figura del fratello del defunto, Ralph Nickleby, che rivelerà ben presto la sua natura perfida ed egoistica.

La piccola Dorrit

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

La piccola Dorrit

Bauer Books, 20/12/2018

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Titolo e contributi: La piccola Dorrit

Pubblicazione: Bauer Books, 20/12/2018


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: William Dorrit è un distinto signore che, governando male i propri affari, finisce nell'impossibilità di saldare i propri debiti. Quando è già padre di due figli, Edward e Fanny, viene incarcerato nella prigione londinese della Marshalsea (ciò avviene una ventina d'anni prima dell'inizio della storia). La famiglia, secondo la legge allora vigente, può condividere la sua cella.Amy, la piccola Dorrit, ha la ventura di nascere dentro la stessa prigione. Quando Amy ha compiuto otto anni la madre, che insieme agli altri parenti fa compagnia al prigioniero, muore. Poco dopo muoiono anche la signora Bangham, che ha assistito la madre di Amy nel parto, e il carceriere, fino ad allora decano della prigione, che aveva instaurato un rapporto tanto speciale con Amy da aver pensato di lasciarle tutto in eredità (ma finirà per non fare testamento).Quando William, alla morte del carceriere, diventa il decano della prigione, viene battezzato il "Padre della Marshalsea", mentre Amy, a quell'epoca sedicenne, è, a sua volta, la "Figlia della Marshalsea". Altro membro della famiglia è il fratello di William, il musicista Frederick, buono ma miserabile, anch'egli preda degli sfortunati investimenti del fratello.

Canto di Natale

eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Canto di Natale

Passerino, 21/11/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Canto di Natale

Pubblicazione: Passerino, 21/11/2018


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: "Canto di Natale" è un romanzo breve di genere fantastico del 1843 di Charles Dickens (1812-1870).Charles Dickens è stato uno scrittore, giornalista e reporter di viaggio britannico. 

David Copperfield


Clemen, Gina D. B.

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen

Genova : Black cat, 2018

Green apple. Life skills, Step 2

Titolo e contributi: David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen

Pubblicazione: Genova : Black cat, 2018

Descrizione fisica: 94, [2] p. : ill. color. ; 25 cm. +1 CD in tasca

Serie: Green apple. Life skills, Step 2

ISBN: 9788853017130


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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