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Trovati 203 documenti.

Romeo & Juliet William Shakespeare ; retold by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley

Evans, Virginia

Romeo & Juliet / William Shakespeare ; retold by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley

Newbury : Express Publishing, 2004

Illustrated readers [Express Publishing]. Level 3

Abstract: It was love at first sight for Romeo and Juliet, but their two families have fought each other for years.. (dalla 4. di cop.)

Hamlet William Shakespeare ; adaptation and teaching material by Federica Cappello

Shakespeare, William

Hamlet / William Shakespeare ; adaptation and teaching material by Federica Cappello

Milano : Hoepli, 2024

Simplified classics. Level B1

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Brunico - Biblioteca dell’istituto pluricomprensivoScaffale aperto
428. SHA
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare ; retold by Karen Kovacs ; illustrated by Liliana Perez ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

Kovacs, Karen

Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare ; retold by Karen Kovacs ; illustrated by Liliana Perez ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

London : Penguin books, 2020

Penguin readers. Level S

Hamlet [William Shakespeare] ; edited by Harold Jenkins

Shakespeare, William

Hamlet / [William Shakespeare] ; edited by Harold Jenkins

London [etc.] : Methuen, 1982

The Arden edition of the works of William Shakespeare

The tragedy of Richard 3. William Shakespeare ; adaptation and activities by Richard Elliott ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Elliott, Richard

The tragedy of Richard 3. / William Shakespeare ; adaptation and activities by Richard Elliott ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2012

Reading Shakespeare.web. Step four B1.2

Abstract: After a long civil war between the Houses of Lancaster and York, England is enjoying a period of peace under King Edward IV. But Edward’s younger brother, Richard, resents Edward’s power, Richard begins to aspire secretly to the throne and decides to kill anyone he has to in order to become king.

Hamlet, prince of Denmark William Shakespeare ; adaptation by Derek Sellen ; activities by Bruce Hodges ; illustrated by Fabio Visintin

Sellen, Derek

Hamlet, prince of Denmark / William Shakespeare ; adaptation by Derek Sellen ; activities by Bruce Hodges ; illustrated by Fabio Visintin

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2008

Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

Abstract: The world's most famous play is retold in comic-strip form in this reader, which provides an exciting and accessible introduction to Shakespeare's masterpiece. (Dalla 4. di copertina)

Romeo & Juliet William Shakespeare ; adapted from the screenplay by Julian Fellowes

Fellowes, Julian

Romeo & Juliet / William Shakespeare ; adapted from the screenplay by Julian Fellowes

Rum : Helbling languages, 2014

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Movies, level 3

King Lear a Martin Ransohoff production ; by William Shakespeare ; an Athena Film-Laterna Film production ; produced by Michael Birkett ; directed by Peter Brook
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

King Lear [Videoregistrazione] / a Martin Ransohoff production ; by William Shakespeare ; an Athena Film-Laterna Film production ; produced by Michael Birkett ; directed by Peter Brook

S.l. : Drammatico ; Gran Bretagna : Filmways ; Danimarca : Athena Film ; Danimarca : Laterna Film ; Gran Bretagna : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment [distributore] ; S.l. : Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment [distributore], c2004

Abstract: Dalla tragedia in versi e in prosa (1606) di William Shakespeare che il regista aveva già messo in scena a teatro nel 1962 con lo stesso P. Scofield e la Royal Shakespeare Company. (Morandini)

Twelfth night based on the play by William Shakespeare ; retold by Rosie Dickins ; illustrated by Christa Unzner ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly

Dickins, Rosie

Twelfth night / based on the play by William Shakespeare ; retold by Rosie Dickins ; illustrated by Christa Unzner ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly

London : Usborne, 2009

Usborne young reading. Series two

Abstract: Shakespeare's classic comedy retold for children growing in reading confidence and ability. When Viola is left shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria, she must disguise herself as a boy for protection. But when she becomes a page for Duke Orsino, things start to get a little complicated. (

Julius Caesar William Shakespeare
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Julius Caesar [Videoregistrazione] / William Shakespeare

Milano : Cinehollywood, 2006


Abstract: Composto tra il 1599 e il 1600, il Giulio Cesare inaugura il periodo più cupo e austero della produzione shakesperiana. Ispirata alla vita di Cesare scritta da Plutarco, questa tragedia esplora la complessità morale dell'individuo che agisce nella storia tramite la figura di Bruto, l'organizzatore della congiura contro Cesare: nonostante la giustezza delle sue motivazioni, la storia si ritorcerà contro di lui facendo di un tirannicida l'inconsopevole artefice del trionfoLeggi tutto

Twelfth night William Shakespeare

Shakespeare, William

Twelfth night / William Shakespeare

London : Penguin books, 1994

Penguin popular classics

Hamlet William Shakespeare

Shakespeare, William

Hamlet / William Shakespeare

London : Penguin books, 1998

Penguin popular classics

Hamlet William Shakespeare ; Italian translation of the play by Eugenio Montale ; introduction and activities by Anthony Jennings

Shakespeare, William

Hamlet : Prince of Denmark / William Shakespeare ; Italian translation of the play by Eugenio Montale ; introduction and activities by Anthony Jennings

Genova : Cideb, 1998

Spotlight on Shakespeare

La bisbetica domata William Shakespeare
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Shakespeare, William

La bisbetica domata [Videoregistrazione] / William Shakespeare

s.l. : BBC Television ; Roma : Rai, 1992

BBC Shakespeare ; 7070

Otello William Shakespeare
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Shakespeare, William

Otello [Videoregistrazione] / William Shakespeare

s.l. : BBC Television ; Roma : Rai, 1992

BBC Shakespeare ; 7067

Romeo & Juliet [based on the play by] William Shakespeare ; adapted by Anna Claybourne ; illustrated by Jana Costa ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly

Claybourne, Anna

Romeo & Juliet / [based on the play by] William Shakespeare ; adapted by Anna Claybourne ; illustrated by Jana Costa ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly

London : Usborne, 2006

Usborne young reading. Series two

Abstract: These two new gift editions in the "Usborne Young Reading Series" are titles to treasure, published in hardback with a ribbon marker. Each title is a classic: The tragedy of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is delicately re-examined; and Lewis Carroll's imaginative fantasy "Alice in Wonderland" is given a larger-than-life retelling. (

Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Pirè

Shakespeare, William

Antony and Cleopatra / William Shakespeare ; edited with an introduction by Luciana Pirè

Firenze : Giunti, 2001

Giunti classics

Henry 5 William Shakespeare ; edited by H. M. Hulme

Shakespeare, William

Henry 5 / William Shakespeare ; edited by H. M. Hulme

2. ed., 16. impr.

Harlow : Longman, 1998

New Swan Shakespeare

A midsummer night's dream William Shakespeare ; retold by Rachel Bladon

Shakespeare, William

A midsummer night's dream / William Shakespeare ; retold by Rachel Bladon

Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann ELT, 2007

Macmillan readers. Pre-intermediate

The tempest William Shakespeare ; based on an original script by John McDonald

McDonald, John

The tempest : the graphic novel / William Shakespeare ; based on an original script by John McDonald

Australia [etc.] : Heinle Cengage Learning ; Andover : National Geographic learning, c2011

Classical comics [Heinle Cengage Learning]