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Trovati 1690 documenti.

Stella Maris canzone di Beppe Dati
Multimedia (kit)

Stella Maris [Videoregistrazione] : sei questa lacrima che brilla / canzone di Beppe Dati

Calambrone : Fondazione Stella Maris IRCCS, 2010?

Viaggio a.. Medjugorje prodotto da Maurizio Rasio ; condotto da Paolo Brosio ; scritto da Paolo Brosio .. [et al.] ; regia a cura di Bernardo Nuti
Multimedia (kit)

Viaggio a.. Medjugorje : testimonianze, messaggi e segreti di un luogo straordinario / prodotto da Maurizio Rasio ; condotto da Paolo Brosio ; scritto da Paolo Brosio .. [et al.] ; regia a cura di Bernardo Nuti

Milano : Piemme, 2012

Workbook Helen Stephenson
Multimedia (kit)

Stephenson, Helen

Workbook / Helen Stephenson

Andover : National Geographic learning : Cengage learning, c2014

Fa parte di: Life : beginner2

Abstract: Drawing on National Geographic content, this title transforms the learning experience into a journey with images, articles and videos

Sprachkurs Spanisch einfach & aktiv Angela Cuevas Alcañiz
Multimedia (kit)

Cuevas Alcañiz, Angela

Sprachkurs Spanisch einfach & aktiv [Audioregistrazione] : für Anfänger und Wiedereinsteiger / Angela Cuevas Alcañiz

2. Aufl.

Stuttgart : Compact, 2014

Compact SilverLine

Per altri occhi un film di Silvio Soldini e Giorgio Garini
Multimedia (kit)

Per altri occhi : avventure quotidiane di un manipolo di ciechi / un film di Silvio Soldini e Giorgio Garini

Milano : Feltrinelli, 2014

Feltrinelli real cinema

El mundo en español, junior autor: Oscar Rodríguez
Multimedia (kit)

Rodríguez, Óscar

El mundo en español, junior : libro de cultura y civilización, nivel A / autor: Oscar Rodríguez

Alcobendas : Habla con eñe, 2013

Workbook 1 series editors JoAnna (Jodi) Crandall, Joan Kang Shin ; authors Diane Pinkley, Ann Rossi
Multimedia (kit)

Pinkley, Diane

Workbook 1 / series editors JoAnna (Jodi) Crandall, Joan Kang Shin ; authors Diane Pinkley, Ann Rossi

Andover : National Geographic learning : Cengage learning, c2014

Fa parte di: Our world1

Abstract: Our World is a six-level primary series in American English and British English, bringing age-appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Our World brings together fun and fascinating information about the real world, supported by stunning National Geographic images and video. It gives young learners of English the essential language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world – all while learning English (

The square un film di Jehane Noujaim
Multimedia (kit)

The square : Dentro la rivoluzione / un film di Jehane Noujaim

Milano : Feltrinelli, 2014

Feltrinelli real cinema

Multimedia (kit)

Kommunikationstrainer : der schnelle Weg zur perfekten Aussprache

München : Digital publishing, c2013

Interaktive Sprachreise

Fa parte di: Español2

Vi racconto il nostro futuro Federico Rampini
Multimedia (kit)

Rampini, Federico

Vi racconto il nostro futuro / Federico Rampini

Milano : Mondadori, 2014

Strade blu [Mondadori]. Nonfiction

Our world
Multimedia (kit)

Our world

Andover : National Geographic learning : Cengage learning, c2014

Abstract: Our World is a six-level primary series in American English and British English, bringing age-appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Our World brings together fun and fascinating information about the real world, supported by stunning National Geographic images and video. It gives young learners of English the essential language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world – all while learning English (

Student's book 1
Multimedia (kit)

Student's book 1

Andover : National Geographic learning : Cengage learning, c2014

Fa parte di: Our world2

Abstract: Our World is a six-level primary series in American English and British English, bringing age-appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Our World brings together fun and fascinating information about the real world, supported by stunning National Geographic images and video. It gives young learners of English the essential language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world – all while learning English (

Multimedia (kit)

Spanisch : das Kombipaket für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene

5., überarb. Aufl.

München : Digital publishing, c2010

15 Stunden Sprachkurs

Italian complete Milena Reynolds
Multimedia (kit)

Reynolds, Milena

Italian complete / Milena Reynolds

London : Dorling Kindersley, 2003

Hugo [Dorling Kindersley]

Spanisch für Anfänger und Wiedereinsteiger
Multimedia (kit)

Spanisch für Anfänger und Wiedereinsteiger

5., überarb. Aufl.

München : Digital publishing, c2010

15 Stunden Sprachkurs

[Lesson planner
Multimedia (kit)

[Lesson planner : with Class audio CDs & teacher's resource CD-Rom]

Andover : National Geographic learning : Cengage learning, c2014

Fa parte di: Our world3

Abstract: Our World is a six-level primary series in American English and British English, bringing age-appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Our World brings together fun and fascinating information about the real world, supported by stunning National Geographic images and video. It gives young learners of English the essential language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world – all while learning English (

Reisezeit neu Tiziano Pierucci, Alesandra Fazzi
Multimedia (kit)

Pierucci, Tiziano

Reisezeit neu : Deutschkurs für Tourismus / Tiziano Pierucci, Alesandra Fazzi

Torino : Loescher, c2013

Abstract: Le competenze microlinguistiche e gli obiettivi professionali che il testo si propone di raggiungere sono coerenti con le indicazioni ministeriali (

Student's book Helen Stephenson, Paul Dummett, John Hughes
Multimedia (kit)

Stephenson, Helen

Student's book / Helen Stephenson, Paul Dummett, John Hughes

Andover : National Geographic learning : Cengage learning, c2014

Fa parte di: Life : beginner1

Abstract: Drawing on National Geographic content, this title transforms the learning experience into a journey with images, articles and videos

record libero
Multimedia (kit)

record libero

Multimedia (kit)


München : Digital publishing, c2013

Interaktive Sprachreise