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× Soggetto Chagall, Marc
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× Livello lingua A1
× Target di lettura Ragazzi, età 11-15

Trovati 372 documenti.

Blinder Passagier Andrea Maria Wagner.

Wagner, Andrea Maria.

Blinder Passagier / Andrea Maria Wagner.

Stuttgart : Klett, 2009

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Klett Sprachen]. - Stadt, Land, Fluss .. [Klett Sprachen].

Abstract: Carolina ist auf dem Flussschiff ihrer Eltern auf dem Rhein unterwegs. Doch was ist los im Lagerraum? Dort sitzt seit einem Zwischenstopp in Basel ein blinder Passagier namens Roman. Wie Roman an Bord gekommen ist? Er weiß es nicht. Erst langsam können alle gemeinsam das Rätsel lösen.

The frog prince retold by Laura Cowan ; illustrated by Ilaria Campana ; English language consultant: Peter Viney.

Cowan, Laura.

The frog prince / retold by Laura Cowan ; illustrated by Ilaria Campana ; English language consultant: Peter Viney.

London : Usborne, 2022.

Usborne English readers. Level 1

Jack and the Westbourne Fair Martyn Hobbs

Hobbs, Martyn

Jack and the Westbourne Fair / Martyn Hobbs

S.l. : Helbling languages, 2009

Helbling readers fiction [Helbling languages]. Red series, Graphic stories, Level 2

Abstract: The Westbourne Fair is coming to town and it is Jack's favourite moment of the year. But when he gets into trouble at school his parents say that he can't go to the fair.. (dalla 4. di cop.)

Football forever Andrea Sarto ; founder editors: Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter ; illustrated by Kanako Damerun and Yuzuru Takasaki

Sarto, Andrea

Football forever / Andrea Sarto ; founder editors: Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter ; illustrated by Kanako Damerun and Yuzuru Takasaki

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2016

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. One ; 1

Abstract: Tino wants to be a famous football player, and now is his chance – he is playing in his first game for an important team! But not eryone wants to help him. His father won't come to watch him play. His team captain, Lenda, thinks he is a bad player. And hat about the other team? Their captain is very big - and very mean! How will Tino do? What will happen to his friends, and his eam? What will his family do? And who will win?

Zadie's big day Martyn Hobbs

Hobbs, Martyn

Zadie's big day / Martyn Hobbs

S.l. : Helbling languages, 2009

Helbling readers fiction [Helbling languages]. Red series, Graphic stories, Level 1

Abstract: Zadie is the best footballer on the school team. She is also the best skater in the park. When a new boy at school challenges her to a skater competition.. (dalla 4. di cop.)

iQué bien! 2 Mady Musiol, Magaly Villarroel

Musiol, Mady

iQué bien! 2 : curso de español para niños / Mady Musiol, Magaly Villarroel

Recanati : ELI, 2018

PB3 e le verdure Jane Cadwallader ; illustrazioni di Gustavo Mazali

Cadwallader, Jane

PB3 e le verdure / Jane Cadwallader ; illustrazioni di Gustavo Mazali

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Letture graduate bambini. Livello A1

Veronika und die Liebe von: Maria Luisa Banfi ; illustriert von: Luca Poli ; ins Deutsche übersetzr von: Susanne Schiller

Banfi, Maria Luisa

Veronika und die Liebe / von: Maria Luisa Banfi ; illustriert von: Luca Poli ; ins Deutsche übersetzr von: Susanne Schiller

Recanati : ELI, 2002

Das Lesevergnügen bei Eli. Anfänger

True heroes of sport Donatella Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald, Donatella

True heroes of sport / Donatella Fitzgerald

Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level one

Abstract: Some people in the world of sport are heroes only beacuse they are the best at their sport. But sportsmen and sportswomen in this book [..] are all that and much more.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Changing places Alan Hines ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Hines, Alan

Changing places / Alan Hines ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Starter

Abstract: Hal works at the zoo every day and his life isn't exciting, until meets Tim. Tim is a movie star. He has a difficult life, and he is unhappy, until meets Hal.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The ghost ship of Bodega Bay Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Laura Scarpa

Clemen, Gina D. B.

The ghost ship of Bodega Bay / Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Laura Scarpa

Canterbury ; Black cat ; Genoa : Cideb, 2008

Green apple [Cideb]. Starter

Deborah's dreams Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Viola Niccolai

Puchta, Herbert

Deborah's dreams / Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Viola Niccolai

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

The thinking train. Level E

The Boscombe Valley mystery Arthur Conan Doyle

Doyle, Arthur Conan

The Boscombe Valley mystery / Arthur Conan Doyle

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Red series, Classics, level 2

The missing coins John Escott

Escott, John

The missing coins / John Escott

11. ed

Harlow : Pearson education, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 1

Beste Freunde Georgiakaki, Manuela .. [et al.]

Beste Freunde : Deutsch für Jugendliche / Georgiakaki, Manuela .. [et al.]

Ismaning : Hueber, 2013-2018

Black Beauty Anna Sewell

Sewell, Anna

Black Beauty / Anna Sewell

Rum : Helbling languages, 2009

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Red series, Classics, level 1

Abstract: The much-loved children's story of a horse, Black Beauty. Black Beauty begins his life in a loving home. But when his owners have to sell him, his fortune changes.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Roma 2050 d.C. Carlo Guastalla, Ciro Massimo Naddeo ; tavole: Werther Dell'Edera

Guastalla, Carlo

Roma 2050 d.C. / Carlo Guastalla, Ciro Massimo Naddeo ; tavole: Werther Dell'Edera

Firenze : Alma, 2013

L'italiano con i fumetti [Alma]

Una storia italiana Carlo Guastalla, Ciro Massimo Naddeo ; tavole: Giampiero Wallnofer

Guastalla, Carlo

Una storia italiana / Carlo Guastalla, Ciro Massimo Naddeo ; tavole: Giampiero Wallnofer

Firenze : Alma, 2013

L'italiano con i fumetti [Alma]

Sherlock Holmes and the Stolen Jewels Arthur Conan Doyle ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Sweeney, Geraldine

Sherlock Holmes and the Stolen Jewels / Arthur Conan Doyle ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2017

Helbling readers classics. Red series, Level 2

The adventures of Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting ; [adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Gascoigne, Jennifer

The adventures of Doctor Dolittle / by Hugh Lofting ; [adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

Helbling readers classics. Red series, Level 1