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× Livello lingua C1

Trovati 78 documenti.

Cinema italiano a cura di Anita Lorenzotti, Roberto Aiello
Multimedia (kit)

Cinema italiano : impara l'italiano con i film / a cura di Anita Lorenzotti, Roberto Aiello

Firenze : Alma, 2009

Vanity fair William Thackeray ; retold by Diane Mowat ; illustrations by William Thackeray from the engravings in the 1847 edition

Mowat, Diane

Vanity fair / William Thackeray ; retold by Diane Mowat ; illustrations by William Thackeray from the engravings in the 1847 edition

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Abstract: When Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley leave school, their feet are set on very different paths. Kind, foolish Amelia returns to her comfortable home and wealthy family, to await a suitable marriage, while Becky must look out for herself, earning her own living in a hard world. But Becky is neither kind nor foolish, and with her quick brain and keen eye for a chance, her fortunes soon rise, while Amelia's fall. (

Nelson's dream J. M. Newsome

Newsome, J.M.

Nelson's dream / J. M. Newsome

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press, 2008

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 6

Abstract: Nelson Mbizi returns to his home in southern Africa after studying in Britain. When he tries to help a family of orphans he meets Viki, a South African TV presenter. The story of Nelson and Viki's relationship is told against a background of HIV/AIDS and government corruption on the one hand, and great good humour and wonderful music on the other.. (

Successful meetings John Hughes & Andrew Mallett
Multimedia (kit)

Hughes, John

Successful meetings : for professionals who use english at work : video course / John Hughes & Andrew Mallett

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2012

ÖSD Zertifikat C1 Herausgeber: ÖSD

ÖSD Zertifikat C1 : Modellsatz : Informationen / Herausgeber: ÖSD

3., korrigierte Aufl

Wien [etc.] : ÖSD, c2016

Internationale Prüfungen für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (ÖSD)

Active grammar Mark Lloyd and Jeremy Day ; Series editor: Penny Ur

Lloyd, Mark

Active grammar : level 3 with answers / Mark Lloyd and Jeremy Day ; Series editor: Penny Ur

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2011

Abstract: Active Grammar is a three-level grammar reference and practice series specially designed to appeal to teenage and young adult learners. Active Grammar Level 3 covers C1-C2 (CEF) level grammar points. (IV di cop.)

Perfezionamento del francese di Anthony Bulger ; in collaborazione con Jean-Loup Chérel ; adattamento italiano di stefano Deflorian ; illustrazioni di J.-L. Goussé
Multimedia (kit)

Bulger, Anthony

Perfezionamento del francese / di Anthony Bulger ; in collaborazione con Jean-Loup Chérel ; adattamento italiano di stefano Deflorian ; illustrazioni di J.-L. Goussé

Chivasso : Assimil Italia, stampa 2016

Perfezionamenti [Assimil Italia]

L'utile e il dilettevole Elettra Ercolino, T. Anna Pellegrino
Multimedia (kit)

Ercolino, Elettra

L'utile e il dilettevole : esercizi e regole per comunicare / Elettra Ercolino, T. Anna Pellegrino

Torino : Loescher, 2011-2013

Freddie's war Jane Rollason

Rollason, Jane

Freddie's war / Jane Rollason

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2010

Cambridge discovery readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 6

Cuentos para no dormir Emilia Pardo Bazán ; adaptado por Sergio Adillo .. [et al.]

Cuentos para no dormir / Emilia Pardo Bazán ; adaptado por Sergio Adillo .. [et al.]

Napoli : Simone per la scuola, 2014

Más lecturas

Abstract: Tres relatos ambientados en Galicia que tienen como denominador común la crueldad del ser humano. Minia la molinera, don Custodio el farmacéutico, los avaros hermanos Tomé y Antonia la asistenta son los protagonistas de estas istoria de supersticiones rurales que terminan con el asesinato de gente inocente y miedos que engendran crímenes Horrendos o que acaban con la propia vida.

eBook / testo digitale

Business [Risorsa elettronica]

Version 5

Linz : Strokes international, c2010

Easy learning

Fa parte di: Italienisch : Sprachkurs, Sprachtrainer, Nachschlagewerke3

Französich 3
Multimedia (kit)

Französich 3 [Risorsa elettronica] : Business : Sprachkurs, Sprachtrainer, Nachschlagewerke

Version 5

Linz : Strokes international, c2010

Easy learning. Touch the world

Teacher's guide

Iandelli, Norma

Teacher's guide : Norma Iandelli, Alison Smith, Valentina M. Chen

Recanati : ELI, c2017

Fa parte di: SmartGrammar

Oliver Twist Charles Dickens ; retold by Richard Rogers

Rogers, Richard

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; retold by Richard Rogers

Oxford : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford university press]. Classics, Stage 6

Abstract: London in the 1830s was no place to be if you were a hungry ten-year-old boy, an orphan without friends or family, with no home to go to, and only a penny in your pocket to buy a piece of bread. But Oliver Twist finds some friends - Fagin, the Artful Dodger, and Charley Bates. They give him food and shelter, and play games with him, but it is not until some days later that Oliver finds out what kind of friends they are and what kind of 'games' they play.. (

A la sombra del alcornoque María Montes Vicente

Montes Vicente, María

A la sombra del alcornoque / María Montes Vicente

München : Compact, 2017

Lernkrimi Spanisch - Lernkrimi classic

Abstract: Das Grab von Inocencio Castro Morales ist leer. Nach Kriegsende 1939 kehrte er nicht in sein Heimatdorf zurück. Was von ihm bleibt, ist ein Medaillon im Familienbesitz von Pablo, einem jungen Mann aus Madrid, der Jahr für Jahr zur Korkernte zurück in die Extremadura kommt. Im Dorf seiner Kindheit ahnt er, dass ihm das letzte Erbstück seines Großonkels ein Stück verborgene Familiengeschichte offenbaren kann. Plötzlich ist auch Pablo verschwunden. Was hatte erLeggi tutto

Perfezionamento del tedesco
Multimedia (kit)

Eismann, Volker

Perfezionamento del tedesco

Chivasso : Assimil Italia, 2022

Perfezionamenti [Assimil Italia]

Mosaico Italia M. De Biasio, P. Garofalo

De Biasio, Marco

Mosaico Italia : percorsi nella cultura e nella civiltà italiana / M. De Biasio, P. Garofalo

Roma : Edilingua, 2008

Abstract: Mosaico Italia è un volume di studio e approfondimento della realtà italiana destinato ad un pubblico di studenti stranieri di livello intermedio-avanzato che a scuola o in percorsi extrascolastici vogliono approfondire lo studio della lingua e della civiltà italiane. L’opera è strutturata in sei percorsi che sviluppano in modo organico alcuni temi legati alla cultura italiana e alla vita quotidiana (

Französisch in der Praxis
Multimedia (kit)

Bulger, Anthony

Französisch in der Praxis

Köln : Assimil, 2017

Letteratura Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Cernigliaro, Maria Angela

Letteratura : testi e attività per stranieri / Maria Angela Cernigliaro

Roma : Edilingua, 2009

L'Italia è cultura [Edilingua]

Abstract: L'Italia è cultura è una serie di 5 fascicoli monografici sulla cultura italiana. Ogni monografia, attraverso un linguaggio semplice, esaustivo e tanto materiale fotografico, offre allo studente straniero la possibilità di diventare protagonista di un viaggio attraverso la cultura e la civiltà italiana, fornendogli informazioni ed elementi per interpretare e capire meglio la variegata realtà culturale italiana. Inoltre, lo studente può verificare l’apprendimento di quantoLeggi tutto

Thirteen reasons why Jay Asher ; annotation by Dorothea Buschmann

Asher, Jay

Thirteen reasons why / Jay Asher ; annotation by Dorothea Buschmann

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, c2007

Abstract: Clay Jensen returns home from school one day to find a mysterious box, with his name on it, lying on the porch. Inside he discovers 13 cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker - his classmate - who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she did what she did - and Clay is one of them..