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Trovati 551 documenti.

Lavorare in ospedale Federico Dabono

Dabono, Federico

Lavorare in ospedale : B1/B2 / Federico Dabono

Recanati : ELI, 2022

Italiano per il lavoro - Il piacere di apprendere

Volevo i pantaloni Lara Cardella ; herausgegeben von Kristina Gmehlin-Micotti

Cardella, Lara

Volevo i pantaloni / Lara Cardella ; herausgegeben von Kristina Gmehlin-Micotti

Ditzingen : Reclam, 2020

Reclams Universal-Bibliothek ; 19967.^Fremdsprachentexte Italienisch

Abstract: Che cosa sogna una ragazza in Sicilia? Prima di tutto il Principe Azzurro. Cioè un marito, come appare nelle favole e nei fotoromanzi. Annetta, invece, fa sogni controcorrente: un paio di pantaloni, la libertà, il rispetto. La storia della sua faticosa battaglia per affermarsi come persona, contro l'ottusità e la violenza fisica e morale.

Großer Lernwortschatz Französisch aktuell Thérèse Buffard

Buffard, Thérèse

Großer Lernwortschatz Französisch aktuell : 15000 Wörter zu 150 Themen / Thérèse Buffard

Erweiterte und aktualisierte Neuausg

Ismaning : Hueber, 2013

Multimedia (kit)

Español [Risorsa elettronica] : Vokabeltrainer : der schnelle Weg zum perfekten Wortschatz

München : Digital publishing : Hueber, 2014

Interaktive Sprachreise

Kommunizieren im Beruf von Hans-Heirich Rohrer und Carsten Schmidt

Rohrer, Hans-Heinrich

Kommunizieren im Beruf : 1000 nützliche Redewendungen / von Hans-Heirich Rohrer und Carsten Schmidt

Stuttgart : Klett, c2018

Gulliver's travels Jonathan Swift ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

West, Clare

Gulliver's travels / Jonathan Swift ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 4

Abstract: 'Soon I felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimetres tall.. I was so surprised that I gave a great shout.' But that is only the first of many surprises which Gulliver has on his travels. He visits a land of giants and a flying island, meets ghosts from the past and horses which talk. (

I got it! Lutz Walther

Walther, Lutz

I got it! : typische Englisch-Fehler sicher vermeiden : [gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen A2 - B2] / Lutz Walther

München : Compact, 2018

English- alles drin!

English- alles drin! : Wortschatz und Grammatik, nachschlagen, lernen und üben

München [etc.] : Langenscheidt, 2019

Les mots Danièle Dumarest, Marie-Hélène Morsel

Dumarest, Danièle

Les mots : origine, formation, sens / Danièle Dumarest, Marie-Hélène Morsel

Fontaine : Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2017

Vocabulaire et lexique

Short stories in German for intermediate learners Olly Richards ; series editor Rebecca Moeller ; development editor Wolfgang Weermann

Richards, Olly

Short stories in German for intermediate learners : read for pleasure at your level and learn German the fun way! / Olly Richards ; series editor Rebecca Moeller ; development editor Wolfgang Weermann

London : Hodder and Stoughton, 2021

Teach yourself. For intermediate learners

Speaking games by Jason Anderson

Anderson, Jason

Speaking games : photocopiable activities to make language learning fun / by Jason Anderson

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2020

Cinco panes de cebada Lucía Baquedano ; herausgegeben von Klaus Amann ; mit einem Interview mit der Autorin

Baquedano, Lucía

Cinco panes de cebada / Lucía Baquedano ; herausgegeben von Klaus Amann ; mit einem Interview mit der Autorin

Ditzingen : Reclam, 2023

Fremdsprachentexte. Spanisch ; 14147

Abstract: Die 21-jährige Muriel hat gerade ihr Lehramtstudium mit Bravour bestanden und freut sich auf den Berufseinstieg – bis man ihr mitteilt, dass sie an eine Schule in der Provinz beordert wurde. Und so macht sich die angehende Lehrerin aus der Großstadt Pamplona auf ins Unbekannte, fest davon überzeugt, in einem Dorf niemals ihr Glück zu finden. Werden die Menschen dort der jungen Frau das Gegenteil beweisen können?

Giochi senza frontiere Roberta Ferencich, Paolo Torresan

Ferencich, Roberta

Giochi senza frontiere : attività ludiche per l'isegnamento dell'italiano / Roberta Ferencich, Paolo Torresan

Firenze : Alma, c2005

Focus ahead intermediate

Focus ahead intermediate : Student's book : Vaughan Jones .. [et al.]

Milano [etc.] : Pearson : Longman, 2016

Always learning [Pearson]

La puerta negra von Iván Reymóndez Fernández

Reymóndez-Fernández, Iván

La puerta negra : mörderische Kurzkrimis zum Spanischlernen / von Iván Reymóndez Fernández

Stuttgart : PONS, 2017

PONS Lektüre. Confidencial

The gift of the Magi O. Henry ; notes and activities by Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Clarke

Henry, O.

The gift of the Magi : and other stories / O. Henry ; notes and activities by Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Clarke

Milano : Hoepli, c2015

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

Abstract: These five famous O'Henry stories deal with the lives of ordinary people in a constantly changing New York City. Romance and humour abound in the lives of 'ordinary' folk. O. Henry has created characters that reveal in one way or another a true sense of dignity as they face their personal dramas. Love, forgiveness and tolerance flow through the heart of these stories and in the end there is always to be found poetic justice in the world. What has come to be known byLeggi tutto

La vida de Pau Casals M. Rosa Bayà

Bayà, Rosa María

La vida de Pau Casals / M. Rosa Bayà

Vic : Eumo ; Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona, c2004

Català fàcil [Eumo]. Mitjà ; 2

Little women Louisa May Alcott ; retold by John Escott ; illustated by Martin Cottam

Escott, John

Little women / Louisa May Alcott ; retold by John Escott ; illustated by Martin Cottam

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Human interest, Stage 4

Abstract: When Christmas comes for the four March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier girls in America than Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They miss their father, of course, who is away at the Civil War, but they try hard to be good so that he will be proud of his 'little women' when he comes home. This heart-warming story of family life has been popular for more than a hundred years. (

Il creastorie Chiara Colucci

Colucci, Chiara

Il creastorie [Gioco] / Chiara Colucci

Recanati : ELI, 2021

L'italiano giocando [ELI]

Dolce vita Alessandro De Giuli, Ciro Massimo Naddeo

De Giuli, Alessandro

Dolce vita / Alessandro De Giuli, Ciro Massimo Naddeo

Nuova ed

Firenze : Alma, 2015

Letture italiano facile [Alma]. Livello 5