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× Livello lingua B1

Trovati 2576 documenti.

Multimedia (kit)

Español [Risorsa elettronica] : Vokabeltrainer : der schnelle Weg zum perfekten Wortschatz

München : Digital publishing : Hueber, 2014

Interaktive Sprachreise

Multimedia (kit)

Español [Risorsa elettronica] : Kommunikationstrainer : der schnelle Weg zur perfekten Aussprache

München : Digital publishing : Hueber, 2014

Interaktive Sprachreise

Frankenstein [original text written by] Mary Shelley ; retold by Helen Holwill ; illustrated by Rohan Eason ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

Holwill, Helen

Frankenstein / [original text written by] Mary Shelley ; retold by Helen Holwill ; illustrated by Rohan Eason ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 5

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Egna - Istituto pluricomprensivo Bassa AtesinaBiblioteca interscolastica
428 SHE - 2
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale FirmianSala Lettura
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; adaptation and teaching material by Jennifer Milton

Milton, Jennifer

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; adaptation and teaching material by Jennifer Milton

Milano : Hoepli, 2011

Reading. Semplified classics

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado ArchimedeScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Great expectations Charles Dickens
 ; [adapted and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Gascoigne, Jennifer

Great expectations / Charles Dickens
 ; [adapted and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne]

Rum : Helbling Languages, 2015

Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 4

Abstract: When poor orphan Pip falls in love with the rich and beautiful Estella he never imagines that he, too, one day will have money. After Mr Jaggers tells Pip he has great expectations and a secret rich benefactor, Pip moves to London and starts a new life as a gentleman.

English grammar framework Jennifer Gascoigne, Gillian Hammond ; with Ambra Ricordini

Gascoigne, Jennifer

English grammar framework : reference and practice for pre-intermediate students at B1 level / Jennifer Gascoigne, Gillian Hammond ; with Ambra Ricordini

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2008

Abstract: Questo volume è il secondo della serie English Grammar Framework ed è destinato a studenti che intendano consolidare la propria conoscenza dell’inglese a livello pre-intermediate, corrispondente al livello B1 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per lingue. L’audio CD/CD-ROM offre, oltre alla registrazione dei dialoghi e dei testi di altre attività contenute nel libro, numerosi esercizi interattivi suddivisi nelle seguenti sezioni: Vocabulary, Listening, Pronunciation,Leggi tutto

Einfach Grammatik von Paul Rusch und Helen Schmitz

Rusch, Paul

Einfach Grammatik : Übungsgrammatik Deutsch A1 bis B1 / von Paul Rusch und Helen Schmitz

München : Klett-Langenscheidt, 2014

Kommunizieren im Beruf von Hans-Heirich Rohrer und Carsten Schmidt

Rohrer, Hans-Heinrich

Kommunizieren im Beruf : 1000 nützliche Redewendungen / von Hans-Heirich Rohrer und Carsten Schmidt

Stuttgart : Klett, c2018

La farce de Maître Pathelin adattamento di Paola Ruggeri

Ruggeri, Paola

La farce de Maître Pathelin / adattamento di Paola Ruggeri

Torino : Loescher, 2023

Abstract: Maître Pathelin a rondement mené son affaire : il a acheté " à crédit " une étoffe à sieur Guillaume, et l'a si bien abusé qu'il n'acquitte pas sa dette. Mais à malin, malin et demi : il apprendra à ses dépens que " tel est pris qui croyait prendre "..

Climate kids Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli ; text and activitties by Jane Cammack

Cammack, Jane

Climate kids / Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli ; text and activitties by Jane Cammack

Genova : Black cat, 2023

Green apple. Life skills, Step 2

L'italiano per amico, livello intermedio A2-B1 Comunità di Sant'Egidio

Comunità di Sant'Egidio

L'italiano per amico, livello intermedio A2-B1 : corso di italiano per stranieri / Comunità di Sant'Egidio

Brescia : La scuola, 2018

Gulliver's travels Jonathan Swift ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

West, Clare

Gulliver's travels / Jonathan Swift ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 4

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Liceo G. CarducciScaffale aperto
LFE 152
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Leonardo da VinciScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: 'Soon I felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimetres tall.. I was so surprised that I gave a great shout.' But that is only the first of many surprises which Gulliver has on his travels. He visits a land of giants and a flying island, meets ghosts from the past and horses which talk. (

La minaccia di don Rodrigo Alessandro Manzoni ; note e apparato didattico Alessandra Latino e Marida Muscolino

Manzoni, Alessandro <1785-1873>

La minaccia di don Rodrigo / Alessandro Manzoni ; note e apparato didattico Alessandra Latino e Marida Muscolino

Milano : Hoepli, 2010

Italiano lingua straniera [Hoepli]. livello B1

Las tres muertes del duque de la Ribera Rosa Ribas

Ribas, Rosa

Las tres muertes del duque de la Ribera / Rosa Ribas

Barcelona : Difusión, c2011

Colección novela histórica [Difusión]

I got it! Lutz Walther

Walther, Lutz

I got it! : typische Englisch-Fehler sicher vermeiden : [gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen A2 - B2] / Lutz Walther

München : Compact, 2018

The Canterville ghost Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Hammond, Gillian

The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Milano : Liberty, 2016

Inclusive Student's book 3 Elizabeth Kilbey with Cinzia Macchia

Kilbey, Elizabeth

Inclusive Student's book 3 : with eBook, virtual classroom and online expansion / Elizabeth Kilbey with Cinzia Macchia

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018

Fa parte di: Talent 3

English- alles drin!

English- alles drin! : Wortschatz und Grammatik, nachschlagen, lernen und üben

München [etc.] : Langenscheidt, 2019

Les mots Danièle Dumarest, Marie-Hélène Morsel

Dumarest, Danièle

Les mots : origine, formation, sens / Danièle Dumarest, Marie-Hélène Morsel

Fontaine : Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2017

Vocabulaire et lexique

Short stories in German for intermediate learners Olly Richards ; series editor Rebecca Moeller ; development editor Wolfgang Weermann

Richards, Olly

Short stories in German for intermediate learners : read for pleasure at your level and learn German the fun way! / Olly Richards ; series editor Rebecca Moeller ; development editor Wolfgang Weermann

London : Hodder and Stoughton, 2021

Teach yourself. For intermediate learners