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The last days of Socrates: Euthyphro-Apology-Crito-Phaedo
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Plato - Jowett, Benjamin

The last days of Socrates: Euthyphro-Apology-Crito-Phaedo

Logos, 20/10/2017

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Abstract: This new 2017 edition of The Last Days of Socrates presents Plato's dialogues Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo, translated by Benjamin Jowett.

The allegory of the cave
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Plato - Jowett, Benjamin

The allegory of the cave

Logos, 24/10/2017

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Abstract: Plato's Allegory of the Cave is one of the most elegant and important metaphors in Western philosophy. It is a dialogue between Plato's brother Glaucon and his mentor Socrates, narrated by the latter, in which Plato elucidates his Theory of Forms. 

The apology
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The apology

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Abstract: The Apology, by Plato, is the Socratic dialogue that presents the speech of legal self-defence, which Socrates presented at his trial for impiety and corruption, in 399 BC. Specifically, the Apology of Socrates is a defence against the charges of "corrupting the young" and "not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel" to Athens.Among the primary sources about the trial and death of the philosopher Socrates (469–399 BC), theLeggi tutto

Crito [Halls of Wisdom]
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Crito [Halls of Wisdom]

Ozymandias Press

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Abstract: The Crito seems intended to exhibit the character of Socrates in one light only, not as the philosopher, fulfilling a divine mission and trusting in the will of heaven, but simply as the good citizen, who having been unjustly condemned is willing to give up his life in obedience to the laws of the state . . .The days of Socrates are drawing to a close; the fatal ship has been seen off Sunium, as he is informed by his aged friend and contemporary Crito, whoLeggi tutto

Cratylus [Halls of Wisdom]
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Cratylus [Halls of Wisdom]

Ozymandias Press

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Abstract: The Cratylus has always been a source of perplexity to the student of Plato. While in fancy and humour, and perfection of style and metaphysical originality, this dialogue may be ranked with the best of the Platonic writings, there has been an uncertainty about the motive of the piece, which interpreters have hitherto not succeeded in dispelling. We need not suppose that Plato used words in order to conceal his thoughts, or that he would have been unintelligible to anLeggi tutto

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Plato - Jowett-054trl, Benjamin


Ozymandias Press

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Abstract: In what relation the Apology of Plato stands to the real defence of Socrates, there are no means of determining. It certainly agrees in tone and character with the description of Xenophon, who says in the Memorabilia that Socrates might have been acquitted 'if in any moderate degree he would have conciliated the favour of the dicasts;' and who informs us in another passage, on the testimony of Hermogenes, the friend of Socrates, that he had no wish to live; and that theLeggi tutto

Alcibiades I
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Alcibiades I

Ozymandias Press

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Abstract: The First Alcibiades is a conversation between Socrates and Alcibiades. Socrates is represented in the character which he attributes to himself in the Apology of a know-nothing who detects the conceit of knowledge in others. The two have met already in the Protagoras and in the Symposium; in the latter dialogue, as in this, the relation between them is that of a lover and his beloved. But the narrative of their loves is told differently in different places; for in theLeggi tutto

Alcibiades II
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Alcibiades II

Ozymandias Press

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Abstract: That the Dialogue which goes by the name of the Second Alcibiades is a genuine writing of Plato will not be maintained by any modern critic, and was hardly believed by the ancients themselves. The dialectic is poor and weak. There is no power over language, or beauty of style; and there is a certain abruptness and agroikia in the conversation, which is very un-Platonic. The best passage is probably that about the poets:—the remark that the poet, who is of a reservedLeggi tutto

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Perennial Press

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Abstract: The subject of the Charmides is Temperance or (Greek), a peculiarly Greek notion, which may also be rendered Moderation (Compare Cic. Tusc. '(Greek), quam soleo equidem tum temperantiam, tum moderationem appellare, nonnunquam etiam modestiam.'), Modesty, Discretion, Wisdom, without completely exhausting by all these terms the various associations of the word. It may be described as 'mens sana in corpore sano,' the harmony or due proportion of the higher and lower elementsLeggi tutto

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Perennial Press

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Abstract: The Critias is a fragment which breaks off in the middle of a sentence. It was designed to be the second part of a trilogy, which, like the other great Platonic trilogy of the Sophist, Statesman, Philosopher, was never completed. Timaeus had brought down the origin of the world to the creation of man, and the dawn of history was now to succeed the philosophy of nature. The Critias is also connected with the Republic. Plato, as he has already told us (Tim.), intended toLeggi tutto

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Perennial Press

Logo mlol

Abstract: The Euthydemus, though apt to be regarded by us only as an elaborate jest, has also a very serious purpose. It may fairly claim to be the oldest treatise on logic; for that science originates in the misunderstandings which necessarily accompany the first efforts of speculation. Several of the fallacies which are satirized in it reappear in the Sophistici Elenchi of Aristotle and are retained at the end of our manuals of logic. But if the order of history were followed,Leggi tutto

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Ozymandias Press

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Abstract: The dialogue takes place the day after Socrates described his ideal state. In Plato's works such a discussion occurs in the Republic. Socrates feels that his description of the ideal state wasn't sufficient for the purposes of entertainment and that "I would be glad to hear some account of it engaging in transactions with other states". Hermocrates wishes to oblige Socrates and mentions that Critias knows just the account to do so. Critias proceeds to tell the story ofLeggi tutto

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Ozymandias Press

Logo mlol

Abstract: Some dialogues of Plato are of so various a character that their relation to the other dialogues cannot be determined with any degree of certainty. The Theaetetus, like the Parmenides, has points of similarity both with his earlier and his later writings. The perfection of style, the humour, the dramatic interest, the complexity of structure, the fertility of illustration, the shifting of the points of view, are characteristic of his best period of authorship. The vainLeggi tutto

The Apology
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The Apology

Endymion Press

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Abstract: In what relation the Apology of Plato stands to the real defence of Socrates, there are no means of determining. It certainly agrees in tone and character with the description of Xenophon, who says in the Memorabilia that Socrates might have been acquitted 'if in any moderate degree he would have conciliated the favour of the dicasts;' and who informs us in another passage, on the testimony of Hermogenes, the friend of Socrates, that he had no wish to live; and that theLeggi tutto

The Quotable Plato
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Plato - Blackmore-020edt, Lars

The Quotable Plato

Jovian Press

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Abstract: Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition. All that remains to be said about Plato, can be said by Plato…

The trial and death of Socrates. Euthyphro-Apology-Crito-Phaedo
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The trial and death of Socrates. Euthyphro-Apology-Crito-Phaedo

Enhanced Media Publishing, 31/08/2017

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Abstract: This new 2017 edition of The Trial and Death of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo presents Benjamin Jowett's classic translations, as revised by Enhanced Media Publishing. A number of new or expanded annotations are also included.

The Republic
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The Republic

Perennial Press

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Abstract: The Republic of Plato is the longest of his works with the exception of the Laws, and is certainly the greatest of them. There are nearer approaches to modern metaphysics in the Philebus and in the Sophist; the Politicus or Statesman is more ideal; the form and institutions of the State are more clearly drawn out in the Laws; as works of art, the Symposium and the Protagoras are of higher excellence. But no other Dialogue of Plato has the same largeness of view and theLeggi tutto

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Logo mlol

Abstract: The Laches, which is part of the fifth tetralogy with Carmide, Teage and Liside, is a dialogue of Plato centered on the theme of virtue. It is an areteical dialogue (that is, focusing on virtue), definitory (which seeks to define what it is, in its entirety or in part) and aporetic, that is, in which no definitive conclusion can be reached. It is also a typical apologetic dialogue, in which Plato tends to represent Socrates as full of virtue (here he is called brave, byLeggi tutto

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Logo mlol

Abstract: Plato  Greek: Pláton, pronounced in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423– 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition.Unlike nearly all of his philosophical contemporaries, Plato's entire work is believed to have survived intact for over 2,400Leggi tutto

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Logo mlol

Abstract: Plato  Greek: Pláton, pronounced in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423– 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition.Unlike nearly all of his philosophical contemporaries, Plato's entire work is believed to have survived intact for over 2,400Leggi tutto