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Trovati 2020 documenti.

Sherlock Holmes strickes back Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Hammond, Gillian

Sherlock Holmes strickes back / Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Milano : Liberty, 2016

Libertyreaders. One, Key

Workbook Fiona Aish .. [et al.]

Workbook / Fiona Aish .. [et al.]

London : HarperCollins, 2016

Fa parte di: Get ready for IELTS

Teacher's guide Fiona McGarry .. [et al.]

Teacher's guide / Fiona McGarry .. [et al.]

London : HarperCollins, 2016

Fa parte di: Get ready for IELTS

White Fang Jack London ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Hill, David A.

White Fang / Jack London ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Rum : Helbling Languages, 2011

Helbling readers classics. Red series, Level 3

Abstract: White Fang is born part-dog, part-wolf, in the cold and snowy Northland of Alaska. He soon learns the laws of nature and before long he and his mother, Kiche, are fighting for survival. One day a native American, Gray Beaver, recognises Kiche and soon the mother and cub become his property. White Fang learns that men have laws, too, that can be both fair and cruel.

Caro diario Adalgisa Serio, Ernestina Meloni

Serio, Adalgisa

Caro diario : un film di Nanni Moretti.. / Adalgisa Serio, Ernestina Meloni

Roma : Edilingua, 2009

Cinema italia [Edilingua] ; 2

The black cat John Milne

Milne, John

The black cat [Medienkombination] / John Milne

Oxford : Macmillan, 2005

Macmillan readers. Elementary

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Appiano - Scuola secondaria I grado G. PascoliScaffale aperto
428.6 MIL
Solo consultazioneCopia disponibile
Salorno - BibliotecaSezione adulti saggistica
428 MIL
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 752 MIL con CD
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Merano - Istituto comprensivo Merano 2Sc. secondaria L.Negrelli_Merano
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Salahadin El Nur is an inspector in the Antiquities Department of the Egyptian police. The death of a visiting European archaeologist leads Salahadin to investigate the whereabouts of a priceless statuette. He is soon on the trail of a gang of international smugglers.

Green planet Christine Lindop

Lindop, Christine

Green planet / Christine Lindop

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level two

Abstract: Once "green" was just a color. Now we use it to talk about a way of looking at our world and thinking about the envinronment. But how green is our planet today? (dalla 4. di cop.)

Peruvian weavers Rob Waring, series editor

Peruvian weavers / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Thomson, c2008

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: In the village of Chinchero, Perù, weaving is an important tradition. Weavers use animal hair to make beautiful cloth. They have always used this cloth to stay warm. However, they are now also selling it to make money. How will this affect the local people and economy? (dalla 4. di cop.)

Jojo's story Antoinette Moses

Moses, Antoinette

Jojo's story / Antoinette Moses

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Elementary/Lower-intermediate

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

Auf nach Berlin Kerstin Salvador

Salvador, Kerstin

Auf nach Berlin / Kerstin Salvador

Recanati : ELI, 2017

Junge ELI Lektüren. Niveau 2

Le dernier verre von Katja Retieb

Retieb, Katja

Le dernier verre [Audioregistrazione] : mörderische Hörkrimis zum Französischlernen / von Katja Retieb

Stuttgart : Pons, 2016

PONS Hörkrimis - PONS Hörbuch

Ein Sommer in Bayern ; Illustrationen von Veronica Carratello Gudrun Gotzmann

Gotzmann, Gudrun

Ein Sommer in Bayern ; Illustrationen von Veronica Carratello / Gudrun Gotzmann

Recanati : ELI, 2022

Junge ELI Lektüren. Niveau 2

Abstract: Die drei Geschwister Ben, Klara und Leon aus Berlin müssen die Sommerferien bei den Großeltern in einem kleinen Dorf in Bayern verbringen. Dort gibt es kein Internet! Besonders Klara und Ben, die beiden Älteren, langweilen sich zuerst sehr. Aber dann werden es doch noch tolle Ferien..

Brigitta Adalbert Stifter ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth ; illustriert von Fabio Sardo

Seiffarth, Achim

Brigitta / Adalbert Stifter ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth ; illustriert von Fabio Sardo

Genua : Cideb, 2010

Lesen und üben [Cideb]. Niveau zwei A2

iTodos de fiesta! versión española Raquel García Prieto

García Prieto, Raquel

iTodos de fiesta! / versión española Raquel García Prieto

Recanati : ELI, 2009

Jugamos en español

Faust von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; Text von Franz Specht ; Bilder von OlegKantorovitch ; Aufgaben von Carola Heine und Elisabeth Lazarou

Specht, Franz

Faust : eine kleine Werkstatt zu einem großen Thema nach Motiven aus "Faust. Erster Teil" / von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; Text von Franz Specht ; Bilder von OlegKantorovitch ; Aufgaben von Carola Heine und Elisabeth Lazarou

Ismaning : Hueber, 2010

Hueber Lektüren. Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Niveaustufe A2 ; 2 - Leichte Literatur [Hueber]

The ghost of Genny Castle John Escott

Escott, John

The ghost of Genny Castle / John Escott

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008

Penguin readers. Level 2

Abstract: Claire is staying with her aunt Min. There is an old castle with a black tower in the village. It has a dangerous secret – accidents happen there, animals and people die. One day, Claire goes to the castle. She wants to know its secret.

London Gina D. B. Clemen

Clemen, Gina D. B.

London / Gina D. B. Clemen

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2010

R&T Discovery [Black cat]. Step 1

Großstadtliebe von Volker Borbein und Christian Baumgarten ; illustriert von Detlef Surrey

Borbein, Volker

Großstadtliebe / von Volker Borbein und Christian Baumgarten ; illustriert von Detlef Surrey

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2012

Lex:tra [Cornelsen] - DaF-Lektüre A2/B1

Coeur de pirate N. Karanfilovic & C. Skinazy

Karanfilovic Nathalie

Coeur de pirate / N. Karanfilovic & C. Skinazy

Paris : Maison des langues, C2012

Planète Ados [Maison des langues]


Englisch [Audioregistrazione] : gehirn-gerecht : 2 Aufbau

Version 2.0

Graz : Bizzons, c2012