eBook / testo digitale
Lippmann, Nancy
Sound & rhythm. Understanding spoken english
Firenze University Press, 01/01/2008
Titolo e contributi: Sound & rhythm. Understanding spoken english
Pubblicazione: Firenze University Press, 01/01/2008
EAN: 9788884539120
- Lingua: italiano
- Formato: PDF con DRM Adobe
Condividi il titolo
Sound & Rhythm takes the English language student through the first moves in learning how to decode the fast-moving flow of oral speech. Written for those studying in a classroom setting, the book takes a dual approach. It provides the phonological concepts that shape English sound and works on developing the student's ear, specifically training the student in how to take in a small stretch of sound and construct its meaning. While the primary focus is on the exploration of English sound for comprehension, a secondary outcome of Sound & Rhythm study is the ease of determining and correctly reproducing English pronunciation.Nancy Lippmann achieved her university degrees in the US, specialising in French literature (B.A.) and Education (M.Ed.) with action research in EFL methodology. In Italy, she has worked since the '70s as an EFL teacher as well as professional consultant to industry and government in Tuscany and Lazio, designing and implementing EFL programs. At present, a lecturer at the University of Florence Language Centre, she has developed special-focus courses, in English phonology and delivery of scientific papers.