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× Livello lingua B1
× Nomi Fisher Johnson, Paul
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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Letture

Trovati 519 documenti.

Trumpet voluntary Jeremy Harmer

Harmert, Jeremy

Trumpet voluntary / Jeremy Harmer

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 6

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 755 HAR 2 cd
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Merano - Mediateca multilingueScaffale aperto
EN 755 HAR 2
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A musician disappears, leaving only a strange e-mail message. Her husband, in a desperate search to find her, revisits their shared past and has to face up to some unpleasant realities, before trying to rebuild his life. His journey of discovery takes us across theLeggi tutto

Death in the Dojo Sue Leather

Leather, Sue

Death in the Dojo / Sue Leather

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 5

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 754 LEA
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 754 LEA cd
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

This time it's personal Alan Battersby

Battersby, Alan

This time it's personal / Alan Battersby

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 6

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

Dolphin music Antoinette Moses

Moses, Antoinette

Dolphin music / Antoinette Moses

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 5

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

A love for life Penny Hancock

Hancock, Penny

A love for life / Penny Hancock

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 6

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

Worlds apart [scritti di] C. Marlowe .. [et al.] ; by Silvia Minardi

Minardi, Silvia

Worlds apart : attitudes of rebellion through the ages / [scritti di] C. Marlowe .. [et al.] ; by Silvia Minardi

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2002

Interact with literature [Cideb]

Widening horizons [scritti di] W. Irving .. [et al.] ; by Franco Corradin and Maria Parrino

Widening horizons : short fiction from three continents / [scritti di] W. Irving .. [et al.] ; by Franco Corradin and Maria Parrino

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 1996

Interact with literature [Cideb]

A world of difference [scritti di] Roald Dahl .. [et al.] ; by Gabriella Bonavoglia

A world of difference : select short stories by british and american writers / [scritti di] Roald Dahl .. [et al.] ; by Gabriella Bonavoglia

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 1996

Interact with literature [Cideb]

The queen of death Philip Prowse

Milne, John

The queen of death / Philip Prowse

Oxford : Macmillan, 2005

Macmillan readers. 5, intermediate level

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas Hardy ; a cura di F. Catena

Hardy, Thomas

Tess of the d'Urbervilles / Thomas Hardy ; a cura di F. Catena

Torino : Il capitello, 1995

Il capitello classics

Abstract: An innocent country girl is seduced. From that moment her life is at the mercy of Fate .. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Five children and IT E. Nesbit ; retold by Cheryl Thompson

Thompson, Cheryl

Five children and IT / E. Nesbit ; retold by Cheryl Thompson

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Green apple [Cideb]. Starter

Oliver Twist Charles Dickens ; retold by Deborah Tempest ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Tempest, Deborah

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; retold by Deborah Tempest ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

New ed

Harlow : Pearson education, 2000

Penguin readers. Level 4

Jospeh Andrews Henry Fielding ; [adaptation, notes and exercises Rachel J. Roberts ; language consultant Theresa Arago ; cover Rachel J. Roberts ; editing Paul Keating]

Roberts, Rachel J.

Jospeh Andrews / Henry Fielding ; [adaptation, notes and exercises Rachel J. Roberts ; language consultant Theresa Arago ; cover Rachel J. Roberts ; editing Paul Keating]

Milano : La spiga languages, c2004

Improve your English [La spiga languages]. Intermediate readers

Arman's Journey Philip Prowse

Prowse, Philip

Arman's Journey / Philip Prowse

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Starter/Beginner

Abstract: Free resources, including a worksheet on the website:

Amazing women text by Helen Parker ; series edited by Fiona MacKenzie

Parker, Helen

Amazing women / text by Helen Parker ; series edited by Fiona MacKenzie

London : HarperCollins, c2014

Collins English readers. Level 1

The golden goose and other stories retold by David Foulds

Foulds, David

The golden goose and other stories / retold by David Foulds

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1994

Oxford progressive English readers. Grade 1

Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte

Brontë, Charlotte

Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte

Oxford : Oxford University press

Oxford progressive English readers. Grade 1

Frankenstein Mary Shelley ; retold by Margaret Tarner

Tarner, Margaret

Frankenstein / Mary Shelley ; retold by Margaret Tarner

Oxford : Heinemann, 1996

Heinemann guided readers - Elementary level

Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe ; text adaptation by Maud Jackson ; activities by Guglielmo Corrado and Kenneth Brodey ; introduction and dossiers by Gina D. B. Clemen

Jackson, Maud

Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe ; text adaptation by Maud Jackson ; activities by Guglielmo Corrado and Kenneth Brodey ; introduction and dossiers by Gina D. B. Clemen

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2003

Reading and training. Step five B2.2

The great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald ; introduction, notes and activities by Winifred Farrant Bevilacqua

Fitzgerald, Francis Scott

The great Gatsby / F. Scott Fitzgerald ; introduction, notes and activities by Winifred Farrant Bevilacqua

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c1994

Reading classics [Cideb]

Abstract: Vicino alla villa di Jay Gatsby, un misterioso personaggio legato alla malavita, abita Nick Carraway, un giovane agente di cambio. Daisy, cugina di Nick, sposata al ricco Tom Buchanan, era stata, anni prima, fidanzata di Jay Gatsby.. (