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Tracing as far back as the Stone Age, witches have fascinated us for centuries. But were they evil sorceresses determined to seek revenge, or suppressed feminists who were misunderstood? From Egyptian priestesses to Norse healers, take a closer look at witches throughout history and across the world, in this holistic non-fiction book that incorporates poetry, art, mythology, hexes, potions, and magic from different cultures and religions around the world
Titolo e contributi: Season of the witch : a spellbinding history of witches and other magical folk / written by Matt Ralphs ; illustrated by Núria Tamarit
Pubblicazione: London [etc.] : Flying eye books, 2020
Descrizione fisica:
75 p. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 29 cm
ISBN: 9781912497539
Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)