The M word

Conaghan, Brian

The M word

Abstract: Maggie Yates tells her best mate Moya everything. She tells her about Mum losing her job – how Mum's taken to crying in secret. She even tells her about her foolproof plan to cheer Mum up: find her a fella with cash to splash. Moya's with her every step of the way. I'll help, she smiles. Though you're surfing a rainbow if you think someone like that exists round here..

Titolo e contributi: The M word / Brian Conaghan

Pubblicazione: London [etc.] : Bloomsbury, 2020

Descrizione fisica: 336 p. ; 20 cm

ISBN: 9781408871577


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Dati generali (100)
  • Tipo di data: monografia edita in un solo anno
  • Target: giovani, età 16-19
Forma del documento (106)
  • Forma del documento: caratteri regolari
Testi (105)
  • Genere: fiction (narrativa)


APA:Conaghan, B..(2020). The *M word Bloomsbury.

MLA:Conaghan, Brian, . The *M word London [etc.] : Bloomsbury.2020.

Chicago:Conaghan, Brian, . (2020). The *M word London [etc.] : Bloomsbury.

Harvard:Conaghan, B..(2020). The *M word London [etc.] : Bloomsbury.

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