A heart full of headstones

Rankin, Ian

A heart full of headstones

Abstract: John Rebus stands accused: the once legendary detective is on trial, facing the rest of his life behind bars. How does a hero turn villain? Or have times changed, and the rules with them? Detective Inspector Siobhan Clarke tackles Edinburgh's most explosive case in years, as a corrupt cop harbouring huge secrets goes missing. But is her loyalty to the police or the public? And who can she trust when nobody is truly innocent - including her former mentor Rebus - and a killer walks among them?

Titolo e contributi: A heart full of headstones / Ian Rankin

Pubblicazione: London : Orion, 2023

Descrizione fisica: 385 p. ; 20 cm

ISBN: 9781398709386


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Dati generali (100)
  • Tipo di data: monografia edita in un solo anno
  • Target: adulti, generale
Forma del documento (106)
  • Forma del documento: caratteri regolari
Testi (105)
  • Indice: con indice
  • Genere: fiction (narrativa)


APA:Rankin, I..(2023). A *heart full of headstones Orion.

MLA:Rankin, Ian, . A *heart full of headstones London : Orion.2023.

Chicago:Rankin, Ian, . (2023). A *heart full of headstones London : Orion.

Harvard:Rankin, I..(2023). A *heart full of headstones London : Orion.

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