The girl with no name

The girl with no name

Abstract: Matthew had heard that there were Aboriginal rock paintings somewhere in Goanna Gorge, and he was determined to search for them. "It's an adventure", he had told his parents. "I've always wanted to see what it's like to sleep by myself in the bush". Discovering the paintings had been very exciting, but now Matthew realised he couldn't find his way back ..

Titolo e contributi: The girl with no name / Pat Lowe ; edited by Britt-Katrin Keson ; illustrated by Peter Bay Alexandersen

Pubblicazione: Kopenhagen : Aschehoug, 2000

Descrizione fisica: 92 p. ; 19 cm

Serie: Easy readers [Aschehoug]. B

ISBN: 312535370X


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Danimarca

The girl with no name
  • Con apparato didattico
Dati generali (100)
  • Tipo di data: monografia edita in un solo anno
  • Target: adulti, generale
Forma del documento (106)
  • Forma del documento: caratteri regolari
Testi (105)
  • Illustrazioni e allegati: illustrazioni
  • Genere: fiction (narrativa)


APA:.(2000). The *girl with no name Aschehoug.

MLA:. The *girl with no name Kopenhagen : Aschehoug.2000.

Chicago:. (2000). The *girl with no name Kopenhagen : Aschehoug.

Harvard:.(2000). The *girl with no name Kopenhagen : Aschehoug.

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