Amongst women

McGahern, John

Amongst women

Abstract: Michael Moran is an old Irish Republican whose life was forever transformed by his days of glory as a guerrilla leader in the Irish War of Independence. Moran is till fighting—with his family, his friends, and even himself—in this haunting testimony to the enduring qualities of the human spirit.

Titolo e contributi: Amongst women / John McGahern

Pubblicazione: London : Faber & Faber, 2016

Descrizione fisica: [6], 184 p. ; 20 cm

Serie: Faber Modern classics

ISBN: 9780571315543


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Dati generali (100)
  • Tipo di data: monografia edita in un solo anno
  • Target: adulti, generale
Forma del documento (106)
  • Forma del documento: caratteri regolari
Testi (105)
  • Genere: fiction (narrativa)


APA:McGahern, J..(2016). Amongst women Faber & Faber.

MLA:McGahern, John, . Amongst women London : Faber & Faber.2016.

Chicago:McGahern, John, . (2016). Amongst women London : Faber & Faber.

Harvard:McGahern, J..(2016). Amongst women London : Faber & Faber.

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