The bunker diary

Brooks, Kevin

The bunker diary

Abstract: A pulse-pounding exploration of what happens when your worst nightmare comes true - and how will you survive? I can't believe I fell for it. It was still dark when I woke up this morning. As soon as my eyes opened I knew where I was. A low-ceilinged rectangular building made entirely of whitewashed concrete. There are six little rooms along the main corridor. There are no windows. No doors. The lift is the only way in or out. What's he going to do to me? What am I going to do? If I'm right, the lift will come down in five minutes. It did. Only this time it wasn't empty . . .(

Titolo e contributi: The bunker diary / Kevin Brooks

Pubblicazione: London : Penguin books, 2013

Descrizione fisica: 246, [13] p. ; 20 cm

Serie: Penguin books

ISBN: 9780141326122


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Dati generali (100)
  • Tipo di data: monografia edita in un solo anno
  • Target: giovani, età 16-19
Forma del documento (106)
  • Forma del documento: caratteri regolari
Testi (105)
  • Genere: fiction (narrativa)


APA:Brooks, K..(2013). The *bunker diary Penguin books.

MLA:Brooks, Kevin, . The *bunker diary London : Penguin books.2013.

Chicago:Brooks, Kevin, . (2013). The *bunker diary London : Penguin books.

Harvard:Brooks, K..(2013). The *bunker diary London : Penguin books.

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