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Occupational profiles of vocational counsellors in the European community A.G. Watts ; published by CEDEFOP, European centre for the development of vocational training
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Watts, A.G.
Occupational profiles of vocational counsellors in the European community
Titolo e contributi: Occupational profiles of vocational counsellors in the European community : a synthesis report / A.G. Watts ; published by CEDEFOP, European centre for the development of vocational training
Pubblicazione: Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1992
Descrizione fisica:
III, 72 p. : tab. ; 30 cm
Serie: CEDEFOP Document
ISBN: 92 826 4531 2
Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)
APA:Watts, A..(1992). Occupational profiles of vocational counsellors in the European community a synthesis report Office for official publications of the European Communities.
MLA:Watts, A.G., . Occupational profiles of vocational counsellors in the European community a synthesis report Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities.1992.
Chicago:Watts, A.G., . (1992). Occupational profiles of vocational counsellors in the European community a synthesis report Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities.
Harvard:Watts, A..(1992). Occupational profiles of vocational counsellors in the European community a synthesis report Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities.