Motor Vehicle Bodies World Summary
eBook / testo digitale

DataGroup, Editorial

Motor Vehicle Bodies World Summary

Abstract: The Motor Vehicle Bodies World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in about 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the115 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Motor vehicle bodies) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for115 Products/Services covered, including: MOTOR VEHICLE BODIES 1. Motor vehicle body manufactures 2. Truck, bus & other vehicle bodies incl passenger car bodies & kit cars for sale separately 3. Bus bodies for sale separately 4. Truck cabs for sale separately 5. Vans with unit body-cab for sale separately 6. Van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 7. Refrigerated (except food service) van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 8. Food service van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 9. Other van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 10. Other truck & vehicle bodies for sale separately, incl dumptruck lifting mechanisms & kit cars 11. Tank bodies for sale separately 12. Front loading garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 13. Rear loading garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 14. Side loading garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 15. Other garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 16. Beverage truck bodies for sale separately 17. Dump truck bodies for sale separately 18. Stake & platform truck bodies for sale separately 19. Utility line service truck bodies for sale separately 20. Other mobile service type truck bodies for sale separately 21. Wrecker truck bodies for sale separately 22. Passenger car bodies 23. Kit cars 24. Motor vehicle fifth wheels, new 25. Other truck & vehicle bodies, incl dumptruck lifting mechanisms 26. Truck, bus & other vehicle bodies (incl passenger car bodies & kit cars) for sale separately, nsk 27. Bus bodies and truck cabs, sold separately 28. Bus bodies, sold separately 29. Bus bodies, school, sold separately 30. Bus bodies, other types, sold separately 31. Truck cabs, sold separately 32. Bus bodies and truck cabs, sold separately, nsk 33. Complete vehicles produced on purchased chassis 34. Buses, complete, produced on purchased chassis 35. Firefighting vehicles, complete, produced on purchased chassis 36. Other trucks, produced on purchased chassis 37. Ambulance & rescue vehicles complete, produced on purchased chassis 38. Vans, complete, produced on purchased chassis 39. Tank trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 40. Beverage trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 41. Dump trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 42. Utility line service trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 43. Other mobile service type trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 44. Other trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis, designed primarily for transporting persons or goods, nec 45. Other trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis, not designed primarily for transporting persons or goods, nec 46. Complete vehicles produced on purchased chassis, nsk 47. Van bodies, sold separately 48. Van bodies, walk-in, sold separately 49. Van bodies, separate cab, sold separately 50. Van bodies, separate cab, insulated, sold separately 51. Van bodies, separate cab, dry freight, sold separately 52. Van bodies, separate cab, parcel delivery, sold separately /.. etc.

Titolo e contributi: Motor Vehicle Bodies World Summary

Pubblicazione: DataGroup / Data Institute

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe

The Motor Vehicle Bodies World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in about 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the115 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Motor vehicle bodies) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for115 Products/Services covered, including: MOTOR VEHICLE BODIES 1. Motor vehicle body manufactures 2. Truck, bus & other vehicle bodies incl passenger car bodies & kit cars for sale separately 3. Bus bodies for sale separately 4. Truck cabs for sale separately 5. Vans with unit body-cab for sale separately 6. Van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 7. Refrigerated (except food service) van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 8. Food service van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 9. Other van bodies with separate cab for sale separately 10. Other truck & vehicle bodies for sale separately, incl dumptruck lifting mechanisms & kit cars 11. Tank bodies for sale separately 12. Front loading garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 13. Rear loading garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 14. Side loading garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 15. Other garbage & refuse truck bodies (packer-types) for sale separately 16. Beverage truck bodies for sale separately 17. Dump truck bodies for sale separately 18. Stake & platform truck bodies for sale separately 19. Utility line service truck bodies for sale separately 20. Other mobile service type truck bodies for sale separately 21. Wrecker truck bodies for sale separately 22. Passenger car bodies 23. Kit cars 24. Motor vehicle fifth wheels, new 25. Other truck & vehicle bodies, incl dumptruck lifting mechanisms 26. Truck, bus & other vehicle bodies (incl passenger car bodies & kit cars) for sale separately, nsk 27. Bus bodies and truck cabs, sold separately 28. Bus bodies, sold separately 29. Bus bodies, school, sold separately 30. Bus bodies, other types, sold separately 31. Truck cabs, sold separately 32. Bus bodies and truck cabs, sold separately, nsk 33. Complete vehicles produced on purchased chassis 34. Buses, complete, produced on purchased chassis 35. Firefighting vehicles, complete, produced on purchased chassis 36. Other trucks, produced on purchased chassis 37. Ambulance & rescue vehicles complete, produced on purchased chassis 38. Vans, complete, produced on purchased chassis 39. Tank trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 40. Beverage trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 41. Dump trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 42. Utility line service trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 43. Other mobile service type trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis 44. Other trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis, designed primarily for transporting persons or goods, nec 45. Other trucks, complete, produced on purchased chassis, not designed primarily for transporting persons or goods, nec 46. Complete vehicles produced on purchased chassis, nsk 47. Van bodies, sold separately 48. Van bodies, walk-in, sold separately 49. Van bodies, separate cab, sold separately 50. Van bodies, separate cab, insulated, sold separately 51. Van bodies, separate cab, dry freight, sold separately 52. Van bodies, separate cab, parcel delivery, sold separately /.. etc.


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