The Dream
eBook / testo digitale

Emile Zola

The Dream

Abstract: Angelique is adopted by a couple of embroiderers, the Huberts. Enthralled by the tales of the saints and martyrs, Angelique is dreaming about a handsome prince and falls in love with Felicien d'Hautecoeur, the last in an old family of knights, heroes, and nobles in the service of Christ and of France. His father, the present Monseigneur, objects to their marrying.

Titolo e contributi: The Dream

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe

Angelique is adopted by a couple of embroiderers, the Huberts. Enthralled by the tales of the saints and martyrs, Angelique is dreaming about a handsome prince and falls in love with Felicien d'Hautecoeur, the last in an old family of knights, heroes, and nobles in the service of Christ and of France. His father, the present Monseigneur, objects to their marrying.


APA:Emile Zola, .The Dream Interactive Media.

MLA:Emile Zola, . The Dream Interactive Media.

Chicago:Emile Zola, . The Dream Interactive Media.

Harvard:Emile Zola, .The Dream Interactive Media.

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