The frogs
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The frogs

Abstract: "The Frogs" is a comedy written by the Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes.Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. Translated by E D A MorsheadE H PlumptreGilbert MurrayB B Rogers

Titolo e contributi: The frogs

Pubblicazione: Passerino Editore, 09/09/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
Dati generali (100)
  • Tipo di data: data di dettaglio

"The Frogs" is a comedy written by the Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes.Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. Translated by E D A MorsheadE H PlumptreGilbert MurrayB B Rogers


APA:Aristophanes, .(2017). The frogs Passerino Editore.

MLA:Aristophanes, . The frogs Passerino Editore.2017.

Chicago:Aristophanes, . (2017). The frogs Passerino Editore.

Harvard:Aristophanes, .(2017). The frogs Passerino Editore.

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