%0 Misc %A %E Berg, Alban Maria Johannes %E Byers, Mardi %E Büchner, Georg %E Currentzis, Teodor %E Dusplat, François %E Nigl, Georg %E Orkestr i hor Bol'šogo teatra %E Paster, Maxim %E Sommer, Andy %E Tcherniakov, Dmitri %I Bel Air Classiques %D 2012 %C Paris} %G Tedesco%T Wozzeck [Videoregistrazione] : opera in three acts with 15 scenes / libretto by Alban Berg ; based on the drama Woyzeck by Georg Büchner ; Orchestra and Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre ; conductor: Teodor Currentzis ; stage direction and set design: Dmitri Tcherniakov ; produced by François Dusplat ; directed for the video by Andy Sommer