%0 Misc
%E Ballhaus, Michael
%E Cocks, Jay
%E Cocks, Jay
%E Day-Lewis, Daniel
%E Di Caprio, Leonardo
%E Diaz, Cameron
%E Grimaldi, Alberto
%E Lonergan, Kenneth
%E Neeson, Liam
%E Scorsese, Martin
%E Shore, Howard
%E Weinstein, Harvey
%E Zaillan, Steven
%I Gazeta Wyborcza
%D 2010
%C Warszawa}
%G Polacco%T Gangi Nowego Jorku [Videoregistrazione] / a Martin Scorsese picture ; produced by Alberto Grimaldi, Harvey Weinstein ; story by Jay Cocks ; screenplay by sceneggiatura di Jay Cocks and Steven Zaillian and Kenneth Lonergan ; direted by Martin Scorsese