%0 Misc %A %E Allen, Dede %E Bailey, Charles %E Bregman, Martin %E De Laurentiis, Dino %E Kehoe, Jack %E Lumet, Sidney %E Maas, Peter %E Ornitz, Arthur J. %E Pacino, Al %E Randolph, John %E Salt, Waldo %E Theodorakis, Mikis %E Wexler, Norman %I Paramount Pictures %D 1973 %C Stati Uniti d'America} %G Italiano%T Serpico [Videoregistrazione] / based on the book by Peter Maas ; screenplay by Waldo Salt and Norman Wexler ; produced by Martin Bregman ; directed by Sidney Lumet ; a Dino De Laurentiis film ; produced by Artists Entertainments Complex ; produced for Produzioni De Laurentiis International Manufacturing Company