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Il fantasma dell'Opera


Gaston Leroux - Fabio Bezzi

Il fantasma dell'Opera

Alfaudiobook audiolibri

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Titolo e contributi: Il fantasma dell'Opera

Pubblicazione: Alfaudiobook audiolibri

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Anteprima audio: Il fantasma dell'Opera è uno dei romanzi più noti dello scrittore francese Gaston Leroux. Capolavoro del mistero, ruota attorno alla figura affascinante e respingente di Erik, 'fantasma' che vive nei misteriosi sotterranei dell'Opera di Parigi. Sfigurato in volto e crudele nell'anima, ma dotato di uno straordinario talento come musicista, Erik si innamora di Christine, bellissima e inesperta cantante, della quale diviene maestro e carceriere. Il cuore della giovane è però destinato al nobile Raoul: l'amore tra i due sarà ostacolato con ogni mezzo dal fantasma, fino a una finale redenzione. Il romanzo, che ha ispirato numerose opere cinematografiche e il famoso musical di Broadway, è letto per Alfaudiobook dall'attore Fabio Bezzi. Contenuto: Il fantasma dell'Opera (versione integrale) 45 tracce Download (size): 6 files zip (mp3)128 Kbps – 474 Mb tot. (84 Mb 92 Mb 81 Mb 85 Mb 81 Mb 51 Mb)

Mrs. Dalloway


Virginia Woolf - Debora Zuin

Mrs. Dalloway

Alfaudiobook audiolibri

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Titolo e contributi: Mrs. Dalloway

Pubblicazione: Alfaudiobook audiolibri

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Mrs. Dalloway è il primo grande romanzo di Virginia Woolf, pubblicato nel 1925. Nell’arco di una sola giornata i fili invisibili delle emozioni uniscono i due protagonisti: Clarissa Dalloway, ricca signora borghese alle prese con i preparativi per la festa che darà quella sera e Septimus Warren Smith, sopravvissuto alla 'grande guerra', a passeggio con la moglie a Regent's Park in preda alle sue allucinazioni. I due non si incontreranno mai, solo le strade di Londra, i medesimi luoghi che entrambi visitano sembrano unirli. I lunghi soliloqui di Septimus e i continui discorsi interiori, frastagliati di ricordi, di Clarissa, si alternano, rispecchiandosi e intrecciandosi; portano le informazioni della vicenda, reali e immaginate, e conducono il racconto al suo culmine durante la festa di Mrs. Dalloway. Il romanzo, che ha ispirato il film con Vanessa Redgrave, è letto per Alfaudiobook da Debora Zuin. Contenuto: Mrs. Dalloway (versione integrale) 34 tracce Download (size): 5 files zip (mp3)128 Kbps – 368 Mb tot. (85 Mb 91 Mb 88 Mb 69 Mb 35 Mb)

German Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

German Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: German Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: I tre porcellini – German edition

Fiabe in Spagnolo


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Fiabe in Spagnolo

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Fiabe in Spagnolo

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Esercita il tuo spagnolo ascoltando le nostre fiabe sonore! Un modo nuovo, utile e divertente per tenere in allenamento la tua conoscenza di una lingua straniera. Tutte le nostre fiabe sono tradotte e interpretate da traduttori e speaker madrelingua e come sempre sono arrangiate con musiche e sound design dei nostri musicisti e tecnici del suono! 'Cenerentola'; 'I tre porcellini'; 'Il gatto con gli stivali'; 'Il fagiolo magico'; 'Il tesoro della piratessa Morgana'; 'Un orsetto per amico' sono le fiabe contenute in questa raccolta in lingua spagnola. Contenuto: Fiabe in spagnolo Indice delle tracce: 01 Cenerentola Edición española - La Cenicienta 02 I tre porcellini Edición española - Los tres cerditos 03 Il fagiolo magico Edición española - Juanito y la habichuela magica 04 Il gatto con gli stivali Edición española - El gato con botas 05 Il tesoro della piratessa Morgana Edición española - El tesoro de la pirata Morgana 06 Un orsetto per amico Edición española - Un osito por amigo

Fiabe in Tedesco


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Fiabe in Tedesco

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Fiabe in Tedesco

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Esercita il tuo tedesco ascoltando le nostre fiabe sonore! Un modo nuovo, utile e divertente per tenere in allenamento la tua conoscenza di una lingua straniera. Tutte le nostre fiabe sono tradotte e interpretate da traduttori e speaker madrelingua e come sempre sono arrangiate con musiche e sound design dei nostri musicisti e tecnici del suono! 'Cenerentola'; 'I tre porcellini'; 'Il gatto con gli stivali'; 'Il fagiolo magico'; 'Il tesoro della piratessa Morgana'; 'Un orsetto per amico' sono le fiabe contenute in questa raccolta in lingua tedesca. Contenuto: Fiabe in tedesco Indice delle tracce: 01 I tre porcellini - Deutsche Abendzeitung - Die drei kleinen schweinchen 02 Il gatto con gli stivali - Deutsche Abendzeitung - Der gestiefelte kater

Portuguese Edition


Fratelli Grimm - Narratori vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Portuguese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the brothers Grimm; the standard modern version, though, should be probably identified with the one narrated by the 1958 Walt Disney animation film. The story, that many of us already know, is about a beautiful girl who…Contenuto: Cinderela - Portuguese Edition

English edition


Fratelli Grimm - Narratori vari

English edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: English edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the brothers Grimm; the standard modern version, though, should be probably identified with the one narrated by the 1958 Walt Disney animation film. The story, that many of us already know, is about a beautiful girl who…Contenuto: Cinderella– English Edition

Spanish Edition


Fratelli Grimm - Narratori vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Spanish Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the brothers Grimm; the standard modern version, though, should be probably identified with the one narrated by the 1958 Walt Disney animation film. The story, that many of us already know, is about a beautiful girl who…Contenuto: La Cenicienta - Spanish Edition

Chinese Edition


Fratelli Grimm - Narratori Vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Chinese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the Brothers Grimm; the standard modern version, though, should be probably identified with the one narrated by the 1958 Walt Disney animation film. The story, that many of us already know, is about a beautiful girl who…Contenuto:  Cinderella – Chinese Edition

Chinese Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Chinese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Jack and the beanstalk  (chinese edition)

English Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: English Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Jack and the beanstalk (english edition)

Portuguese Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Portuguese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Joao e o feijao magico

Spanish Edition


Joseph Jacobs - Narratori vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Spanish Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Would you ever accept to trade a big basket of fresh eggs with a few dried beans? It is like trading a big three-tiers cake full of custard and cream, with a jelly. You need to be brace and a bit of a hothead, but we all know that in farytales unusual things can happen. Jack, the protagonist of this nice fairytale, is convinced by a weird old woman to do this crazy trade; she promises that the beans will bring him good fortune and will solve every problem for him and his mother, and Jack believes her. All jack has to do is planting one of the dried beans in the field near his house, water it and wait! It's not easy for the boy to justify his trade, actually not very convenient, with his mum; but the eggs are gone anyway, so it only remains for him to plant a bean. Wonderful surprises await little Jack, but he will have to work hard and try to escape a fierce ogre.Contenuto: Juanito y la abicuela magica

Spanish Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Spanish Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Los tres cerditos – Spanish edition

Portuguese Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Portuguese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Os tres porquinhos - Portuguese Edition

Chinese Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Chinese Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Three Little Pigs - Chinese Edition

English Edition


AA. VV. - Narratori vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: English Edition

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In this famous fairytale, the three little pigs remind us that the easiest way, the one that requires less work, is not always the right one. If you want to get something satisfying, you have to give it some commitment. It's always the same, the three little pigs learn about it and will never forget! Their bad adventure with the wolf will teach them not to make mistakes in the future! But listen to what happened: Perry, Terry and Jerry are three funny pigs that decide to settle down on their own. Each of them wants a nice, comfy and safe house. One wants to build it in straw, one in wood and one in bricks! The three brothers start working: Jerry uses straw, in a moment his house is ready. What's so hard about it? It does not take hard labour to have a straw house. and it looks good! Nice and cosy. Perry's wooden house is also built up fast; it's quick to nail down a few wooden boards and the house just looks like a mountain chalet! Only Terry spends many days to build his brick house; and it's hard work! The pig sweats blood to make a proper work, but in the end his house is ready too. But most of all, it's safe, wolf-proof! Yes, because in this fairytale there is a hungry wolf who loves having pigs for breakfast, and goes around open-mouthed looking for his favourite prey. Will the straw house, the wooden house and the brick house stand against his fury? Listen to this beautiful tale and enjoy!Contenuto: Three Little Pigs - English Edition

Loredana Frescura - Marco Tomatis - Ti volio tanto bene


Loredana Frescura, Marco Tomatis

Loredana Frescura - Marco Tomatis - Ti volio tanto bene

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Loredana Frescura - Marco Tomatis - Ti volio tanto bene

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Anteprima audio: Maria Vittoria, detta Marvi, è una ragazzina come tante. È speciale, forse, perché dislessica, ma forse ancor di più perché guarda e vive la vita di ogni giorno cercando di diventare consapevole di ciò che fa, di ciò che vorrebbe fare e di ciò che è. E si innamora. Michele è il principe azzurro. Anzi il principe quasi azzurro, perché per diventare di un azzurro lucente, deve guadagnare molti punti. Marvi detesta i cellulari e anche un po' i computer, perché prevedono la scrittura veloce e lei non è così brava. Per molto tempo si è sentita confusa e impaurita, soprattutto dalla lettura, fino a quando, con l'aiuto di Gustavo, è riuscita a dare un nome al suo disagio: dislessia. Michele gioca a calcio e nei sogni più arditi sogna di far innamorare Clotilde. Magari di segnare un goal per lei; finché si accorge di Maria Vittoria e del suo mondo e decide di volerlo conoscere. Sarà Michele il principe azzurro di Marvi? Riuscirà a guadagnare 900 punti?  Contenuto: Ti volio tanto bene 23 tracceDownload (size):  1 file zip (mp3)128 Kbps – 142 Mb tot.



Platone - Giancarlo de Angeli; Simona Biasetti; Danilo Lanfredi


GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: Repubblica

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: Nel libro V della Repubblica di Platone, è Socrate, il sommo filosofo, l'interprete di un dialogo serrato su una Repubblica che ancora non esiste e che è soltanto auspicata. Lui e i suoi amici sono impegnati in un'analisi di quello che è più o meno positivo per il buon funzionamento dello di uno Stato Ideale. La donna e il suo ruolo, la parità di diritti e doveri con l'uomo, la condivisone dei figli, la legislazione e i legislatori ideali, sono solo alcuni dei temi toccati in questo sorprendente dialogo, estremo, rivoluzionario, anticipatore. In questo audiolibro in versione integrale reinterpretata, pensata per un ascolto ottimale, Platone, nel dialogo tra Socrate e l'amico Glaucone, sviscera e illustra il modello per eccellenza delle utopie politiche, ripreso, rimaneggiato, e messo veramente in pratica nel corso dei secoli a venire da diversi regimi, alcuni tutt'ora esistenti. È un'opera importante e fondamentale della letteratura classica antica.Contenuto: Repubblica

La tranquillità dell'animo


Seneca - Ruggero Andreozzi; Marco Troiano

La tranquillità dell'animo

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Titolo e contributi: La tranquillità dell'animo

Pubblicazione: GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: mp3
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Abstract: In questa bellissima lettera all'amico Sereno, Seneca fa un'analisi lucida e dettagliata di quello che nella vita serve per raggiugere e mantenere la tranquillità. Il grande filosofo, il cui fascino è rimasto inalterato nei secoli, dimostra il suo pensiero individuando sempre l'esatto punto di equilibrio tra gli opposti: tra ragione e religione, vita reale e stoicismo, gioia di vivere e accettazione della morte, indicando la sola via possibile per raggiugere la tranquillità fisica e dell'animo, anche con esempi e con un linguaggio di facile comprensione.Contenuto: La tranquillità dell'animo