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Audio antologia della letteratura italiana

AA. VV. - Narratori Vari

Audio antologia della letteratura italiana

il Narratore audiolibri, 04/08/2014

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Abstract: Anteprima audio: L'Audio Antologia della Letteratura Italiana (AALI) è un'opera in due volumi curata da Maurizio Falghera, fondatore de il Narratore audiolibri. Questo primo volume contiene un totale di 90 brani audio di 42 autori dal 1200 al 1700, letti da 10 narratori esperti. L' AALI è un viaggio sonoro attraverso tutta la storia della lingua italiana, i suoi mutamenti, i suoi stili letterari, i suoi generi, il suo lessico e le sue tematiche, dove le voci guidanoLeggi tutto

Audio antologia della letteratura italiana

AA. VV. - Narratori Vari

Audio antologia della letteratura italiana

il Narratore audiolibri, 04/08/2014

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Abstract: Anteprima audio: L' Audio Antologia della Letteratura Italiana (AALI) è un'opera in due volumi. Questo secondo volume in download contiene un totale di 114 brani audio di 48 autori dal 1800 al 1900 letti da 30 narratori esperti. L' AALI Vol. II  è un viaggio sonoro attraverso la storia della lingua italiana degli ultimi due secoli, i suoi mutamenti, i suoi stili letterari, i suoi generi, il suo lessico e le sue tematiche, dove le voci guidano  alle corretteLeggi tutto

Chinese Edition

Fratelli Grimm - Narratori Vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Cinderella is the heroine of a traditional fairytale based on the theme of unfair oppression followed by a triumphal redemption. The tale, originating fro China, has been told in hundreds of different versions all over the world and is part of the cultural inheritance of many peoples. Even in the West dozens of versions have been realized. The most famous ones are that by Charles Perrault (based on a transcription by Giovanni Basile) and that by the Brothers Grimm; theLeggi tutto

German Edition

Charles Perrault - Narratori Vari

German Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Who wouldn't love to have a cat like the one in Charles Perrault's amusing fairytale? A cat that can think, talk, that help his young master to get rich and famous! And to think that the relationship between cat and master has not started in a very promising way. John, the youngest of the miller's sons, inherits it from his father. What a shame! John was hoping for something more, some money, a new cart, but all his father left him is just an old scruffy cat! Who wouldLeggi tutto

Spanish Edition

Charles Perrault - Narratori Vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Who wouldn't love to have a cat like the one in Charles Perrault's amusing fairytale? A cat that can think, talk, that help his young master to get rich and famous! And to think that the relationship between cat and master has not started in a very promising way. John, the youngest of the miller's sons, inherits it from his father. What a shame! John was hoping for something more, some money, a new cart, but all his father left him is just an old scruffy cat! Who wouldLeggi tutto

Portuguese Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

Chinese Edition

Charles Perrault - Narratori Vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Who wouldn't love to have a cat like the one in Charles Perrault's amusing fairytale? A cat that can think, talk, that help his young master to get rich and famous! And to think that the relationship between cat and master has not started in a very promising way. John, the youngest of the miller's sons, inherits it from his father. What a shame! John was hoping for something more, some money, a new cart, but all his father left him is just an old scruffy cat! Who wouldLeggi tutto

English Edition

Charles Perrault - Narratori Vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Who wouldn't love to have a cat like the one in Charles Perrault's amusing fairytale? A cat that can think, talk, that help his young master to get rich and famous! And to think that the relationship between cat and master has not started in a very promising way. John, the youngest of the miller's sons, inherits it from his father. What a shame! John was hoping for something more, some money, a new cart, but all his father left him is just an old scruffy cat! Who wouldLeggi tutto

Spanish Edition

Giacomo Brunoro - Narratori Vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Camilla, Lucille and Vanessa are three indivisible friends: every summer they gather in Sandy Point to spend the three months of summer together, and they are a real bundle of mischief. But this year, one of them has found out an old forgotten map that talks about a hidden treasure: the fabulous treasure of Piratess Morgana. The three friends don't waste a moment and go hunting for the secret chest, prepared to get over all the tricks set up by the old Piratess. ThanksLeggi tutto

Portuguese Edition

Giacomo Brunoro - Narratori Vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Camilla, Lucille and Vanessa are three indivisible friends: every summer they gather in Sandy Point to spend the three months of summer together, and they are a real bundle of mischief. But this year, one of them has found out an old forgotten map that talks about a hidden treasure: the fabulous treasure of Piratess Morgana. The three friends don't waste a moment and go hunting for the secret chest, prepared to get over all the tricks set up by the old Piratess. ThanksLeggi tutto

Chinese Edition

Giacomo Brunoro - Narratori Vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Camilla, Lucille and Vanessa are three indivisible friends: every summer they gather in Sandy Point to spend the three months of summer together, and they are a real bundle of mischief. But this year, one of them has found out an old forgotten map that talks about a hidden treasure: the fabulous treasure of Piratess Morgana. The three friends don't waste a moment and go hunting for the secret chest, prepared to get over all the tricks set up by the old Piratess. ThanksLeggi tutto

English Edition

Giacomo Brunoro - Narratori Vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Camilla, Lucille and Vanessa are three indivisible friends: every summer they gather in Sandy Point to spend the three months of summer together, and they are a real bundle of mischief. But this year, one of them has found out an old forgotten map that talks about a hidden treasure: the fabulous treasure of Piratess Morgana. The three friends don't waste a moment and go hunting for the secret chest, prepared to get over all the tricks set up by the old Piratess. ThanksLeggi tutto

Chinese Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

English Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

Um Ursinho como amigo - Portuguese Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Um Ursinho como amigo - Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Anteprima audio: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won'tLeggi tutto

Spanish Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

I musicanti di Brema

Fratelli Grimm - Narratori Vari

I musicanti di Brema

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: I quattro amici hanno deciso di cambiare vita, di cercar fortuna nella grande città! Sanno suonare e cantare, sperano di diventare artisti famosi, ma la strada per Brema è lunga e il loro viaggio si interrompe in una notte senza luna.Contenuto: I musicanti di Brema

Jamal e l'oasi perduta

Giacomo Brunoro - Narratori Vari

Jamal e l'oasi perduta

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Il Beduino Casimiro è riuscito a scovare un importantissimo documento segreto che narra di una misteriosa Oasi Perduta in cui si nasconde un ricco tesoro. Nessuno però riesce a decifrare il misterioso codice con la mappa dell'Oasi. Nessuno tranne Jamal...Contenuto: Jamal e l'oasi perduta

La leggenda di Valle Nascosta

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

La leggenda di Valle Nascosta

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: La piccola Mary, l'amico Antoine e il cavallino Albert esplorano la foresta, ma in una vecchia casetta che cade a pezzi c'è una bruttissima sorpresa che li attende.Contenuto: La leggenda di Valle Nascosta