Includi: nessuno dei seguenti filtri
× Lingue Italiano
Includi: tutti i seguenti filtri
× Data 1997
× Target di lettura Elementari, età 6-10

Trovati 3 documenti.

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Die Abenteuer des Odysseus Dimiter Inkiow ; Sprecher: Peter Kaempfe

Inkiow, Dimiter

Die Abenteuer des Odysseus [Audioregistrazione] / Dimiter Inkiow ; Sprecher: Peter Kaempfe

Dortmund : Igel Genius, p1997

Fa parte di: Götter und Helden / Dimiter Inkiow

Die Heldentaten des Herkules Dimiter Inkiow ; Sprecher: Peter Kaempfe

Inkiow, Dimiter

Die Heldentaten des Herkules [Audioregistrazione] / Dimiter Inkiow ; Sprecher: Peter Kaempfe

Dortmund : Igel Genius, p1997

Fa parte di: Götter und Helden / Dimiter Inkiow

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table read by Sean Beanalin ; produced by Nicolas Soames

Flynn, Benedict

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table [Audioregistrazione] : Benedict Flynn / read by Sean Beanalin ; produced by Nicolas Soames

Gran Bretagna : Naxos AudioBooks, 1997

Junior classics [Naxos]