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Portuguese Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

Chinese Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Chinese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

English Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

English Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

Um Ursinho como amigo - Portuguese Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Um Ursinho como amigo - Portuguese Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Anteprima audio: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won'tLeggi tutto

Spanish Edition

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

Spanish Edition

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: Teddy is a sweet teddy bear who lives with his mum and dad in a little town buried between the mountains. Chris, on the contrary, is a quite arrogant little boy; he lives in a beautiful house, he has many toys, but not a single friend. Teddy hates him, he can't stand his arrogance and bullying, he does not like playing with him, but on a winter night Chris decides that he wants the bear, and reluctantly Teddy has to keep him company. But that night won't be like anyLeggi tutto

La leggenda di Valle Nascosta

Paola Ergi - Narratori Vari

La leggenda di Valle Nascosta

GOODmood Edizioni Sonore

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Abstract: La piccola Mary, l'amico Antoine e il cavallino Albert esplorano la foresta, ma in una vecchia casetta che cade a pezzi c'è una bruttissima sorpresa che li attende.Contenuto: La leggenda di Valle Nascosta