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Trovati 3 documenti.

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Perceiving talking faces


Massaro, Dominic W.

Perceiving talking faces : from speech perception to a behavioral principle / Dominic W. Massaro

Cambridge, Mass ; London : MIT press, c1998

MIT press/Bradford Books series in cognitive psychology

Titolo e contributi: Perceiving talking faces : from speech perception to a behavioral principle / Dominic W. Massaro

Pubblicazione: Cambridge, Mass ; London : MIT press, c1998

Descrizione fisica: XII, 494 p. : ill., graf. ; 27 cm

Serie: MIT press/Bradford Books series in cognitive psychology

ISBN: 0262133377


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

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Levelt, Willelm J.M.

Speaking : from intention to articulation / Willelm J.M. Levelt

Cambridge [etc.] : MIT press, 1993

ACL-MIT press series in natural language processing - A Bradford book

Titolo e contributi: Speaking : from intention to articulation / Willelm J.M. Levelt

Pubblicazione: Cambridge [etc.] : MIT press, 1993

Descrizione fisica: XIV, [4], 566 p. : ill. ; 23 cm

Serie: ACL-MIT press series in natural language processing - A Bradford book

ISBN: 0262620898


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Segue: Appendice
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What the hands reveal about the brain


Poizner, Howard

What the hands reveal about the brain / Howard Poizner, Edward S. Klima, amd Ursula Bellugi

Cambridge [etc.] : MIT press, 1990

A Bradford book - Issues in the biology of language and cognition

Titolo e contributi: What the hands reveal about the brain / Howard Poizner, Edward S. Klima, amd Ursula Bellugi

Pubblicazione: Cambridge [etc.] : MIT press, 1990

Descrizione fisica: XVII, [3], 236 p. : ill. ; 23 cm

Serie: A Bradford book - Issues in the biology of language and cognition

ISBN: 0262660660


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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