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Trovati 145 documenti.

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Cambridge English for the Scuola Media Littlejohn Andrew, Hicks Diana

Littlejohn Andrew

Cambridge English for the Scuola Media : Workbook One / Littlejohn Andrew, Hicks Diana

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997

The Word of English Farrell Mark with Franca Rossi and Regina Ceriani

Farrel Mark

The Word of English / Farrell Mark with Franca Rossi and Regina Ceriani

Harlow : Longman, 2001

Drawing and painting text: Lola Núñez and Monserrat Herrero

Herrero, Monserrat

Drawing and painting : student's book / text: Lola Núñez and Monserrat Herrero

Madrid : Santillana educación, c2003

Fa parte di: Art and craft 22

Abstract: Drawing and Painting is an attractive and well-organised art education course, which reflects the interests and natural expressive abilities of primary school children. The course is presented in two blocks: Two-dimensional work dealing with self-expression and traditional drawing, and three-dimensional work which involves assembling solid objects and modelling and building techniques (

Art and craft 5

Art and craft 5

Madrid : Santillana educación, c2003-

Abstract: Drawing and Painting is an attractive and well-organised art education course, which reflects the interests and natural expressive abilities of primary school children. The course is presented in two blocks: Two-dimensional work dealing with self-expression and traditional drawing, and three-dimensional work which involves assembling solid objects and modelling and building techniques (

Drawing and painting text: Lola Núñez and Monserrat Herrero

Núñez, Lola

Drawing and painting : student's book / text: Lola Núñez and Monserrat Herrero

Madrid : Santillana educación, c2003

Fa parte di: Art and craft 12

Abstract: Drawing and Painting is an attractive and well-organised art education course, which reflects the interests and natural expressive abilities of primary school children. The course is presented in two blocks: Two-dimensional work dealing with self-expression and traditional drawing, and three-dimensional work which involves assembling solid objects and modelling and building techniques (

Polar zones

Polar zones : places of harshness

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2009

Materialien für den bilingualen Unterricht [Cornelsen]. Geographie

Inglese compatto a cura di Edigeo

Inglese compatto : dizionario inglese-italiano, italiano-inglese / a cura di Edigeo

4. ed

Bologna : Zanichelli, 2017

Time for dominoes, English

Time for dominoes, English

Recanati : ELI, c1996

Abstract: Each domino has on one half, a picture of a clock showing the time, and on the other half, a time in written form. Players have to match the times on the dominoes. There are two playing possibilities: using on the hour and on the half hour times or alternatively players can use quarter past and quarter to forms

Picture Bank Susan Thomas

Thomas, Susan

Picture Bank : miniflashcards language games / Susan Thomas

Harlow : Longman, c1999

Open doors 1 Norman Whitney .. [et al.]

Whitney, Norman

Open doors 1 : workbook / Norman Whitney .. [et al.]

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1998

English Zone Level 2 Arthur Lois, Nolasco Rob

Arthur Lois

English Zone Level 2 : Workbook / Arthur Lois, Nolasco Rob

Oxford : Oxford University Press ; Firenze : La nuova Italia, 200

English Zone Level 1 Nolasco Rob

Nolasco Rob

English Zone Level 1 : Student's Book / Nolasco Rob

Oxford : Oxford University Press ; Firenze : La nuova Italia, 200

La donna di Parigi written, directed and scored by Charles Chaplin
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

La donna di Parigi [Videoregistrazione] / written, directed and scored by Charles Chaplin

Milano : Warner Home Video, c2005

Charlie Chaplin collection ; 9

Abstract: Marie aspetta Jean alla stazione, ma lui non può raggiungerla poiché suo padre è morto proprio in quelle ore. Così, credendosi abbandonata, Marie parte per Parigi dove diventa l'amante del ricco Pierre Ravel. Quando Jean la ritrova, Marie si vergogna della sua nuova vita e non accetta di tornare con lui.. (

Jane Eyre [original text written by] Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Anna Trewin ; illustrated by Hannah Peck ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

Trewin, Anna

Jane Eyre / [original text written by] Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Anna Trewin ; illustrated by Hannah Peck ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 4

Animal farm [original text written by] George Orwell ; retold by Nick Bullard ; illustrated by Adam Linley ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

Bullard, Nick

Animal farm / [original text written by] George Orwell ; retold by Nick Bullard ; illustrated by Adam Linley ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 3

Frankenstein [original text written by] Mary Shelley ; retold by Helen Holwill ; illustrated by Rohan Eason ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

Holwill, Helen

Frankenstein / [original text written by] Mary Shelley ; retold by Helen Holwill ; illustrated by Rohan Eason ; series editor: Sorrel Pitts

London [etc.] : Penguin books, 2020

Penguin readers [Penguin books]. Level 5

Just the job, English

Just the job, English

Recanati : ELI, c1996

Abstract: Players match cards from pack 1, with the names of jobs, to those in pack 2, with the illustration, or to those in pack 3, with the job description. The game can be played in different ways and in varying levels of difficulty.

Belle and the spell

Belle and the spell

Milano : The Walt Disney company Italia, c2005

Disney's Magic English Prime letture [Walt Disney]. Livello 2

Garzanti inglese progetto diretto da Lucia Incerti Caselli

Garzanti inglese : inglese-italiano italiano-inglese / progetto diretto da Lucia Incerti Caselli

Ed. speciale realizzata per TV Sorrisi e Canzoni

Milano : Garzanti, stampa 2006

I dizionari medi [Garzanti]

Everyday objects

Everyday objects

Bicester : Speechmark, 2000
