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Trovati 39 documenti.

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Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe

De Foe, Daniel

Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe

Köln : Könemann, 2000

Könemann classics

The war of the worlds produced by George Pal ; directed by Byron Haskin ; screenplay by Barré Lyndon ; based on the novel by H.G. Wells
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

The war of the worlds [Videoregistrazione] / produced by George Pal ; directed by Byron Haskin ; screenplay by Barré Lyndon ; based on the novel by H.G. Wells

Germania : Paramount Pictures, c2000

Abstract: Un corpo fiammeggiante, che ha l'aspetto di un enorme aerolito, cade una sera nelle vicinanze di una piccola città della California, richiamando un gran numero di cittadini, tra i quali il pastore con la nipote ed un giovane scienziato, che studia l'energia nucleare. Questi scopre che il misterioso oggetto è pericolosamente radioattivo; e durante la notte il presunto aerolito rivela la sua vera natura. Si tratta di una specie di macchina infernale, dalla quale esconoLeggi tutto

British life and institutions Mark Farrell

Farrell, Mark

British life and institutions / Mark Farrell

London : Chancerel International Publishers, 2000

English fairy tales Illustrationen von Frieda Wiegand

English fairy tales : Auswahl und Übersetzung von Eva, Gisela und Helga Wachinger / Illustrationen von Frieda Wiegand

6. Aufl

München : Dtv, 2000

Dtv zweisprachig ; 9281

The girl with no name Pat Lowe ; edited by Britt-Katrin Keson ; illustrated by Peter Bay Alexandersen

The girl with no name / Pat Lowe ; edited by Britt-Katrin Keson ; illustrated by Peter Bay Alexandersen

Kopenhagen : Aschehoug, 2000

Easy readers [Aschehoug]. B

Abstract: Matthew had heard that there were Aboriginal rock paintings somewhere in Goanna Gorge, and he was determined to search for them. "It's an adventure", he had told his parents. "I've always wanted to see what it's like to sleep by myself in the bush". Discovering the paintings had been very exciting, but now Matthew realised he couldn't find his way back ..

Das geheime Tal Cynthia und Brian Paterson ; aus dem Englischen von Wolfram Sadowski

Paterson, Cynthia

Das geheime Tal / Cynthia und Brian Paterson ; aus dem Englischen von Wolfram Sadowski

München : Parabel, c2000

Fuchswaldgeschichten [Parabel ]

Titanic Barbara Chatwin

Chatwin, Barbara

Titanic / Barbara Chatwin

Milano : La spiga languages, c2000

Very easy readers. Activity books. Elementary

Faschismus in der Provinz

Faschismus in der Provinz

Wien [etc.] : Folio, 2000

Fa parte di: Geschichte und Region = Storia e regione1 (1999)

The Beatles in Rishikesh Paul Saltzman ; foreword by Stephen Maycock

Saltzman, Paul

The Beatles in Rishikesh / Paul Saltzman ; foreword by Stephen Maycock

New York : Penguin Putnam Inc., 2000

Der Brockhaus in einem Band

Der Brockhaus in einem Band

9., vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Aufl.

Mannheim : Brockhaus, c2000

Far from the madding crowd Thomas Hardy

Hardy, Thomas

Far from the madding crowd / Thomas Hardy

Milano : La spiga languages, 2000

Improve your English. Intermediate

Thomas Bernhard dargestellt von Hans Höller

Höller, Hans

Thomas Bernhard / dargestellt von Hans Höller

6. Aufl.

Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 2000

RORORO Bild-Monographien ; 50504

Gulliver's travels Jonathan Swifts ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

Swift, Jonathan

Gulliver's travels / Jonathan Swifts ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

2. ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford university press]. Classics, Stage 4

Abstract: Con appendice didattica

Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Brontë, Charlotte

Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Fantasy & horror, Stage 6

Abstract: Con appendice didattica

Cena Trimalchionis Petronius Arbiter ; ad usum discipulorum edidit Hans H. Orberg

Petronius Arbiter

Cena Trimalchionis : ex Petronii satyricon libris / Petronius Arbiter ; ad usum discipulorum edidit Hans H. Orberg

Montella : Accademia Vivarium Novum, 2000

Scarlet and black Stendhal ; retold by Duncan Campbell-Smith

Campbell-Smith, Duncan

Scarlet and black / Stendhal ; retold by Duncan Campbell-Smith

Harlow : Pearson education, 2000

Penguin readers. Level 6

Happy songs Sharon Hartle

Hartle, Sharon

Happy songs : songs and activities for children : level 1 / Sharon Hartle

Bussolengo : Mela Music, c2000

Spiegelgrund Johann Gross ; mit einem Vorw. von Christine Nöstlinger und einem Nachw. von Wolfgang Neugebauer

Gross, Johann

Spiegelgrund : Leben in NS-Erziehungsanstalten / Johann Gross ; mit einem Vorw. von Christine Nöstlinger und einem Nachw. von Wolfgang Neugebauer

Wien : Ueberreuter, 2000

I dolori del giovane Werther J. Wolfgang Goethe ; introduzione di Silvana De Lugnani ; traduzione di Piero Bianconi

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang <von>

I dolori del giovane Werther / J. Wolfgang Goethe ; introduzione di Silvana De Lugnani ; traduzione di Piero Bianconi

6. ed

Milano : Rizzoli, 2000

BUR. Classici del pensiero ; 1006

Südtirols Schule in Zahlen Antonio Gulino, Juliane Pattis, Monika Kafmann

Gulino, Antonio

Südtirols Schule in Zahlen : von den 70er Jahren bis zur Jahrtausendwende = La scuola in cifre in provincia di Bolzano : dagli anni '70 al 2000 / Antonio Gulino, Juliane Pattis, Monika Kafmann

Bolzano : ASTAT, 2000

ASTAT Schriftenreihe = Collana ASTAT ; 80