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× Livello lingua B1

Trovati 43 documenti.

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Life of Pi adapted from the Award-winning novel by Yann Martel ; [adapted by Jane Rollason]

Rollason, Jane

Life of Pi / adapted from the Award-winning novel by Yann Martel ; [adapted by Jane Rollason]

London : Scholastic, 2014

Scholastic readers. Level 3

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Brunico - Biblioteca dell’istituto pluricomprensivoScaffale aperto
428. ROL
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
The call of the wild Jack London ; adaptation and activities by Silvana Sardi ; illustrated by Marco Somà

Sardi, Silvana

The call of the wild / Jack London ; adaptation and activities by Silvana Sardi ; illustrated by Marco Somà

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Teen ELI readers. Stage 3

Fit fürs Zertifikat B1 Johannes Gerbes, Frauke van der Werff

Gerbes, Johannes

Fit fürs Zertifikat B1 : Deutschprüfung für Erwachsene / Johannes Gerbes, Frauke van der Werff

Ismaning : Hueber, 2013

Tipps und Übungen

Destination Karminia Maureen Simpson ; illustrated by Simone Pontieri

Simpson, Maureen

Destination Karminia / Maureen Simpson ; illustrated by Simone Pontieri

Recanati : ELI, 2010

Teen ELI readers. Stage 3

Perfekt 3 Gabriella Montali, Daniela Mandelli, Nadja Czernohous Linzi

Montali, Gabriella

Perfekt 3 : corso di lingua e cultura tedesca per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado : 3 Kursbuch, Infoseiten, Arbeitsbuch, Zertifikat Deutsch B1 / Gabriella Montali, Daniela Mandelli, Nadja Czernohous Linzi

Nuova ed

Torino : Loescher, 2018

Scopri +

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Brunico - Biblioteca dell’istituto pluricomprensivoScaffale aperto
438. MON III
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare ; adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; extra activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; introduction and dossiers by Robert Hill ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna

Sellen, Derek

Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare ; adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; extra activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; introduction and dossiers by Robert Hill ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2007

Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

Abstract: The story of Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the best-known love story of all time. The tragic but triumphant story of Shakespeare's two young 'starcrossed lovers' still shines through in this version retold in modern English. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Die Verwandlung Franz Kafka ; nacherzählt von Peggy Katelhön ; Illustrationen von Arianna Vairo

Katelhön, Peggy

Die Verwandlung / Franz Kafka ; nacherzählt von Peggy Katelhön ; Illustrationen von Arianna Vairo

Recanati : ELI, 2012

Erwachsene ELI Lektüren. Niveau 3

Fit fürs Zertifikat B1 Johannes Gerbes, Frauke van der Werff

Gerbes, Johannes

Fit fürs Zertifikat B1 : Deutschprüfung für Jugendliche / Johannes Gerbes, Frauke van der Werff

Ismaning : Hueber, 2014

Tipps und Übungen [Hueber]

Werkstatt B1 von Spiros Koukidis

Koukidis, Spiros

Werkstatt B1 : Training zur Prüfung Zertifikat B1 / von Spiros Koukidis

Athen : Praxis, c2013

Übungsbuch- und Testbuch Beate Müller-Karpe, Alexandra Olejárová

Müller-Karpe, Beate

Übungsbuch- und Testbuch / Beate Müller-Karpe, Alexandra Olejárová

Überarbeitete Ausgabe passend zur aktuellen Prüfung

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2014

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Klett Sprachen]

Fa parte di: So geht's zum DSD I (A2/B1)1

Lehrerhandbuch zum Übungs- und Testbuch Beate Müller-Karpe, Alexandra Olejárová

Müller-Karpe, Beate

Lehrerhandbuch zum Übungs- und Testbuch / Beate Müller-Karpe, Alexandra Olejárová

Überarbeitete Ausgabe passend zur aktuellen Prüfung

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2014

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Klett Sprachen]

Fa parte di: So geht's zum DSD I (A2/B1)2


smartGrammar : soluzioni] : Norma Iandelli .. [et al.

Recanati : ELI, c2014

Abstract: smartGrammar è una grammatica di riferimento ed esercitazione interamente a quattro colori fruibile in tutto il quinquennio. Con le spiegazioni chiarissime ed esaurienti e la varietà di esercitazioni fornite, risponde pienamente alle esigenze degli studenti della secondaria di 2. grado. (

Prüfungstraining DSD Stufe 1 von Jürgen Weigmann

Weigmann, Jürgen

Prüfungstraining DSD Stufe 1 : deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz / von Jürgen Weigmann

Neue Ausgabe : nach neuer Prüfungsordnung

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2018

Hamlet William Shakespeare ; adaptation and teaching material by Federica Cappello

Shakespeare, William

Hamlet / William Shakespeare ; adaptation and teaching material by Federica Cappello

Milano : Hoepli, 2024

Simplified classics. Level B1

The Tudors Caterina Lerro e Luisa Marro

Lerro, Caterina

The Tudors : a royal soap opera : lives, loves and deaths of the most famous english Royal Family / Caterina Lerro e Luisa Marro

Napoli : Esselibri ; Napoli : Simone per la scuola, 2011

Leggere in italiano L2 gruppo di lavoro Marcella Perisutti .. [et al.

Leggere in italiano L2 : adattamento didattico di Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli : per alunni con background migratorio : Livello A2-B1, scuola secondaria di 2. grado / gruppo di lavoro Marcella Perisutti .. [et al.

Bolzano : Provincia autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige, 2014

Val's diary Mary Flagan ; illustrated by Laura Ferracioli

Flagan, Mary

Val's diary / Mary Flagan ; illustrated by Laura Ferracioli

Recanati : ELI, 2009

Teen ELI readers. Stage 3

Entführung in Koln Paul Breuer

Breuer, Paul

Entführung in Koln / Paul Breuer

Torino : Loescher, 2020

Einfach lesen [Loescher]

The picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Antonio van der Zee

Bowie, Jane

The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Bowie ; illustrated by Antonio van der Zee

Recanati : ELI, c2010

Young adult Eli readers. stage 3

Arbeitsbuch von Spiros Koukidis, Andrea Näfken

Koukidis, Spiros

Arbeitsbuch / von Spiros Koukidis, Andrea Näfken

Athen : Praxis, 2014

Fa parte di: Werkstatt B1