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Trovati 15 documenti.

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Italian ways Tim Parks

Parks, Tim

Italian ways / Tim Parks

London : Vintage Books, 2014

Abstract: In 1981 Tim Parks moved from England to Italy and spent the next thirty years alongside hundreds of thousands of Italians on his adopted country's vast, various and ever-changing networks of trains. Through memorable encounters with ordinary Italians - conductors and ticket collectors, priests and prostitutes, scholars and lovers, gypsies and immigrants - Tim Parks captures what makes Italian life distinctive. He explores how trains helped build Italy and how the railwaysLeggi tutto

This is One Direction by Fiona Davis

Davis, Fiona

This is One Direction / by Fiona Davis

London : Scholastic, 2014

Scholastic readers. Level 1

Life of Pi adapted from the Award-winning novel by Yann Martel ; [adapted by Jane Rollason]

Rollason, Jane

Life of Pi / adapted from the Award-winning novel by Yann Martel ; [adapted by Jane Rollason]

London : Scholastic, 2014

Scholastic readers. Level 3

Lamb the slaughter ; The wish Roald Dahl

Dahl, Roald

Lamb the slaughter ; The wish : racconti / Roald Dahl

Milano : Vallardi, 2014

Letture guidate [Vallardi] - Impara l'inglese con [Vallardi]

The complete english grammar for italian students with dyslexia Jon Hird ; expert advisor: Veruska Costenaro and Antonella Pesce

Hird, Jon

The complete english grammar for italian students with dyslexia : grammar summaries and exercises adapted for students with dyslexia / Jon Hird ; expert advisor: Veruska Costenaro and Antonella Pesce

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2014

The boy who talked with animals Roald Dahl

Dahl, Roald

The boy who talked with animals / Roald Dahl

Milano : Vallardi, 2014

Letture guidate [Vallardi] - Impara l'inglese con [Vallardi]

The tempest William Shakespeare ; adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Gascoigne, Jennifer

The tempest / William Shakespeare ; adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2014

Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: Prospero, duca di Milano, viene derubato del suo titolo dal fratello Antonio e condannato a morire in mare con la piccola figlia Miranda. Tuttavia essi sopravvivono e tredici anni dopo li ritroviamo su un’isola deserta, dove hanno trovato una nuova dimora. Un giorno una nave, che ospita illustri passeggeri, passa nelle vicinanze dell'isola. Prospero, che ora è diventato un potentissimo mago, evoca una violenta tempesta e fa naufragare la nave.. (

The Hobbit or, There and back again J. R. R. Tolkien

Tolkien, J. R. R.

The Hobbit or, There and back again / J. R. R. Tolkien

London : Harper Collins, 2014

Abstract: Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely traveling any farther than his pantry or cellar. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard Gandalf and a company of dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an adventure. They have launched a plot to raid the treasure hoard guarded by Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon. Bilbo reluctantly joins their quest, unaware that on his journey to the LonelyLeggi tutto

The secret of the stones Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri

Heward, Victoria

The secret of the stones / Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri

Genova : Black cat, 2014

Green apple [Black cat]. Starter

Abstract: Twins Max and Laura spend an exciting summer in a small village near Stonehenge. A mysterious symbol, their uncle’s old book of codes and secrets, strange people looking for a secret and much more. The two young and brave ‘detectives’ will be involved in many exciting adventures.


smartGrammar : soluzioni] : Norma Iandelli .. [et al.

Recanati : ELI, c2014

Abstract: smartGrammar è una grammatica di riferimento ed esercitazione interamente a quattro colori fruibile in tutto il quinquennio. Con le spiegazioni chiarissime ed esaurienti e la varietà di esercitazioni fornite, risponde pienamente alle esigenze degli studenti della secondaria di 2. grado. (

Poison Roald Dahl

Dahl, Roald

Poison / Roald Dahl

Milano : Vallardi, 2014

Letture guidate [Vallardi] - Impara l'inglese con [Vallardi]

The hitch-hiker Roald Dahl

Dahl, Roald

The hitch-hiker / Roald Dahl

Milano : Vallardi, stampa 2014

Letture guidate [Vallardi] - Impara l'inglese con [Vallardi]

The Mildenhall treasure Roald Dahl

Dahl, Roald

The Mildenhall treasure / Roald Dahl

Milano : Vallardi, 2014

Letture guidate [Vallardi] - Impara l'inglese con [Vallardi]


smartGrammar : Norma Iandelli .. [et al.]

Recanati : ELI, c2014

Abstract: smartGrammar è una grammatica di riferimento ed esercitazione interamente a quattro colori fruibile in tutto il quinquennio. Con le spiegazioni chiarissime ed esaurienti e la varietà di esercitazioni fornite, risponde pienamente alle esigenze degli studenti della secondaria di 2. grado. (

The swan Roald Dahl

Dahl, Roald

The swan / Roald Dahl

Milano : Vallardi, 2014

Letture guidate [Vallardi] - Impara l'inglese con [Vallardi]