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× Data 1950
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× Livello lingua B2

Trovati 36 documenti.

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Complete first for schools Guy Brook-Hart, Susan Hutchison ..(et a.)

Brook-Hart, Guy

Complete first for schools : student's book and workbook, with eBook and digital pack / Guy Brook-Hart, Susan Hutchison ..(et a.)

2. ed

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press : UCLES, 2022

Jack the ripper Peter Foreman

Foreman, Peter

Jack the ripper / Peter Foreman

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: Since the autumn of 1988, when he terrorised London, Jack the Ripper has become famous all over the world. Here is the full story of the most mysterious kileer in the history of crime.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Deutsch intensiv Stefan Kreutzmüller

Kreutzmüller, Stefan

Deutsch intensiv : Grammatik B2 : das Training / Stefan Kreutzmüller

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2018

Wortschatz B2 Arwen Schnack

Schnack, Arwen

Wortschatz B2 : Das Training : Deutsch intensiv / Arwen Schnack

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2020

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Klett]

Entführung in Koln Paul Breuer

Breuer, Paul

Entführung in Koln / Paul Breuer

Torino : Loescher, 2020

Einfach lesen [Loescher]

Erzählungen Rainer Maria Rilke ; Anmerkungen und didaktische Bearbeitung von Claudio Brigliano und Fiorenza Doni

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Erzählungen / Rainer Maria Rilke ; Anmerkungen und didaktische Bearbeitung von Claudio Brigliano und Fiorenza Doni

Milano : Hoepli, c2011

Klassiker [Hoepli]. Lesen

The seven ages of .. William Shakespeare Caterina Lerro, Luisa Marro

Lerro, Caterina

The seven ages of .. William Shakespeare : a social history of the Shakesperian time / Caterina Lerro, Luisa Marro

Napoli : Esselibri ; Napoli : Simone per la scuola, 2005

The merchant of Venice William Shakespeare ; adapted and activities by Robert Hill ; illustrated by Anna and Elena Balbusso

Hill, Robert

The merchant of Venice / William Shakespeare ; adapted and activities by Robert Hill ; illustrated by Anna and Elena Balbusso

Genova [etc.] : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2015

Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: Per aiutare Bassanio, Antonio chiede un prestito all’ebreo Shylock. Quando gli affari di Antonio cominciano ad andar male, restituire il denaro diventa impossibile e Shylock può pretendere in cambio una libbra di carne del mercante. (

Lehrbuch von Spiros Koukidis und Artemis Maier

Koukidis, Spiros

Lehrbuch / von Spiros Koukidis und Artemis Maier

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; text adaption and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustated by Giorgio Baroni

Gascoigne, Jennifer

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; text adaption and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustated by Giorgio Baroni

New ed.

Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2013

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

Abstract: Mrs Bennet has five daughters to be married: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia. So, when rich and friendly Mr Bingley comes to live in their village bringing an even richer, but unfriendly, Mr Darcy with him, Mrs Bennet is delighted and hopeful. However, something goes wrong, as Mr Bingley loses interest in Jane and Mr Darcy and Elizabeth clearly dislike each other.. or do they? (

A midsummer night's dream William Shakespeare ; text adaptation, notes and activities by James Butler and Lucia De Vanna ; additional activities by Rebecca Raynes

Butler, James

A midsummer night's dream / William Shakespeare ; text adaptation, notes and activities by James Butler and Lucia De Vanna ; additional activities by Rebecca Raynes

New ed

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2003

Reading & training [Cideb]. Pre-intermediate - Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Wortschatz & Grammatik B2 Anneli Billina ; Susanne Geiger; Marion Techmer

Billina, Anneli

Wortschatz & Grammatik B2 / Anneli Billina ; Susanne Geiger; Marion Techmer

1. Aufl

Ismaning : Hueber, 2017

Deutsch üben - Freude an Sprachen

The sign of four Arthur Conan Doyle ; adaptationan and teaching material Lidia Parodi, Marina Vallacco

Parodi, Lidia

The sign of four / Arthur Conan Doyle ; adaptationan and teaching material Lidia Parodi, Marina Vallacco

Milano : Hoepli, 2013

Simplified classics [Hoepli]. Level B2

Abstract: Yellow fog is swirling through the streets of London, and Sherlock Holmes himself is sitting in a cocaine-induced haze until the arrival of a distressed and beautiful young lady forces the great detective into action. Each year following the strange disappearance of her father, Miss Morstan has received a present of a rare and lustrous pearl. Now, on the day she is summone..

Othello William Shakespeare ; text adaptation and notes by Lucy Parker ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Parker, Lucy

Othello / William Shakespeare ; text adaptation and notes by Lucy Parker ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2001

Reading & training [Cideb]. Pre-Intermediate - Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1 - Black Cat [CIDEB]

Der Ruf der Tagesfische und andere Geschichten Leonhard Thoma

Thoma, Leonhard

Der Ruf der Tagesfische und andere Geschichten / Leonhard Thoma

Ismaning : Hueber, 2007

Hueber Lesehefte - Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Hueber]

Abstract: Kurzgeschichten für fortgeschrittene Deutschlernende (Niveaustufe B2) mit Worterklärungen, Übungen und Lösungen

Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana Susanna Nocchi

Nocchi, Susanna

Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana : esercizi, test, giochi / Susanna Nocchi

Ed. aggiornata, tutta a colori, con moltissimi nuovi schemi, esercizi e test a punti

Firenze : Alma, 2011

The tempest William Shakespeare ; adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Gascoigne, Jennifer

The tempest / William Shakespeare ; adapted by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2014

Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: Prospero, duca di Milano, viene derubato del suo titolo dal fratello Antonio e condannato a morire in mare con la piccola figlia Miranda. Tuttavia essi sopravvivono e tredici anni dopo li ritroviamo su un’isola deserta, dove hanno trovato una nuova dimora. Un giorno una nave, che ospita illustri passeggeri, passa nelle vicinanze dell'isola. Prospero, che ora è diventato un potentissimo mago, evoca una violenta tempesta e fa naufragare la nave.. (

Der blutige Pfad Nina Wagner, Claudia Peter, Madeleine Walther

Wagner, Nina

Der blutige Pfad / Nina Wagner, Claudia Peter, Madeleine Walther

2. Aufl

München : Circon, 2019

Lernkrimi Deutsch

Abstract: Grausige Funde auf einem beliebten Wanderweg, eine Serie von Verbrechen in einer Kleinstadt und ein toter Anwalt. (4a di cop.)

Dracula Bram Stoker ; test adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Brodey, Kenneth

Dracula / Bram Stoker ; test adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2009

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: Jonathan Harker travels to a Castle in Transylvania to sell a London house to a certain Count Dracula. He soon laters that this polite aristocrat is a vampire.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

David Copperfield Charles Dickens ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 5

Abstract: 'Please, Mr Murdstone! Don't beat me! I've tried to learn my lessons, really I have, sir!' sobs David. Although he is only eight years old, Mr Murdstone does beat him, and David is so frightened that he bites his cruel stepfather's hand. For that, he is kept locked in his room for five days and nights, and nobody is allowed to speak to him.. (