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Trovati 135 documenti.

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Jugend ohne Gott Ödön von Horvàth ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth ; illustriert von Fabio Sardo

Seiffarth, Achim

Jugend ohne Gott / Ödön von Horvàth ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth ; illustriert von Fabio Sardo

Genova : Cideb, 2009

Lesen und üben [Cideb]. Niveau drei B1

Südtiroler Sagen ausgewählt und bearbeitet von Bruno Mahlknecht ; mit Farbillustrationen von Elisabeth Aukenthaler-Oberrauch

Südtiroler Sagen / ausgewählt und bearbeitet von Bruno Mahlknecht ; mit Farbillustrationen von Elisabeth Aukenthaler-Oberrauch

Bolzano : Athesia, 1981

Artemis Fowl. Eoin Colfer

Colfer, Eoin

Artemis Fowl.. book 1 / Eoin Colfer

London : Puffin, 2011

Abstract: Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is a millionaire, a genuis, and, above all, a criminal mastermind. But even Artemis doesn't know what he's taken on when he kidnaps a fairy, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These aren't the fairies of bedtime stories, they're dangerous! Full of unexpected twists and turns, Artemis Fowl is a riveting, magical adventure.

Frankenstein Mary Shelley ; bearbeitet von Sabine Werner ; illustriert von Gianni De Conno

Werner, Sabine

Frankenstein / Mary Shelley ; bearbeitet von Sabine Werner ; illustriert von Gianni De Conno

Genua : Cideb, 2007

Lesen und üben [Cideb]. Niveau Eins

Ein Feriencamp voller Überraschungen Annette Weber

Weber, Annette

Ein Feriencamp voller Überraschungen : Lektüre für Jugendliche / Annette Weber

München : Hueber, 2018

Le petit prince Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine <de ; 1900-1944>

Le petit prince / Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Paris : Gallimard jeunesse, c2007

Folio junior [Gallimard] ; 100

Abstract: Le Petit Prince est un garçon aux cheveux d'or et au rire cristallin, qui ne répond pas aux questions qu'on lui pose mais ne renonce jamais à une question une fois qu'il l'a posée. Il habite sur une planète à peine plus grande que lui, l'astéroïde B 612, dont le sol est infesté de graines de baobab. Il possède une rose, née un matin en même temps que le soleil, orgueilleuse et capricieuse, qui l'accable de reproches. Il profite alors d'une migration d'oiseaux sauvagesLeggi tutto

The young Victoria directed by Jean-Marc Vallée ; written by Julian Fellowes
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

The young Victoria [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Jean-Marc Vallée ; written by Julian Fellowes

Gran Bretagna : Momentum Pictures, 2009

Abstract: Inghilterra, 1837. La giovane principessa Vittoria, appena 17enne, si ritrova al centro della lotta dinastica per decidere chi sarà l'erede al trono d'Inghilterra. Suo zio, Re William, sta per morire e lei è la sua discendente diretta, per cui sono in molti a contendersi i suoi favori. L'unica persona a cercare di isolarla è sua madre, la duchessa del Kent. Quando arriva a farle visita suo cugino Alberto, figlio di Re Leopoldo del Belgio, Vittoria sa benissimo che ilLeggi tutto

Time games Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli

Heward, Victoria

Time games / Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli

Genoa [etc.] : Cideb : Black cat, 2013

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

Abstract: Like many 15 year olds, Adam prefers computer games to school work, but he can't understand why one of his favourite games seems to have a life of its own. And why is he suddenly hearing voices? Why can't anyone else see the strange boy outside the school gates? And why does the boy look so like Adam? He finds the answers he's looking for and a lot more besides hundreds of years in the past.. (

A Martian comes to stay ; Uninvited ghosts Penelope Lively

Lively, Penelope

A Martian comes to stay ; Uninvited ghosts : racconti / Penelope Lively

Milano : Vallardi, stampa 2015

Letture guidate [Vallardi] - Impara l'inglese con [Vallardi]

Abstract: Peter è in vacanza dalla nonna, in campagna, quando un marziano bussa alla porta per chiedere in prestito una chiave inglese: deve riparare l'astronave. Mentre Peter e la nonna gli procurano l'attrezzo senza battere ciglio, il disco volante riparte in tutta fretta, abbandonando il compagno a terra. Inizia così l'avventura con il nuovo, curioso ospite della nonna.. (

Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl Judith Kerr ; aus dem Englischen von Annemarie Böll

Kerr, Judith

Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl / Judith Kerr ; aus dem Englischen von Annemarie Böll

Ravensburg : Ravensburger Buchverlag, 1980

Ravensburger Taschenbuch ; 58003

Rémi et Juliette Léo Lamarche

Lamarche, Léo

Rémi et Juliette / Léo Lamarche

Paris : Hachette ; Milano : Sansoni per la scuola, c2010

Biblio jeunes [Hachette]

The hunger games. Suzanne Collins

Collins, Suzanne

The hunger games.. book 2. Catching fire / Suzanne Collins

London : Scholastic, 2009

Fa parte di: Catching fire

Abstract: After winning the brutal Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen returns to her district, hoping for a peaceful future. But Katniss starts to hear rumours of a deadly rebellion against the Capitol. A rebellion that she and Peeta have helped to create. As Katniss and Peeta are forced to visit the districts on the Capitol's cruel Victory Tour, the stakes are higher than ever. Unless Katniss and Peeta can convince the world that they are still lost in their love for each other, theLeggi tutto

Eine Geschichte aus Westfalen Annette von Droste-Hülshoff ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth ; illustriert von Duilio Lopez

Seiffarth, Achim

Eine Geschichte aus Westfalen / Annette von Droste-Hülshoff ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth ; illustriert von Duilio Lopez

Genova : Cideb, 2011

Lesen und üben [Cideb]. Niveau drei B1

Mord im Schloss Felix Farwick

Mord im Schloss / Felix Farwick

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Lesen [Hoepli]. Krimis

Julie et le bateau fantôme Adam Roy

Roy, Adam

Julie et le bateau fantôme / Adam Roy

Paris : Hachette ; Milano : Sansoni per la scuola, c2009

Biblio jeunes [Hachette]

Percy Jackson & the Olimpians. Rick Riordan

Riordan, Rick

Percy Jackson & the Olimpians.. book 1. The lightning thief / Rick Riordan

New York : Hyperion, 2006

Fa parte di: The lightning thief

Abstract: Zeus and Poseidon meet at a skyscraper, where Zeus reveals that his master lightning bolt is stolen and accuses Poseidon's demigod son Percy Jackson of the theft. Poseidon reminds him that Percy is unaware of his true identity, but Zeus declares that unless Percy returns the lightning bolt to Mount Olympus before the next summer solstice, war is waged. Percy is a seventeen-year-old teenager who appears to be dyslexic, but has a unique ability to stay underwater for aLeggi tutto

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; a cura di Maria Luisa Pozzi Lolli e Mariella Stagi Scarpa

Austen, Jane

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; a cura di Maria Luisa Pozzi Lolli e Mariella Stagi Scarpa

Torino : Società editrice internazionale, 1998

Writers of the english speaking world [SEI]

L'enfant de Noé Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Schmitt, Éric-Emmanuel

L'enfant de Noé / Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Paris : Albin Michel, 2004

Le livre de poche [Albin Michel] ; 30935

Abstract: 1942. Joseph a sept ans. Séparé de sa famille, il est recueilli par le père Pons, un homme simple et juste, qui ne se contente pas de sauver des vies. Mais que tente-t-il de préserver, tel Noé, dans ce monde menacé par un déluge de violence ?

Great mysteries of our world Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Great mysteries of our world / Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

Abstract: Some of the world's most puzzling mysteries remain unsolved. Do you think a fast sports car can be evil and kill its drivers? Would you wear a splendid diamond that brings bad luck?.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Le rocher de Tanios Amin Maalouf

Maalouf, Amin

Le rocher de Tanios : roman / Amin Maalouf

Paris : Grasset, c1993

Le livre de poche [Grasset] ; 13891