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Oliver Twist Charles Dickens ; illustrated by Maja Celija ; [retold by Sarah Gudgeon]

Gudgeon, Sarah

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; illustrated by Maja Celija ; [retold by Sarah Gudgeon]

Recanati : ELI, 2010

Teen Eli readers. Stage 1

The wonderful Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum ; retold and activities by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

The wonderful Wizard of Oz / L. Frank Baum ; retold and activities by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Recanati : ELI, 2012

Young Eli readers. Stage 2

Aladdin and the magic lamp retold activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Aladdin and the magic lamp / retold activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Recanati : ELI, 2012

Young Eli readers. Stage 1

In search of a missing friend Maureen Simpson ; illustrated by Andrea Goroni

Simpson, Maureen

In search of a missing friend / Maureen Simpson ; illustrated by Andrea Goroni

Recanati : ELI, 2009

Teen ELI readers. Stage 1

Abstract: No one knows where Wills has gone, and his best friends, the twins Harry and Camilla, are very worried. Last time they saw him, Wills was with the Black Hand Gang, and he looked extremely unhappy.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Grammar & exam buster Lisa Suett .. [et al.

Grammar & exam buster : grammar practice, esame di stato, Invalsi, Cambridge English: key for school (KET), trinity GESE grades 3-4 / Lisa Suett .. [et al.

Recanati : ELI, c2015

Peter Pan J. M. Barrie ; retold by Richard B. A. Brown ; illustrated by Elena Prette

Brown, Richard B. A.

Peter Pan / J. M. Barrie ; retold by Richard B. A. Brown ; illustrated by Elena Prette

Recanati : ELI, 2009

Young Eli readers. Stage 3

Abstract: Questa è la storia di un ragazzo che non vuole crescere, della sua amica Wendy e della fatina gelosa Tinker Bell.. (