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Trivial pursuit


Trivial pursuit : family edition

Pawtucket : Hasbro, c2013

Titolo e contributi: Trivial pursuit : family edition

Pubblicazione: Pawtucket : Hasbro, c2013

Descrizione fisica: 1 scatola (1 tabellone di gioco, 200 carte (divise per ragazzi e per adulti), 2 contenitori per carte, 1 dado, 6 pedine, 36 cunei segnapunti, regole del gioco) ; 27x20x6 cm


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Trivial pursuit
  • Dati dalla scatola
  • With cards for kids and adults, the whole family can get a kick out of this fun-filled Family Edition of Trivial Pursuit! Family members of all ages can test their smarts with question after question in 6 categories. The game's fresh questions and faster pace make for quick-play trivia, and with 1,200 questions (600 for adults, 600 for kids) you'll never run out of the learning, laughing fun in Trivial Pursuit Family Edition! Trivial Pursuit and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro. (
  • Giocatori: da 2
  • Sulla scatola: Quick-play trivia for the whole family
  • Età: dai 5 ai 10 anni
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