Krauss, Nicole
Forest dark / Nicole Krauss
New York [etc.] : Harper perennial, 2018
Titolo e contributi: Forest dark / Nicole Krauss
Pubblicazione: New York [etc.] : Harper perennial, 2018
Descrizione fisica:
290 p. ; 21 cm
ISBN: 9780062431004
Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)
Condividi il titolo
Jules Epstein, a man whose drive, avidity, and outsized personality have, for sixty-eight years, been a force to be reckoned with, is undergoing a metamorphosis. In the wake of his parents' deaths, his divorce from his wife of more than thirty years, and his retirement from the New York legal firm where he was a partner, he's felt an irresistible need to give away his possessions, alarming his children and perplexing the executor of his estate. With the last of his wealth, he travels to Israel, with a nebulous plan to do something to honor his parents.