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× Data 1994
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The very hungry caterpillar


Carle, Eric

The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle

New York : Philomel Books, 1994

Titolo e contributi: The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle

Pubblicazione: New York : Philomel Books, 1994

Descrizione fisica: [9] c. : in gran parte ill. color. ; 13x18 cm

ISBN: 9780399226908


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • V. cartonato, sagomato e traforato
Condividi il titolo

Abstract: This mini hardcover edition of Eric Carle's classic story begins one sunny Sunday, when the caterpillar was hatched out of a tiny egg. He was very hungry. On Monday, he ate through one apple; on Tuesday, he ate through three plums--and still he was hungry. Strikingly bold, colorful pictures and a simple text in large, clear type tell the story of a hungry little caterpillar's progress through an amazing variety and quantity of foods. Full at last, he made a cocoon around himself and went to sleep, to wake up a few weeks later wonderfully transformed into a butterfly! (