Biblioteca civica di Merano, Biblioteca di Sinigo

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× Livello lingua C1
× Data 2023

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Klara and the Sun Annotationen und Zusatztexte von Franziska Heymann

Ishiguro, Kazuo

Klara and the Sun : Kazuo Ishiguro / Annotationen und Zusatztexte von Franziska Heymann

1. Aufl

Stuttgart : Klett, 2023

Klett English Editions

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Biblioteca CivicaScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Nobel Prize winning author Kazuo Ishiguro looks at our rapidly changing world through the eyes of an unforgettable narrator, Klara, a machine who is also very human. When she becomes part of the human community, she is expected to confront and solve the enormous problems that her new family struggles with - their struggles become her struggles. What can and can't artificial intelligence do? Can a machine love (and be loved)?