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Trovati 58 documenti.

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iBoy Kevin Brooks

Brooks, Kevin

iBoy / Kevin Brooks

London : Penguin books, 2010

Abstract: Before the attack, sixteen-year-old Tom Harvey was just an ordinary boy. But now fragments of a shattered iPhone are embedded in his brain and it's having an extraordinary effect ..Because now Tom has powers. The ability to know and see more than he could ever imagine. And with incredible power comes knowledge - and a choice. Seek revenge on the violent gangs that rule his estate and assaulted his friend Lucy, or keep quiet? Tom has control when everything else is out ofLeggi tutto

The princess diaries Meg Cabot ; retold by Anne Collins

Cabot, Meg

The princess diaries [Medienkombination] / Meg Cabot ; retold by Anne Collins

10th ed

Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann ELT, 2010

Macmillan readers. Elementary

Mockingjay Suzanne Collins

Collins, Suzanne

Mockingjay / Suzanne Collins

London : Scholastic, 2010

The hunger games / Suzanne Collins ; 3

Abstract: This is the final book in the ground-breaking "Hunger Games" trilogy. Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she's made it out of the bloody arena alive, she's still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what' worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss' family, not her friends, not the people of District 12.

Firelight Sophie Jordan

Jordan, Sophie

Firelight / Sophie Jordan

New York : Harper Collins Publishers, 2010

Abstract: When sixteen-year-old Jacinda, who can change into a dragon, is forced to move away from her community of shapeshifters and start a more normal life, she falls in love with a boy who proves to be her most dangerous enemy.

Jagd auf Roter Oktober a John McTiernan film ; screenplay by Larry Ferguson and Donald Stewart ; based on the novel by Tom Clancy ; produced by Mace Neufeld ; directed by John McTiernan
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Jagd auf Roter Oktober [Bildtonträger] / a John McTiernan film ; screenplay by Larry Ferguson and Donald Stewart ; based on the novel by Tom Clancy ; produced by Mace Neufeld ; directed by John McTiernan

Unterföhring : Paramount Home Entertainment, c2010

Abstract: Das supermoderne russische Atom-U-Boot "Roter Oktober" nimmt Kurs auf die USA. Weder Sowjets noch Amerikaner wissen, was Kapitän Ramius (Sean Connery) vorhat. Ist er ein Überläufer oder droht den USA der atomare Erstschlag? Die Jagd auf "Roter Oktober" beginnt. Nur drei Tage bleiben beiden Weltmächten, um die perfekteste Waffe aller Zeiten zu stoppen .. (

Il tempo che ci rimane un film di Elia Suleiman ; direttore della fotografia Marc-Andre Batigne
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Il tempo che ci rimane [Videoregistrazione] / un film di Elia Suleiman ; direttore della fotografia Marc-Andre Batigne

Roma : BIM ; Milano : Feltrinelli, 2010

Le nuvole [Feltrinelli]

Fa parte di: Il tempo che ci rimane

Abstract: La cronaca di un amore che sfonda i confini della stupidità umana, il racconto col sorriso sulle labbra di una storia di odio perenne che non riesce a diventare passato.

The garden party and other stories Katherine Mansfield

Mansfield, Katherine

The garden party and other stories / Katherine Mansfield

Oxford [u. a.] : Oxford University press, 2010

Oxford Bookworms Library. Stage 5

Abstract: Oh, how delightful it is to fall in love for the first time! How exciting to go to your first dance when your are a girl of eighteeen. But life can also be hard and cruel, if you are young and inexperienced and travelling alone across Europe .. or if you are a child from the wrong social class .. or a singer without work and the rent to be paid. Set in Europe and New Zealand, these nine stories by Katerine Mansfield dig deep beneath the appearances of life to show us theLeggi tutto

Over, under & through and other spatial concepts by Tana Hoban

Hoban, Tana

Over, under & through and other spatial concepts / by Tana Hoban

New York : Simon & Schuster books for young readers, stampa 2010

Abstract: Leap-frogging over a fire hydrant, ducking under "London Bridge," crawling through a pipe tunnel. Tana Hoban's brilliant photographs of children transform these activities into a fascinating exploration of spatial concepts. There are twelve concepts in all, and some surprising discoveries for the young child.. (

Geraldine, the music mouse Leo Lionni

Lionni, Leo

Geraldine, the music mouse / Leo Lionni

New York : Dragonfly books, 2010?

Abstract: Geraldina non aveva mai sentito la musica. Rumori sì, tanto: le voce della gente, lo sbattere delle porte, l'abbaiare dei cani, il gorgoglio dell'acqua, i miagolii dei gatti. E naturalmente il sussurrio dei topi. Ma musica mai. Poi un bel mattino.. (

One foot wrong Sofie Laguna

Laguna, Sofie

One foot wrong / Sofie Laguna

London : Allison & Busby, 2010

Bob Dylan a Martin Scorsese picture ; produced by Jeff Rosen .. ; directed by Martin Scorsese
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Bob Dylan [Bildtonträger] : no direction home / a Martin Scorsese picture ; produced by Jeff Rosen .. ; directed by Martin Scorsese

München : Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2010

Süddeutsche Zeitung - Cinemathek. Dokumentarfilm Musik

Abstract: Bob Dylan gehört zweifellos zu den prägendsten, inspirierendsten und bahnbrechendsten Musikern unserer Zeit. Von seinen Wurzeln in Minnesota über seine frühe Zeit in den Kaffeehäusern von Greenwich Village zu seinem turbulenten Aufstieg zum Popstar im Jahr 1966 mit bis dato unveröffentlichtem Material, exklusiven Interviews und seltenen Konzertauftritten erzählt Martin Scorsese die außergewöhnliche Geschichte dieser lebenden amerikanischen Legende.

Ice age Regie: Chris Wedge ; Produzent: Lori Forte ; Story: Michael J. Wilson ; Drehbuch: Michael Berg, Michael J. Wilson und Peter Ackerman
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Ice age [Bildtonträger] / Regie: Chris Wedge ; Produzent: Lori Forte ; Story: Michael J. Wilson ; Drehbuch: Michael Berg, Michael J. Wilson und Peter Ackerman

Deutschland : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2010

Fa parte di: Ice age 1, 2 & 31

Abstract: Die Eiszeit. Die Welt vor 20.000 Jahren. Riesige, majestätische Tiere bevölkern den Erdball - sieht man einmal von einem Quartett gar nicht so edler Vierbeiner ab. Und das sind Manni, das verbiesterte wollige Mammut, Sid, das stinkfaule, ungehobelte Faultier, Diego, der ebenso heimtückische wie verschlagene Säbelzahntiger, und last but not least der Urzeitbewohner Scrat, eine reichlich mißratene Mischung aus Eichhörnchen und Ratte.. (

Colors, numbers, letters Leo Lionni

Lionni, Leo

Colors, numbers, letters : 3 books in 1 / Leo Lionni

New York [etc.] : Knopf, 2010

The Canterville ghost Oscar Wilde

Wilde, Oscar

The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde / Übers. von Angela Uthe-Spencker

Neuübers., 20. Aufl

München : Dt. Taschenbuch-Verl, 2010

dtv ; 9110.^dtv-zweisprachig

The importance of being earnest Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Rollason

Wilde, Oscar

The importance of being earnest / Oscar Wilde ; retold by Jane Rollason

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2010

Penguin readers. Level 2

Abstract: Gwendolen thinks that she loves Ernest. Cecily thinks that she loves Ernest too. But who is Ernest really? What kind of man is he? Read this funny play and laugh. Or act it to your friends and they will laugh. This is a wonderful play by one of the greatest writers of his time.

The wedding girl Sophie Kinsella writing as Madeleine Wickham.

Kinsella, Sophie

The wedding girl / Sophie Kinsella writing as Madeleine Wickham.


London : Black Swan, 2010

Abstract: At eighteen, Milly was up for anything. So when a friend asked her to marry him just so that he could stay in England, she didn't hesitate. To make it seem real she dressed up in wedding finery and posed on the steps of the registry office for photographs. Now, ten years later, Milly is a very different person. Engaged to Simon - who is good-looking, wealthy and adores her - she is about to have the biggest and most elaborate wedding imaginable, all masterminded by herLeggi tutto

Die Mumie Regie: Karl Freund ; Drehbuch: Nina Wilcox Putnam, Richard Schayer, John L. Balderston ; Produktion: Carl Laemmle Jr.
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Die Mumie [Bildtonträger] / Regie: Karl Freund ; Drehbuch: Nina Wilcox Putnam, Richard Schayer, John L. Balderston ; Produktion: Carl Laemmle Jr.

Hamburg : Universal Pictures, c2010

Universal Horror

Abstract: Karloff spielt Im-Ho-Tep, die Mumie, die nach 3.700 Jahren durch eine Gruppe britischer Archäologen versehentlich wieder zum Leben erweckt wird. Eine Rückblende zeigt, dass er einst ein Hohepriester war, der lebendig einbalsamiert wurde. Er hatte versucht, seine große Liebe wieder zum Leben zu erwecken, nachdem sie als Jungfrau geopfert worden war .. (

The promise Bruce Springsteen

Springsteen, Bruce

The promise [Audioregistrazione] / Bruce Springsteen

Stati Uniti d'America : Sony Music Entertainment, 2010

Progress Take That

Take That <gruppo musicale>

Progress [Audioregistrazione] / Take That

Gran Bretagna : Polydor, 2010

Neil Young a Jonathan Demme picture ; produced by Ilona Herzberg ; produced and directed by Jonathan Demme
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Neil Young [Bildtonträger] : heart of gold / a Jonathan Demme picture ; produced by Ilona Herzberg ; produced and directed by Jonathan Demme

München : Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2010

Süddeutsche Zeitung - Cinemathek. Dokumentarfilm Musik

Abstract: 19. August 2005. Nashville, Tennessee: Ein Mann sitzt allein Auf der Bühne des Ryman Auditorium - der Wallfahrtsort für Country-Liebhaber. Er singt und spielt, doch die Show ist längst vorbei, das Publikum gegangen. Kein Applaus am Ende des Liedes. Der Mann packt behutsam seine Gitarre ein, verschwindet wortlos. Neil Young, einer der wohl größten Songschreiber der Musikgeschichte, hat kurz zuvor zwei Konzerte von ungeahnter Tiefe und Emotionalität beendet. Im MittelpunktLeggi tutto